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The Blue Castle a novel by L. M. Montgomery.json
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The Blue Castle a novel by L. M. Montgomery.json
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The book was adapted for the stage twice; in 1982 it was made into a successful Polish musical and ten years later Canadian playwright Hank Stinson authored another version, The Blue Castle: A Musical Love Story.", 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '1618958097'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781618958099'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 170, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=wnepyQEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=wnepyQEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=wnepyQEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&cd=1&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=wnepyQEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Blue_Castle.html?hl=&id=wnepyQEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=wnepyQEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'Maps of the two towns show similarities. This novel is considered one of L.M. Montgomery's few adult works of fiction, along with A Tangled Web, and is the only book she wrote that is entirely set outside of Prince Edward Island.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'g1tXEAAAQBAJ', 'etag': 'wSk4UZ1F2q0', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/g1tXEAAAQBAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'The Blue Castle', 'authors': ['L. M. Montgomery'], 'publisher': 'Open Road Media', 'publishedDate': '2022-01-01', 'description': 'A young woman breaks free from her stifling home in search of love and freedom in this novel by the author of Anne of Green Gables. Considered a spinster at the age of twenty-nine, Valancy Stirling believes she is destined to live out her days in rural Ontario with her domineering mother and aunt. She finds momentary escape in the books of her favorite author and fantasies of a “Blue Castle” where all her wishes come true. But when devastating news arrives from her doctor, Valancy decides to finally say and do exactly what she wants. Though her family thinks she has gone mad, Valancy embarks on an adventure of discovery. Her newfound independence leads her to a world where anything is possible—even love. But is her new life just another illusion, or has she truly found the Blue Castle of her dreams?', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781504067966'}, {'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '1504067967'}], 'readingModes': {'text': True, 'image': True}, 'pageCount': 212, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'categories': ['Young Adult Fiction'], 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': True, 'contentVersion': '', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=g1tXEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=g1tXEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&edge=curl&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=g1tXEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&cd=2&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=g1tXEAAAQBAJ&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=g1tXEAAAQBAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': True, 'listPrice': {'amount': 7.41, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'retailPrice': {'amount': 7.41, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'buyLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=g1tXEAAAQBAJ&rdid=book-g1tXEAAAQBAJ&rdot=1&source=gbs_api', 'offers': [{'finskyOfferType': 1, 'listPrice': {'amountInMicros': 7410000, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'retailPrice': {'amountInMicros': 7410000, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}}]}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'PARTIAL', 'embeddable': True, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': True, 'acsTokenLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books/download/The_Blue_Castle-sample-epub.acsm?id=g1tXEAAAQBAJ&format=epub&output=acs4_fulfillment_token&dl_type=sample&source=gbs_api'}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': True, 'acsTokenLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books/download/The_Blue_Castle-sample-pdf.acsm?id=g1tXEAAAQBAJ&format=pdf&output=acs4_fulfillment_token&dl_type=sample&source=gbs_api'}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=g1tXEAAAQBAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'SAMPLE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'A young woman breaks free from her stifling home in search of love and freedom in this novel by the author of Anne of Green Gables.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'nF5rzQEACAAJ', 'etag': 'LP0XfvCSyRY', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/nF5rzQEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'The Blue Castle', 'subtitle': 'Large Print', 'authors': ['L M Montgomery'], 'publisher': 'Independently Published', 'publishedDate': '2020-03-13', 'description': "Valancy lives a drab life with her overbearing mother and prying aunt. Then a shocking diagnosis from Dr. Trent prompts her to make a fresh start. For the first time, she does and says exactly what she feels. As she expands her limited horizons, Valancy undergoes a transformation, discovering a new world of love and happiness. One of Lucy Maud Montgomery's only novels intended for an adult audience, The Blue Castle is filled with humour and romance.Lucy Maud Montgomery, publicly known as L.M. Montgomery, was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables. In 1908, Montgomery published her first book, Anne of Green Gables upon which it became an immediate success. She then followed this with a series of sequels with Anne as the central character.In the last year of her life, Montgomery completed what she intended to be a ninth novel featuring Anne, titled The Blythes Are Quoted. It included fifteen short stories (most of which were previously published) that she revised to include Anne and her family as mainly peripheral characters; forty-one poems (most of which were previously published) that she attributed to Anne and to her son Walter, who died as a soldier in the Great War; and vignettes featuring the Blythe family members discussing the poems.", 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9798621281731'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 164, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=nF5rzQEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=nF5rzQEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=nF5rzQEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&cd=3&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=nF5rzQEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Blue_Castle.html?hl=&id=nF5rzQEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=nF5rzQEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'She then followed this with a series of sequels with Anne as the central character.In the last year of her life, Montgomery completed what she intended to be a ninth novel featuring Anne, titled The Blythes Are Quoted.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'K4_YzQEACAAJ', 'etag': 'FbH0i0GZrxQ', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/K4_YzQEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'The Blue Castle "Annotated"', 'authors': ['Lucy Maud Montgomery'], 'publishedDate': '2020-09-16', 'description': "The Blue Castle is a 1926 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery, best known for her novel Anne of Green Gables (1908).The story takes place prior to World War I in the fictional town of Deerwood, located in the Muskoka region of Ontario, Canada. Deerwood is based on Bala, Ontario, which Montgomery visited in 1922. Maps of the two towns show similarities.This novel is considered one of L.M. Montgomery's few adult works of fiction, along with A Tangled Web, and is the only book she wrote that is entirely set outside of Prince Edward Island. It has grown in popularity since being republished in 1990. The book was adapted for the stage twice; in 1982 it was made into a successful Polish musical and ten years later Canadian playwright Hank Stinson authored another version, The Blue Castle: A Musical Love Story.", 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9798686898479'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 218, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=K4_YzQEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=K4_YzQEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=K4_YzQEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&cd=4&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=K4_YzQEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Blue_Castle_Annotated.html?hl=&id=K4_YzQEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=K4_YzQEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'The Blue Castle is a 1926 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery, best known for her novel Anne of Green Gables (1908).The story takes place prior to World War I in the fictional town of Deerwood, located in the Muskoka region of ...'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'xyFXAAAAYAAJ', 'etag': '6kssApYF4KM', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/xyFXAAAAYAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'The Blue Castle', 'subtitle': 'A Novel', 'authors': ['Lucy Maud Montgomery'], 'publisher': 'McClelland & Stewart, c1926 (Toronto : T.H. Best Print. Company)', 'publishedDate': '1926', 'description': 'At twenty-nine, Valency has always been downtrodden by her family and pitied for being an old maid. A sudden decision not to be afraid of her family anymore leads Valency into unconventional behaviour and ultimately to love and happiness.', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'OTHER', 'identifier': 'UVA:X000134270'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 328, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'categories': ['Canada'], 'averageRating': 4, 'ratingsCount': 49, 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': '', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=xyFXAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=xyFXAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=xyFXAAAAYAAJ&q=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&cd=5&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=xyFXAAAAYAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Blue_Castle.html?hl=&id=xyFXAAAAYAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=xyFXAAAAYAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'At twenty-nine, Valency has always been downtrodden by her family and pitied for being an old maid. A sudden decision not to be afraid of her family anymore leads Valency into unconventional behaviour and ultimately to love and happiness.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'tizezgEACAAJ', 'etag': 'mcUcGvPKjf4', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/tizezgEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery', 'authors': ['L. M. Montgomery'], 'publishedDate': '2022', 'description': 'The Blue Castle is a 1926 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery, best known for her novel Anne of Green Gables (1908). The story is set during the 1920s in the fictional town of Deerwood, located in the Muskoka region of Ontario, Canada. Deerwood is based on Bala, Ontario, which Montgomery visited in 1922. Maps of the two towns show similarities. Valancy Stirling is twenty-nine, unmarried (and thus considered an "old maid"), and has lived her entire life with her nagging mother and gossip-minded extended family who actively discourage happiness and treat Valancy like a child. She retreats from her unhappy circumstances with flights of imaginative fantasy, centring on daydreams of her imaginary "Blue Castle," and finding refuge in the books of her favourite author, John Foster, who writes about the great beauty of nature.', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9798788910239'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 174, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=tizezgEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&cd=6&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=tizezgEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Blue_Castle_by_L_M_Montgomery.html?hl=&id=tizezgEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=tizezgEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'The story is set during the 1920s in the fictional town of Deerwood, located in the Muskoka region of Ontario, Canada. Deerwood is based on Bala, Ontario, which Montgomery visited in 1922. Maps of the two towns show similarities.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'HikwEAAAQBAJ', 'etag': 'rIM80pPgacQ', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/HikwEAAAQBAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'The Blue Castle - Lucy Maud Montgomery', 'authors': ['Lucy Maud Montgomery'], 'publisher': 'Lumbreras Classics Books', 'publishedDate': '2021-06-03', 'description': 'An unforgettable story of courage and romance. Will Valancy Stirling ever escape her strict family and find true love?Valancy Stirling is 29, unmarried, and has never been in love. Living with her overbearing mother and meddlesome aunt, she finds her only consolation in the "forbidden" books of John Foster and her daydreams of the Blue Castle--a place where all her dreams come true and she can be who she truly wants to be. After getting shocking news from the doctor, she rebels against her family and discovers a surprising new world, full of love and adventures far beyond her most secret dreams.', 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9783985517961'}, {'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '3985517967'}], 'readingModes': {'text': True, 'image': True}, 'pageCount': 233, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'categories': ['Fiction'], 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': True, 'contentVersion': '', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=HikwEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=HikwEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&edge=curl&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=HikwEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&cd=7&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=HikwEAAAQBAJ&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=HikwEAAAQBAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': True, 'listPrice': {'amount': 2.49, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'retailPrice': {'amount': 2.49, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'buyLink': 'https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=HikwEAAAQBAJ&rdid=book-HikwEAAAQBAJ&rdot=1&source=gbs_api', 'offers': [{'finskyOfferType': 1, 'listPrice': {'amountInMicros': 2490000, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}, 'retailPrice': {'amountInMicros': 2490000, 'currencyCode': 'EUR'}}]}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'PARTIAL', 'embeddable': True, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': True, 'acsTokenLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books/download/The_Blue_Castle_Lucy_Maud_Montgomery-sample-epub.acsm?id=HikwEAAAQBAJ&format=epub&output=acs4_fulfillment_token&dl_type=sample&source=gbs_api'}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': True, 'acsTokenLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books/download/The_Blue_Castle_Lucy_Maud_Montgomery-sample-pdf.acsm?id=HikwEAAAQBAJ&format=pdf&output=acs4_fulfillment_token&dl_type=sample&source=gbs_api'}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=HikwEAAAQBAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'SAMPLE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'Living with her overbearing mother and meddlesome aunt, she finds her only consolation in the "forbidden" books of John Foster and her daydreams of the Blue Castle--a place where all her dreams come true and she can be who she truly wants ...'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': '_cBNuQEACAAJ', 'etag': 'ydcSEYAMPb0', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/_cBNuQEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'The Blue Castle', 'subtitle': 'Large Print', 'authors': ['L. M. Montgomery'], 'publisher': 'Createspace Independent Publishing Platform', 'publishedDate': '2018-07-14', 'description': "The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery Valancy lives a drab life with her overbearing mother and prying aunt. Then a shocking diagnosis from Dr. Trent prompts her to make a fresh start. For the first time, she does and says exactly what she feels. As she expands her limited horizons, Valancy undergoes a transformation, discovering a new world of love and happiness. One of Lucy Maud Montgomery's only novels intended for an adult audience, The Blue Castle is filled with humour and romance. We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. The aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature, and our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. The contents of the vast majority of titles in the Classic Library have been scanned from the original works. To ensure a high quality product, each title has been meticulously hand curated by our staff. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with a book that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic work, and that for you it becomes an enriching experience.", 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_10', 'identifier': '1722903619'}, {'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9781722903619'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 226, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=_cBNuQEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=_cBNuQEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=_cBNuQEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&cd=8&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=_cBNuQEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Blue_Castle.html?hl=&id=_cBNuQEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=_cBNuQEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'CA0NzgEACAAJ', 'etag': 'U4Yn/U6C2NY', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/CA0NzgEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'The Blue Castle Illustrated', 'authors': ['Lucy Maud Montgomery'], 'publishedDate': '2020-11-15', 'description': "The Blue Castle is a 1926 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery, best known for her novel Anne of Green Gables (1908).The story takes place prior to World War I in the fictional town of Deerwood, located in the Muskoka region of Ontario, Canada. Deerwood is based on Bala, Ontario, which Montgomery visited in 1922. Maps of the two towns show similarities.This novel is considered one of L.M. Montgomery's few adult works of fiction, along with A Tangled Web, and is the only book she wrote that is entirely set outside of Prince Edward Island.", 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9798565165531'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 264, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'imageLinks': {'smallThumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=CA0NzgEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&source=gbs_api', 'thumbnail': 'http://books.google.com/books/content?id=CA0NzgEACAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1&source=gbs_api'}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=CA0NzgEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&cd=9&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=CA0NzgEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Blue_Castle_Illustrated.html?hl=&id=CA0NzgEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=CA0NzgEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'Maps of the two towns show similarities.This novel is considered one of L.M. Montgomery's few adult works of fiction, along with A Tangled Web, and is the only book she wrote that is entirely set outside of Prince Edward Island.'}}, {'kind': 'books#volume', 'id': 'VPWozQEACAAJ', 'etag': 'k9x88mFw0JE', 'selfLink': 'https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/VPWozQEACAAJ', 'volumeInfo': {'title': 'The Blue Castle Annotated', 'authors': ['Lucy Montgomery'], 'publishedDate': '2020-06-13', 'description': "The Blue Castle is a 1926 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery, best known for her novel Anne of Green Gables (1908).The story takes place prior to World War I in the fictional town of Deerwood, located in the Muskoka region of Ontario, Canada. Deerwood is based on Bala, Ontario, which Montgomery visited in 1922. Maps of the two towns show similarities.This novel is considered one of L.M. Montgomery's few adult works of fiction, along with A Tangled Web, and is the only book she wrote that is entirely set outside of Prince Edward Island. It has grown in popularity since being republished in 1990. The book was adapted for the stage twice; in 1982 it was made into a successful Polish musical and ten years later Canadian playwright Hank Stinson authored another version, The Blue Castle: A Musical Love Story.", 'industryIdentifiers': [{'type': 'ISBN_13', 'identifier': '9798653641015'}], 'readingModes': {'text': False, 'image': False}, 'pageCount': 217, 'printType': 'BOOK', 'maturityRating': 'NOT_MATURE', 'allowAnonLogging': False, 'contentVersion': 'preview-1.0.0', 'panelizationSummary': {'containsEpubBubbles': False, 'containsImageBubbles': False}, 'language': 'en', 'previewLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=VPWozQEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&cd=10&source=gbs_api', 'infoLink': 'http://books.google.gr/books?id=VPWozQEACAAJ&dq=title:The+Blue+Castle+a+novel+by+L.+M.+Montgomery&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'canonicalVolumeLink': 'https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Blue_Castle_Annotated.html?hl=&id=VPWozQEACAAJ'}, 'saleInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'saleability': 'NOT_FOR_SALE', 'isEbook': False}, 'accessInfo': {'country': 'GR', 'viewability': 'NO_PAGES', 'embeddable': False, 'publicDomain': False, 'textToSpeechPermission': 'ALLOWED', 'epub': {'isAvailable': False}, 'pdf': {'isAvailable': False}, 'webReaderLink': 'http://play.google.com/books/reader?id=VPWozQEACAAJ&hl=&source=gbs_api', 'accessViewStatus': 'NONE', 'quoteSharingAllowed': False}, 'searchInfo': {'textSnippet': 'Maps of the two towns show similarities.This novel is considered one of L.M. 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