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A Doll's House a play by Henrik Ibsen.json
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A Doll's House a play by Henrik Ibsen.json
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Egil T�rnqvist says of the alternative title: "Rather than being superior to the traditional rendering, it simply sounds more idiomatic to Americans."', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '1976403790'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781976403798'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 176, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=fHnpswEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&cd=1&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=fHnpswEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/A_Doll_s_House_a_Play_by_Henrik_Ibsen.html?hl=&id=fHnpswEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=fHnpswEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'The title of the play is most commonly translated as A Doll's House, though some scholars use A Doll House.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'JW-KzgEACAAJ', 'etag': '4KsuIPVcxic', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/JW-KzgEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': "A Doll's House", 'authors': ['Henrik Ibsen'], 'publishedDate': '2021-05-05', 'description': 'The title "A Doll\'s House" is an all-time classic play. It is a three-act play written by Norway\'s Henrik Ibsen in 1879 and premiered in Copenhagen that year. It is a masterpiece, that portrays for the first time the tragic hypocrisy of Victorian middle-class marriage on the stage. It bears profound relevancy for the way it deals with the fate of a married woman, Nora Helmer, who at the time in Norway lacked reasonable opportunities for self-fulfillment in a male-dominated world. A must-read title.', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9798749058628'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 131, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=JW-KzgEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&cd=2&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=JW-KzgEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/A_Doll_s_House.html?hl=&id=JW-KzgEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JW-KzgEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'The title "A Doll's House" is an all-time classic play. It is a three-act play written by Norway's Henrik Ibsen in 1879 and premiered in Copenhagen that year.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'jdhkzgEACAAJ', 'etag': 'AXamvyh4oi4', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/jdhkzgEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': "A Doll's House", 'subtitle': 'A Play', 'authors': ['Henrik Ibsen'], 'publishedDate': '2021-04-06', 'description': "This title A Doll's House was written two years after The Columns of Society and was Ibsen's first drama to cause a sensation. Today it is perhaps his most famous work and its reading is required in many schools and universities. When The Doll's House was published, it generated great controversy, as it strongly criticized the marriage rules of the 19th century. Although Ibsen denied that his work was feminist, it is considered by many critics to be the first truly feminist play.Nora thinks she is happily married to Torvaldo. They have been married for eight years and have three children. In addition, Torvaldo Helmer will assume the position of director in the bank where he works in the new year. Nils Krogstad tries to recover his honor from society and his children, but he knows that Torvaldo will fire him because of his corrupt background. To avoid this, he blackmails Nora, who sees his happiness collapse.", 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9798734090527'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 114, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=jdhkzgEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=jdhkzgEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=jdhkzgEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&cd=3&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=jdhkzgEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/A_Doll_s_House.html?hl=&id=jdhkzgEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jdhkzgEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'This title A Doll's House was written two years after The Columns of Society and was Ibsen's first drama to cause a sensation.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'CnWigZodFkIC', 'etag': 'TVXqsUtJHx4', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/CnWigZodFkIC', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'The League of Youth', 'subtitle': "A Doll's House ; The Lady from the Sea", 'authors': ['Henrik Ibsen'], 'publisher': 'Penguin', 'publishedDate': '1965', 'description': "Different stages in the Norwegian playwright's literary and philosophical development are represented in three dramas", 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '0140441468'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9780140441468'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 340, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'categories': ['Drama'], 'averageRating': 4, 'ratingsCount': 3, 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': '', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=CnWigZodFkIC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=CnWigZodFkIC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=CnWigZodFkIC&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&cd=4&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=CnWigZodFkIC&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/The_League_of_Youth.html?hl=&id=CnWigZodFkIC'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': True}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=CnWigZodFkIC&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'Different stages in the Norwegian playwright's literary and philosophical development are represented in three dramas'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'yqUTvgAACAAJ', 'etag': '//pXz/7E3J0', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/yqUTvgAACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': "A Doll's House", 'subtitle': 'A Three-act Play in Prose', 'authors': ['Henrik Ibsen'], 'publisher': 'Createspace Independent Publishing Platform', 'publishedDate': '2016-09-21', 'description': 'A Doll\'s House is a three-act play in prose by Henrik Ibsen. It premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 21 December 1879, having been published earlier that month. The title of the play is most commonly translated as A Doll\'s House, though some scholars use A Doll House. John Simon argues that the only significance in the alternative translation is the difference in the way the toy is named in Britain and the United States. Egil Tornqvist argues that the alternative "simply sounds more idiomatic to Americans." The play opens at Christmas time as Nora Helmer enters her home carrying a number of packages. Nora\'s husband Torvald is working in his study when she arrives. He playfully rebukes her for spending so much money on Christmas gifts, calling her his "little squirrel." He teases her about how she spent weeks making gifts and ornaments by hand last year because money was scarce. This year Torvald is due a promotion at the bank where he works, so Nora feels that they can let themselves go a little. The maid announces two visitors: Mrs. Kristine Linde, an old friend of Nora\'s, who has come seeking employment, and Dr. Rank, a close friend of the family, who is let into the study. Kristine has had a difficult few years, ever since her husband died leaving her with no money or children.', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '1539002314'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781539002314'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 74, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=yqUTvgAACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=yqUTvgAACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=yqUTvgAACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&cd=5&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=yqUTvgAACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/A_Doll_s_House.html?hl=&id=yqUTvgAACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=yqUTvgAACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'A Doll's House is a three-act play in prose by Henrik Ibsen.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'RSprtAEACAAJ', 'etag': 'zr9DWYuP3Qw', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/RSprtAEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': "A Doll's House", 'authors': ['Henrik Ibsen'], 'publishedDate': '2017-08-27', 'description': "A Doll House (literally translated A Doll's home from the original Norwegian title Et dukkehjem) is an 1879 play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen.A Doll House, written two years after The Pillars of Society, was the first of Ibsen's plays to create a sensation and is now perhaps his most famous play, and required reading in many secondary schools and universities. The play was highly controversial when first published, as it is sharply critical of 19th Century marriage norms. It follows the formula of well-made play up until the final act, when it breaks convention by ending with a discussion, not an unraveling. It is often called the first true feminist play, although Ibsen denied this", 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '197583545X'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781975835453'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 80, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=RSprtAEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=RSprtAEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=RSprtAEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&cd=6&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=RSprtAEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/A_Doll_s_House.html?hl=&id=RSprtAEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=RSprtAEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'A Doll House (literally translated A Doll's home from the original Norwegian title Et dukkehjem) is an 1879 play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'lkMltwEACAAJ', 'etag': 'imO8xNYx8i4', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/lkMltwEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'A Doll ́s House', 'authors': ['Henrik Ibsen'], 'publishedDate': '2018-03-18', 'description': 'A Doll\'s House (Bokmål: Et dukkehjem; also translated as A Doll House) is a three-act play written by Norway\'s Henrik Ibsen. It premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 21 December 1879, having been published earlier that month. The play is set in a Norwegian town circa 1879.The play is significant for the way it deals with the fate of a married woman, who at the time in Norway lacked reasonable opportunities for self-fulfillment in a male-dominated world. It aroused a great sensation at the time, and caused a "storm of outraged controversy" that went beyond the theatre to the world newspapers and society.In 2006, the centennial of Ibsen\'s death, A Doll\'s House held the distinction of being the world\'s most performed play that year. UNESCO has inscribed Ibsen\'s autographed manuscripts of A Doll\'s House on the Memory of the World Register in 2001, in recognition of their historical value.The title of the play is most commonly translated as A Doll\'s House, though some scholars use A Doll House. John Simon says that A Doll\'s House is "the British term for what we call a \'dollhouse\'". Egil Törnqvist says of the alternative title: "Rather than being superior to the traditional rendering, it simply sounds more idiomatic to Americans."', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '1980591296'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781980591290'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 109, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=lkMltwEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&cd=7&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=lkMltwEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/A_Doll_%CC%81s_House.html?hl=&id=lkMltwEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=lkMltwEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'A Doll's House (Bokmål: Et dukkehjem; also translated as A Doll House) is a three-act play written by Norway's Henrik Ibsen.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': '8YTJzgEACAAJ', 'etag': 'twZT5Wnqro0', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/8YTJzgEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': "A Doll's House", 'subtitle': 'The 19th Century Classic Play', 'authors': ['Henrik Ibsen'], 'publishedDate': '2021-09-25', 'description': 'A Ground Breaking Classic Play by Henrik Ibsen A Doll\'s House by Norwegian author Henrik Ibsen is a play first published in 1879. A celebrated theatrical classic exploring the hypocrisy of Victorian social standards. This edition features the English translation by Robert Farquharson Sharp. Excerpt \'A HELMER. That is like a woman! But seriously, Nora, you know what I think about that. No debt, no borrowing. There can be no freedom or beauty about a home life that depends on borrowing and debt. We two have kept bravely on the straight road so far, and we will go on the same way for the short time longer that there need be any struggle.\' Synopsis The play centers on the fate of a married woman, who at the time in Norway lacked reasonable opportunities for self-fulfilment in a male-dominated world, despite the fact that Ibsen denied it was his intent to write a feminist play. It aroused a great sensation at the time, and caused a "storm of outraged controversy" that extended beyond the theatre to the world press and throughout the society of the time. A powerful theatrical classic. Title Details ◆ 1923 English translation ◆ Play, theatre ◆ 5 x 8 in ◆ Matte Cover ◆ White Paper', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9798484497102'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 127, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=8YTJzgEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&cd=8&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=8YTJzgEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/A_Doll_s_House.html?hl=&id=8YTJzgEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=8YTJzgEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'A celebrated theatrical classic exploring the hypocrisy of Victorian social standards. This edition features the English translation by Robert Farquharson Sharp. Excerpt 'A HELMER. That is like a woman!'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': '6JIFEAAAQBAJ', 'etag': 'HpFk5qKnOAo', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/6JIFEAAAQBAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'Classic European Plays', 'subtitle': "Saint Joan, An Ideal Husband, and A Doll's House", 'authors': ['George Bernard Shaw', 'Oscar Wilde', 'Henrik Ibsen'], 'publisher': 'Open Road Media', 'publishedDate': '2020-11-03', 'description': 'These three timeless plays showcase the sparkling wit and provocative intellect of some of modern drama’s greatest playwrights. Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw: This complex drama depicts the life of Joan of Arc—from her childhood vision calling her to lead the French army against the English in the Hundred Years War through her eventual capture, trial, and burning at the stake. An epilogue depicts a retrial that clears Joan of heresy, declaring her a Christian martyr. An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde: In this timeless drawing room comedy, a blackmail scheme forces a married couple to reexamine their moral standards—providing a wry commentary on the hypocrisy of politicians. Carried along by nonstop witty repartee, this is satirical theater at its finest. A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen: This quintessential work of dramatic realism depicts one woman’s struggle against patriarchal society. The central character’s rejection of a smothering marriage shocked theatergoers of the late nineteenth century while the play’s pioneering style set the stage for twentieth century domestic drama.', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781504064958'}, {'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '150406495X'}], 'readingModes': {'text': True, 'image': True}, 'pageCount': 432, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'categories': ['Drama'], 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': '', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=6JIFEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=6JIFEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&edge=curl&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=6JIFEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&cd=9&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=6JIFEAAAQBAJ&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=6JIFEAAAQBAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': True, 'listPrice': {'amount': 9.53, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'retailPrice': {'amount': 9.53, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'buyLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=6JIFEAAAQBAJ&rdid=book-6JIFEAAAQBAJ&rdot=1&source=gbs_api', 'offers': [{'finskyOfferType': 1, 'listPrice': {'amountInMicros': 9530000, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'retailPrice': {'amountInMicros': 9530000, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}}]}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'PARTIAL', 'embeddable': True, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': True, 'acsTokenLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books/download/Classic_European_Plays-sample-epub.acsm?id=6JIFEAAAQBAJ&format=epub&output=acs4_fulfillment_token&dl_type=sample&source=gbs_api'}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': True, 'acsTokenLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books/download/Classic_European_Plays-sample-pdf.acsm?id=6JIFEAAAQBAJ&format=pdf&output=acs4_fulfillment_token&dl_type=sample&source=gbs_api'}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=6JIFEAAAQBAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'SAMPLE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'Carried along by nonstop witty repartee, this is satirical theater at its finest. A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen: This quintessential work of dramatic realism depicts one woman’s struggle against patriarchal society.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'uKzNzgEACAAJ', 'etag': 'OJ9lSqTtvZc', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/uKzNzgEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': "A Doll's House", 'subtitle': 'Annotated', 'authors': ['Henrik Ibsen'], 'publishedDate': '2021-07-15', 'description': 'A Doll\'s House (Danish and Bokmål: Et dukkehjem; also translated as A Doll House) is a three-act play written by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. It premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 21 December 1879, having been published earlier that month. The play is set in a Norwegian town circa 1879. The play is significant for the way it deals with the fate of a married woman, who at the time in Norway lacked reasonable opportunities for self-fulfillment in a male-dominated world, despite the fact that Ibsen denied it was his intent to write a feminist play. It aroused a great sensation at the time and caused a "storm of outraged controversy" that went beyond the theatre to the world newspapers and society. In 2006, the centennial of Ibsen\'s death, A Doll\'s House held the distinction of being the world\'s most performed play that year. UNESCO has inscribed Ibsen\'s autographed manuscripts of A Doll\'s House on the Memory of the World Register in 2001, in recognition of their historical value. The title of the play is most commonly translated as A Doll\'s House, though some scholars use A Doll House. John Simon says that A Doll\'s House is "the British term for what [Americans] call a \'dollhouse\'". Egil Törnqvist says of the alternative title: "Rather than being superior to the traditional rendering, it simply sounds more idiomatic to Americans."', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9798537962038'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 142, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=uKzNzgEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&cd=10&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=uKzNzgEACAAJ&dq=title:A+Doll%27s+House++a+play+by+Henrik+Ibsen&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/A_Doll_s_House.html?hl=&id=uKzNzgEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=uKzNzgEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'A Doll's House (Danish and Bokmål: Et dukkehjem; also translated as A Doll House) is a three-act play written by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen.'}}]}