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Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse.json
{'kind': 'books#volumes', 'totalItems': 393, 'items': [{'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'ZD5pPgAACAAJ', 'etag': 'mfKUh25ZrCI', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/ZD5pPgAACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'Siddhartha', 'authors': ['Hermann Hesse', 'Buddha'], 'publisher': 'New Directions Books', 'publishedDate': '2009', 'description': 'Written in a prose of almost biblical simplicity and beauty, Siddhartha is the story of a soul\'s long quest for the answer to the enigma of man\'s role on earth. As a youth, the young Indian Siddhartha meets the Buddha but isn\'t content with the disciple\'s role. He must work out his own destiny--a torturous road on which he experiences a love affair with the beautiful courtesan Kamala, the temptation of success and riches, the heartache of struggling with his own son, and finally, renunciation and self-knowledge. The name "Siddhartha" is often given to the Buddha himself--perhaps a clue to Hesse\'s aims contrasting the traditional legendary figure with his own conception. This new edition of the classic Siddhartha includes The Dhammapada ("Path of Virtue"), the 423 verses attributed to the Buddha himself, which forms the essence of the ethics of Buddhist philosophy.', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '0811218503'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9780811218504'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 0, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'categories': ['Fiction'], 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=ZD5pPgAACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=ZD5pPgAACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=ZD5pPgAACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&cd=1&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=ZD5pPgAACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/Siddhartha.html?hl=&id=ZD5pPgAACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ZD5pPgAACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'This new edition of the classic Siddhartha includes The Dhammapada ("Path of Virtue"), the 423 verses attributed to the Buddha himself, which forms the essence of the ethics of Buddhist philosophy.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': '1acOswEACAAJ', 'etag': 'XF+RJJ7IOCU', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/1acOswEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'Siddhartha', 'authors': ['Hermann Hesse'], 'publisher': 'Digireads.com', 'publishedDate': '2015-06-17', 'description': 'The title of this novel is a combination of two Sanskrit words, "siddha," which is defined as "achieved," and "artha" which is defined as "meaning" or "wealth." The word serves as the name for the principal character, a man on a spiritual journey of self-discovery during the time of the first Buddha. Siddhartha is the son of a wealthy Brahmin family who decides to leave his home in the hopes of gaining spiritual illumination. Siddhartha is joined by his best friend Govinda. The two renounce their earthly possessions, engage in ritual fasting and intense meditation and ultimately seek out and speak with Gautama, the original Buddha. Here the two go their separate ways, Govinda joining the order of the Buddha, Siddhartha traveling on in search of spiritual enlightenment. In order to complete this novel Hesse immersed himself in the sacred teachings of both Hindu and Buddhist scriptures and lived a semi-reclusive life in order to achieve his own spiritual enlightenment. Considered one of Hesse\'s most important works, "Siddhartha" remains to this day as one of his most popular. It is a work that deals with the quest that we all undertake in some way or another, to define our lives in an environment of conflicting dualities and ultimately find spiritual awareness. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper.', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '1420951483'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781420951486'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 0, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'categories': ['Fiction'], 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=1acOswEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=1acOswEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=1acOswEACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&cd=2&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=1acOswEACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/Siddhartha.html?hl=&id=1acOswEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=1acOswEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'The title of this novel is a combination of two Sanskrit words, "siddha," which is defined as "achieved," and "artha" which is defined as "meaning" or "wealth.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'TNK3NU6nuCUC', 'etag': 'XuzG+oJUE90', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/TNK3NU6nuCUC', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'Siddhartha', 'authors': ['Hermann Hesse'], 'publisher': 'New Directions Publishing', 'publishedDate': '2010-07-27', 'description': 'By the Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature A book—rare in our arid age—that takes root in the heart and grows there for a lifetime. Here the spirituality of the East and the West have met in a novel that enfigures deep human wisdom with a rich and colorful imagination. Written in a prose of almost biblical simplicity and beauty, it is the story of a soul\'s long quest in search of he ultimate answer to the enigma of man\'s role on this earth. As a youth, the young Indian Siddhartha meets the Buddha but cannot be content with a disciple\'s role: he must work out his own destiny and solve his own doubt—a tortuous road that carries him through the sensuality of a love affair with the beautiful courtesan Kamala, the temptation of success and riches, the heartache of struggle with his own son, to final renunciation and self-knowledge. The name "Siddhartha" is one often given to the Buddha himself—perhaps a clue to Hesse\'s aims in contrasting the traditional legendary figure with his own conception, as a European (Hesse was Swiss), of a spiritual explorer.', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9780811219761'}, {'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '0811219763'}], 'readingModes': {'text': True, 'image': True}, 'pageCount': 67, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'categories': ['Fiction'], 'averageRating': 3.5, 'ratingsCount': 154, 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': True, 'contentVersion': '', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=TNK3NU6nuCUC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=TNK3NU6nuCUC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&edge=curl&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=TNK3NU6nuCUC&printsec=frontcover&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&cd=3&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=TNK3NU6nuCUC&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=TNK3NU6nuCUC'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': True, 'listPrice': {'amount': 9.54, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'retailPrice': {'amount': 6.49, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'buyLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=TNK3NU6nuCUC&rdid=book-TNK3NU6nuCUC&rdot=1&source=gbs_api', 'offers': [{'finskyOfferType': 1, 'listPrice': {'amountInMicros': 9540000, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'retailPrice': {'amountInMicros': 6490000, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}}]}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'PARTIAL', 'embeddable': True, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': True, 'acsTokenLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books/download/Siddhartha-sample-epub.acsm?id=TNK3NU6nuCUC&format=epub&output=acs4_fulfillment_token&dl_type=sample&source=gbs_api'}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': True, 'acsTokenLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books/download/Siddhartha-sample-pdf.acsm?id=TNK3NU6nuCUC&format=pdf&output=acs4_fulfillment_token&dl_type=sample&source=gbs_api'}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=TNK3NU6nuCUC&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'SAMPLE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'Written in a prose of almost biblical simplicity and beauty, it is the story of a soul's long quest in search of he ultimate answer to the enigma of man's role on this earth.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': '3GKLvwEACAAJ', 'etag': 'oqo972ptkow', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/3GKLvwEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'Sintarta', 'authors': ['Hermann Hesse', 'Chr Chatzopulu'], 'publishedDate': '1984', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'OTHER', 'identifier': 'OCLC:742220666'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 157, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=3GKLvwEACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&cd=4&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=3GKLvwEACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/Sintarta.html?hl=&id=3GKLvwEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=3GKLvwEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'PKKoCgAAQBAJ', 'etag': 'iK9N9mFVBGI', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/PKKoCgAAQBAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'Siddhartha', 'subtitle': 'Top 100 Classic Novels', 'authors': ['Herman Hesse'], 'publisher': '谷月社', 'publishedDate': '2015-10-06', 'description': 'Siddhartha is a 1922 novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Gautama Buddha. The book, Hesse\'s ninth novel, was written in German, in a simple, lyrical style. It was published in the U.S. in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s. Hesse dedicated the first part of it to Romain Rolland and the second to Wilhelm Gundert, his cousin. The word Siddhartha is made up of two words in the Sanskrit language, siddha (achieved) + artha (what was searched for), which together means "he who has found meaning (of existence)" or "he who has attained his goals". In fact, the Buddha\'s own name, before his renunciation, was Siddhartha Gautama, Prince of Kapilvastu. In this book, the Buddha is referred to as "Gotama".', 'readingModes': {'text': True, 'image': True}, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'categories': ['Fiction'], 'averageRating': 1, 'ratingsCount': 1, 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': True, 'contentVersion': '', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=PKKoCgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=PKKoCgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&edge=curl&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=PKKoCgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&cd=5&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=PKKoCgAAQBAJ&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=PKKoCgAAQBAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': True, 'listPrice': {'amount': 2.36, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'retailPrice': {'amount': 2.36, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'buyLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=PKKoCgAAQBAJ&rdid=book-PKKoCgAAQBAJ&rdot=1&source=gbs_api', 'offers': [{'finskyOfferType': 1, 'listPrice': {'amountInMicros': 2360000, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'retailPrice': {'amountInMicros': 2360000, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}}]}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'PARTIAL', 'embeddable': True, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': True, 'acsTokenLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books/download/Siddhartha-sample-epub.acsm?id=PKKoCgAAQBAJ&format=epub&output=acs4_fulfillment_token&dl_type=sample&source=gbs_api'}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': True, 'acsTokenLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books/download/Siddhartha-sample-pdf.acsm?id=PKKoCgAAQBAJ&format=pdf&output=acs4_fulfillment_token&dl_type=sample&source=gbs_api'}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=PKKoCgAAQBAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'SAMPLE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'In fact, the Buddha's own name, before his renunciation, was Siddhartha Gautama, Prince of Kapilvastu. In this book, the Buddha is referred to as "Gotama".'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'JZ5qpwAACAAJ', 'etag': 'HA00Mym9xUg', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/JZ5qpwAACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'Siddhartha', 'authors': ['Hermann Hesse'], 'publishedDate': '2011-08-22', 'description': 'Siddhartha is a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of a Nepalese man named Siddhartha during the time of the Buddha.The book, Hesse\'s ninth novel (1922), was written in German, in a simple, powerful, and lyrical style. It was published in the U.S. in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s. Hesse dedicated Siddhartha to Romain Rolland and Wilhelm Gundert.The word Siddhartha is made up of two words in the Sanskrit language, siddha (achieved) + artha (meaning or wealth). The two words together mean "he who has found meaning (of existence)" or "he who has attained his goals". The Buddha\'s name, before his renunciation, was Prince Siddhartha Gautama. He was Prince of Kapilvastu, Nepal. In this book, the Buddha is referred to as "Gotama".', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '146625078X'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781466250789'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 144, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=JZ5qpwAACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&cd=6&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=JZ5qpwAACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/Siddhartha.html?hl=&id=JZ5qpwAACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=JZ5qpwAACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'The Buddha's name, before his renunciation, was Prince Siddhartha Gautama. He was Prince of Kapilvastu, Nepal. In this book, the Buddha is referred to as "Gotama".'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'GqI3zgEACAAJ', 'etag': '5keUBX44g2g', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/GqI3zgEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'Siddharatha', 'authors': ['Hermann Hesse'], 'publisher': 'Ramesh Publishing House', 'publishedDate': '2020-10', 'description': 'Siddhartha is a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of selfdiscovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Buddha. The book, Hesse\'s ninth novel (1922), was written in German, in a simple, lyrical style. It was published in the U.S. in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s. in fact, the Buddha\'s own name, before his renunciation, was Siddhartha Gautama, Prince of Kapilvastu. in this book, the Buddha is referred to as "Gautama". The story takes place in ancient Nepal. Siddhartha, the son of a Brhamin, decides to leave behind his home in the hopes of gaining spiritual illumination by becoming an ascetic wandering beggar of the Samanas. Joined by his best friend Govinda, Siddhartha fasts, becomes homeless, renounces all personal possessions, and intensely meditates, eventually seeking and personally speaking with Gautama, the famous Buddha, or Enlightened One. Afterward, both Siddhartha and Govinda acknowledge the elegance of the Buddha\'s teaching. Although Govinda hastily joines the Buddha\'s order, Siddhartha does not follow. Siddhartha decides to live out the rest of his life in the presence of the spiritually inspirational river. Toward the end of his life, Govinda hears about an enlightened ferryman and...', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '9383299045'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9789383299041'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 138, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'categories': ['Education'], 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=GqI3zgEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=GqI3zgEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=GqI3zgEACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&cd=7&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=GqI3zgEACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/Siddharatha.html?hl=&id=GqI3zgEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=GqI3zgEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'Siddhartha is a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of selfdiscovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Buddha. The book, Hesse's ninth novel (1922), was written in German, in a simple, lyrical style.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'NcqjywEACAAJ', 'etag': 's+YuWxjRe4Q', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/NcqjywEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'Siddartha', 'authors': ['HERMAN. HESSE'], 'publishedDate': '2019-11-05', 'description': 'Siddhartha is a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Gautama Buddha. The book, Hesse\'s ninth novel, was written in German, in a simple, lyrical style. It was published in America in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s. Hesse dedicated the first part of it to Romain Rolland and the second part to Wilhelm Gundert, his cousin. The word Siddhartha is made up of two words in Sanskrit language, siddha (achieved) + artha (what was searched for), which together means "he who has found meaning (of existence)" or "he who has attained his goals". In fact, the Buddha\'s own name, before his renunciation, was Siddhartha Gautama, Prince of Kapilavastu. In this book, the Buddha is referred to as "Gotama"', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '1714097722'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781714097722'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 102, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=NcqjywEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=NcqjywEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=NcqjywEACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&cd=8&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=NcqjywEACAAJ&dq=title:Siddhartha+by+Hermann+Hesse&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/Siddartha.html?hl=&id=NcqjywEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=NcqjywEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'In fact, the Buddha's own name, before his renunciation, was Siddhartha Gautama, Prince of Kapilavastu. In this book, the Buddha is referred to as "Gotama"'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'X0bJswEACAAJ', 'etag': 'g8QPWamZzbg', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/X0bJswEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'Siddhartha', 'subtitle': 'An Indian Tale', 'authors': ['Hermann Hesse'], 'publisher': 'Nmd Books', 'publishedDate': '2014-08-29', 'description': 'Siddhartha is a 1922 novel by Hermann Hesse that deals with the spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha during the time of the Gautama Buddha. The book, Hesse\'s ninth novel, was written in German, in a simple, lyrical style. It was published in the U.S. in 1951 and became influential during the 1960s. Hesse dedicated Siddhartha to Romain Rolland and Wilhelm Gundert. In Hesse\'s classic novel, experience, the totality of conscious events of a human life, is shown as the best way to approach understanding of reality and attain enlightenment - Hesse\'s crafting of Siddhartha\'s journey shows that understanding is attained not through intellectual methods, nor through immersing oneself in the carnal pleasures of the world and the accompanying pain of samsara; however, it is the completeness of these experiences that allow Siddhartha to attain understanding. The word Siddhartha is made up of two words in the Sanskrit language, siddha (achieved) + artha (what was searched for), which together means "he who has found meaning (of existence)" or "he who has attained his goals."[2] In fact, the Buddha\'s own name, before his renunciation, was Siddhartha Gautama, Prince of Kapilvastu, Nepal. In this book, the Buddha is referred to as "Gotama" This newly published Millenium Edition features easier to read typeface and attractive font, yet contains the entire content of the original. 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In this book, the Buddha is referred to as "Gotama". "Your soul is the whole world." --- Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha'}}]}