It is simple to contribute: fork this repository, write some code and tests, ensure that tests passes, lint code and then send a pull request to me on Github. I'll be glad to see your forks and commits in them :) Thanks!
All functions and possible use cases should have tests, placed in tests
uses mocha
as testing tool. If you contributing something,
you should check that your changes do not breakes tests.
If you change some code you should regenerate parser from source:
$> make parser
and run tests after that:
$> make test
You can go to Travis CI site to view current tests results.
Code style based on Node.js code styles.
- Discuss large changes before coding (this is good idea in collaborative development)
- Javascript code should follow Douglas Crockford code conventions for the javascript programming language and be run through Nodelint. And:
- Code should has two space indention
- Multi-line
statements must have braces
- All code must be MIT licensed
You can lint node-proto2json
code by executing:
$> make lint