diff --git a/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsAssault.sqf b/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsAssault.sqf index 1f1ba3c8..f869ec86 100644 --- a/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsAssault.sqf +++ b/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsAssault.sqf @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ _units doWatch _target; // debug if (EGVAR(main,debug_functions)) then { ["%1 TACTICS ASSAULT (%2 with %3 units @ %4m with %5 positions)", side _unit, name _unit, count _units, round (_unit distance2D _target), count _buildings] call EFUNC(main,debugLog); - private _m = [_unit, "", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_arrow"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); + private _m = [_unit, "tactics assault", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_arrow"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); private _mt = [_target, "", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_join"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); {_x setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6, 0.6];} foreach [_m, _mt]; _m setMarkerDirLocal (_unit getDir _target); diff --git a/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsFlank.sqf b/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsFlank.sqf index 540b0929..bf5a5179 100644 --- a/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsFlank.sqf +++ b/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsFlank.sqf @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ if (!GVAR(disableAutonomousSmoke) && {(getSuppression _unit) isNotEqualTo 0}) th // debug if (EGVAR(main,debug_functions)) then { ["%1 TACTICS FLANK (%2 with %3 units and %6 vehicles @ %4m with %5 positions)", side _unit, name _unit, count _units, round (_unit distance2D _overwatch), count _pos, count _vehicles] call EFUNC(main,debugLog); - private _m = [_unit, "", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_arrow"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); + private _m = [_unit, "tactics flank", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_arrow"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); private _mt = [_overwatch, "", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_objective"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); {_x setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6, 0.6];} foreach [_m, _mt]; _m setMarkerDirLocal (_unit getDir _overwatch); diff --git a/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsGarrison.sqf b/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsGarrison.sqf index ea1efe53..f714d035 100644 --- a/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsGarrison.sqf +++ b/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsGarrison.sqf @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ _group setVariable [QEGVAR(main,groupMemory), _buildings]; // debug if (EGVAR(main,debug_functions)) then { ["%1 TACTICS GARRISON %2 (%3m) (%4 units)", side _unit, groupId _group, round (_unit distance2D _target), count _units] call EFUNC(main,debugLog); - private _m = [_target, "", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_flag"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); + private _m = [_target, "tactics garrison", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_flag"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); _m setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6, 0.6]; [{deleteMarker _this}, _m, _delay + 30] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; }; diff --git a/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsHide.sqf b/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsHide.sqf index 9c4f210d..d8299ac6 100644 --- a/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsHide.sqf +++ b/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsHide.sqf @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ if (_antiTank && { _tankAir != -1 } && { _launchers isNotEqualTo [] }) then { // debug if (EGVAR(main,debug_functions)) then { ["%1 TACTICS HIDE %2 (cover %3)%4", side _unit, groupId _group, count _cover, ["", " (anti tank/air)"] select _antiTank] call EFUNC(main,debugLog); - private _m = [_unit, "", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_ambush"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); + private _m = [_unit, "tactics hide", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_ambush"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); _m setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6, 0.6]; _m setMarkerDirLocal ((_unit getDir _target) - 90); [{{deleteMarker _x;true} count _this;}, [_m], _delay + 30] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute; diff --git a/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsSuppress.sqf b/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsSuppress.sqf index 66789612..369c2256 100644 --- a/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsSuppress.sqf +++ b/addons/danger/functions/fnc_tacticsSuppress.sqf @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ _group setFormDir (_unit getDir _target); // debug if (EGVAR(main,debug_functions)) then { ["%1 TACTICS SUPPRESS (%2 with %3 units and %6 vehicles @ %4m with %5 positions for %7 cycles)", side _unit, name _unit, count _units, round (_unit distance2D _target), count _pos, count _vehicles, _cycle] call EFUNC(main,debugLog); - private _m = [_unit, "", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_arrow"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); + private _m = [_unit, "tactics suppress", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_arrow"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); private _mt = [_target, "", _unit call EFUNC(main,debugMarkerColor), "hd_destroy"] call EFUNC(main,dotMarker); {_x setMarkerSizeLocal [0.6, 0.6];} foreach [_m, _mt]; _m setMarkerDirLocal (_unit getDir _target);