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cars niyati |
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knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
#Introduction to cars dataset. Data gives speed of cars and distances. Data recorded in 1920s. It has 50 observations and 2 variables.
#We also see variables are speed and distance. both of them are numbers
#Plotting #Histogram #Top speeds are 20km
hist(cars.data$speed, 30, col="red")
hist(cars.data$dist, 40, col="yellow")
#Boxplot #Variation / which has most variation #Speed has lower variation than distance
boxplot(cars.data, main="Box Plot",
xlab="variable", ylab="value", col="red", pch=19)
plot(x=cars.data$speed, y=cars.data$dist, main="cars data scatter plot", xlab="speed", ylab = "dist", pch=19, col="orange")
#lin.mod <- lm(cars$distcars.data$speed)
#pr.lm <- predict(lin.mod)
#lines(pr.lmcars$speed, col="blue", lwd=0.7)