Forked project from MHNotificationHelper, with support for iOS8 and above (the instructions are different) and translation to some languages.
Steps with iOS7 (left), and steps with iOS8/iOS9 (right)
ca, de, en, es, fr, id, it, ja, pl, pt, ru, sv, zh-Hant, zh-Hans
If you want to contribute and translate to another language, make me a pull request or contacte me by Twitter / Email. I will answer asap.
Is very easy to add this library to your project using CocoaPods, you must add this line to your Podfile, and then make pod install
pod 'STNotificationHelper'
##Usage First you have to include the library to your code:
#import <STNotificationHelperViewController.h>
And then add this code to show the view controller helper:
NSString *title = NSLocalizedString(@"Take advantage of MySuperApp", nil);
NSString *description = NSLocalizedString(@"MySuperApp is better with Push Notifications. We will spam you a lot! :)", nil);
STNotificationHelperObject *notificationObject = [STNotificationHelperObject objectWithTitle:title description:description];
STNotificationHelperViewController *notificationHelper = [STNotificationHelperViewController.alloc initWithNotification:notificationObject];
[self presentViewController:notificationHelper animated:YES completion:nil];
Or you can set your own app icon and app name:
NSString *title = NSLocalizedString(@"Take advantage of MySuperApp", nil);
NSString *description = NSLocalizedString(@"MySuperApp is better with Push Notifications. We will spam you a lot! :)", nil);
UIImage *icon = [UIImage imageNamed: @"myLogo.png"];
NSString *appName = @"My app name";
STNotificationHelperObject *notificationObject = [STNotificationHelperObject
STNotificationHelperViewController *notificationHelper = [STNotificationHelperViewController.alloc initWithNotification:notificationObject];
[self presentViewController:notificationHelper animated:YES completion:nil];
- Mario Hahn, (author of the original forked Pod)
- Néstor Malet,
- Chinese (traditional script): Retso Huang,
- Japanese: Akira MATSUDA,
- Chinese (simplified script): Herb Brewer,
You can see all the change log at ChangeLog.
STNotificationHelper is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Support this project via gittip.