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Google Cloud Support Slackbot

Slack Integration for Google Cloud Support

Slack app for pulling Google Cloud Support case information via the Cloud Support API and pushing it to Slack. The goal is to help reduce the overall time to resolution for cases of all priorities by putting case updates in Slack where they will be more easily noticed by their devs and engineers.

The app currently supports the following commands:

  • /google-cloud-support track-case [case_number] -- case updates will be posted to this channel
  • /google-cloud-support add-comment [case_number] [comment] -- adds a comment to the case
  • /google-cloud-support change-priority [case_number] [priority, e.g. P2] -- changes the priority of the case
  • /google-cloud-support stop-tracking [case_number] -- case updates will no longer be posted to this channel
  • /google-cloud-support list-tracked-cases -- lists all cases being tracked in this channel
  • /google-cloud-support list-tracked-cases-all -- lists all cases being tracked in the workspace
  • /google-cloud-support case-details [case_number] -- pull all of the case data as json
  • /google-cloud-support sitrep -- report of all active cases in the org

If you encounter any issues with this application's operations or setup, please file your issue here on GitHub or ping a member of your account team for assistance. This application is not supported by the Google Cloud Support team.

Setup Guide

Before proceeding, you will need Premium Support to use the Cloud Support API and by association the slackbot
Setting up your first Slack app can be a daunting task, which is why we are providing a step-by-step guide.

Setup Part 1 - Allow list the Support API

To get access to the API, you will need to send your Techincal Account Manager the following:

  1. The org id where you have Premium Support enabled
  2. A project id where the API will be allow listed
  3. The name of a service account in the project from step 2, with the service account having the following roles at the org level:
    1. Tech Support Editor
    2. Org Viewer
  4. The email addresses of the people that will be enabling the API in the project

Your Techincal Account Manager will file a request with the Support API team to give you access. The team typically processes these requests within 24 hours

Setup Part 2 - Google Cloud Phase 1

In the first phase of our Google Cloud setup, we will verify that our network is setup properly, create a lightweight VM to house our bot, and enable our Cloud Support API and create ourselves an API key. Go to Google Cloud. These steps need to be carried out in the project you specified in Part 1 of this setup guide.


From VPC network > Firewall rules, verify rules exist to allow SSH and HTTP.

  1. If your project doesn't have a VPC, you will need to create one from VPC networks. Select Automatic for your Subnet creation mode, and allow-ssh from Firewall rules
  2. If it doesn't exist, create the following firewall rule:
    1. Name: default-allow-http
    2. Priority: 1000
    3. Direction: Ingress
    4. Action on match: Allow
    5. Targets: Specified target tags
    6. Target tags: http-server
    7. Source filter: IP ranges
    8. Source IP ranges:
    9. Protocols and Ports: Specified protocols and ports
    10. tcp: 80
  3. If an SSH firewall rule doesn't exist, create the following firewall rule:
    1. Name: default-allow-ssh
    2. Priority: 65534
    3. Direction: Ingress
    4. Action on match: Allow
    5. Targets: All instances in the network
    6. Source filter: IP ranges
    7. Source IP ranges:
    8. Protocols and Ports: Specified protocols and ports
    9. tcp: 22

Note that if you had to create the SSH firewall rule in Step 3, you will want to disable it after you complete the entire setup


Go to Compute Engine > VM instances and perform the following:

  1. Click + Create Instance
    1. Under Machine Configuration, set the Machine type field to e2-micro. This should suffice for most implementations. If your team makes heavy use of the Cloud Support and the bot, you may need to upgrade the machine type
    2. Under Identity and API access > Service Account, select your service account that was allow listed for the Cloud Support API
    3. Under Firewall, select Allow HTTP traffic. If this option isn't available and you create the firewall rule in the Networking steps, then you will want to contact your Networking team about policies that may be preventing HTTP traffic
    4. Click to expand Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy
      1. Select the Networking tab
      2. Under Network interfaces, click the network interface box
        1. Set Network to the VPC where you have your firewall rules
        2. Under External IP, select Create IP address. Choose whichever name and network service tier you prefer
    5. Click Create

API Enablement and the API Key

From APIs & Services > Library ...

  1. Search for and enable the Cloud Logging API
  2. Search for and enable the Cloud Support API

From APIs & Services > Credentials

  1. Click +Create and select API key
  2. Copy your key and choose to Restrict Key
    1. Under Application restrictions, you may select IP addresses to restrict usage the VM you created
    2. Under API restrictions, select Restrict Key and from the Select APIs dropdown, click Google Cloud Support API

Setup Part 3 - Slack App

Go to Slack Apps to do the following:

  1. Click Create New App and select From scratch. Name your app Google Cloud Support Bot and select your workspace
  2. Under Settings > Basic Information, scroll down to Display Information and upload the google_cloud_support_buddy_big.png or an icon of your choosing
  3. Go to Features > Slash Commands and create the following command:
    1. Command: /google-cloud-support
    2. Request URL: http://<your_vm_external_ip>/google-cloud-support
    3. Short description: Track and manage your Google Cloud support cases in Slack. Use /google-cloud-support help for the list of commands
    4. Usage Hint: [command] [parameter 1] [parameter 2] [parameter 3]
  4. Go to Features > OAuth & Permissions. Scroll down to Scopes and add the chat:write scope. Add the commands scope if it isn't listed already listed
  5. At the top of the Features > OAuth & Permissions page, under OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace, click Install to Workspace. Copy the token. You may need Slack admin approval to install the app
  6. Go to Settings > Basic Information and under App Credentials copy the Signing Secret

Setup Part 4 - Google Cloud Phase 2

Return to Google Cloud and from Compute Engine > VM instances, perform the following:

  1. SSH into the VM that you created in part 2 of this setup guide
  2. Run the following commands:
    1. sudo apt-get update
    2. sudo apt-get -y install subversion
    3. sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
    4. sudo apt-get -y install nginx
    5. cd /
    6. sudo svn export
    7. cd /google-cloud-support-slackbot
    8. Use sudo to open the default file with your editor of choice, and replace <STATIC_IP> with the external ip address of your VM. Then save and close the file
    9. sudo mv default /etc/nginx/sites-available/
    10. Use sudo to open the .env file with your editor of choice. Enter your API Key, Slack Token, and numeric org id in their respective locations. Then save and close the file
    11. sudo chmod +x
  3. Close the SSH session
  4. From Compute Engine > VM instances, click your VM name to go to your VM instance details
  5. Stop the VM
  6. Once the VM is stopped, click the 'EDIT' button
  7. Scroll down to the Custom metadata section and add the following key-value pair:
    1. key: startup-script
    2. value:
      cd /google-cloud-support-slackbot
      pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save'
  9. Start your VM


To verify that everything was setup correctly, do the following:

  1. Go to your Slack workspace
  2. Under Channels right-click the channel where you want to add the bot and select Open channel details
  3. Select the Integrations tab
  4. In the Apps section, click Add apps and then add the bot
  5. Open the channel where you added the bot and run the /google-cloud-support help command. If it returns a list of available help commands then everything was setup correctly. If it returns an error that the dispatch failed, then you will need to debug. The most likely culprits are an issue with an org security policy, or a missed step somewhere


With that you should be all setup! And as a reminder, if you had to create the SSH firewall rule, it is recommended that you go back and disable it. If you ever need to SSH into the machine you can always enable the rule again as needed.

As the Cloud Support API continues to expand and we collect more feedback for requested features, we will release newer versions of the bot and move the previous version into the archive folder. To replace your current bot with the latest version you will only need to do the following:

  1. SSH into your VM instance
  2. Run the following commands:
    1. cd /google-cloud-support-slackbot
    2. sudo svn export --force
    3. sudo chmod +x
  3. Close your SSH session
  4. Stop and Start your VM