The plugin gathers data from Hotspot JVMs via the hsperfdata files they expose. This plugin won't work if you've disabled their creation using -XX:-UsePerfData
or -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem
# Optional: gather data from processes belonging to a different user. By
# default, the username in the USER environment variable is used to generate
# the hsperfdata directory name (usually "/tmp/hsperfdata_username")
user: "root"
# use the named keys in the hsperfdata file as tags, not fields. By default,
# every key is exposed as a field. This example shows how to tag by JVM major
# version:
tags: [""]
All metrics are gathered as the "java" measurement.
All keys in the hsperfdata file are exposed as fields; there's no comprehensive list as they vary by Hotspot version.
- All measurements have the following tags:
- pid (the process id of the monitored process)
- procname (the class name containing the
function being run)
Most fields abbreviated; there's usually 200-300 of them:
$ ./telegraf -config telegraf.conf -input-filter example -test
java,host=nwhite91-mac,pid=17427,procname=com.sun.javaws.Main"49874911809",...,"28" 1479466710000000000