Create a index26.html file
Copy and paste the final code (with CSS applyed) from exercise 25 in index26.html
After applying all styles the document must look like this:
- Add the following style:
- Add the following selector to select the devices that only use screen and that have max-width to 768px
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { /* Smaller screen code here */ }
- Select the container element and add the following style:
- Make the element 100% wide
- Select the header element and apply the following style:
- Center align the text using text align property
- Select the element with the side class and apply the following style:
- Remove flotation with float: none
- Make the element 100% wide
- Center align the text using text align property
- Select the li elements that are children of the ul element that is children of the element with the side class
- Elements must be display using inline-block
- Use the previous selector but now select the a elements too and apply the following style:
- Remove border bottom
- Add 10px padding to all sides
- Select the element with the main class and apply the following style:
- Remove margin left (use 0)
- Select the paragraph elements that are children of the element with the main class
- Justify align the text using text align property