name: Tests on: push: branches: [main] pull_request: branches: [main] env: YARN_ENABLE_GLOBAL_CACHE: false jobs: chore: name: "Testing chores" runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: lts/* - name: Get the Yarn cache directory path id: yarn-cache-dir-path run: echo "dir=$(corepack yarn config get cacheFolder)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT shell: bash - uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ${{steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir}} key: ${{runner.os}}-yarn-${{hashFiles('**/yarn.lock')}} restore-keys: | ${{runner.os}}-yarn- - run: corepack yarn install --immutable - name: "Check for type errors" run: corepack yarn typecheck - name: "Check for linting errors" run: corepack yarn lint build-and-test: strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: node: - 18 - 20 - 22 - 23 platform: - ubuntu-latest - macos-latest - windows-latest # Temporarily skipping Node.js 23 under Windows due to issue # # ci vitest fails "handle integrity checks" on Windows Node.js 23 exclude: - node: 23 platform: windows-latest name: "${{matrix.platform}} w/ Node.js ${{matrix.node}}.x" runs-on: ${{matrix.platform}} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: "Use Node.js ${{matrix.node}}.x" uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: ${{matrix.node}}.x - name: Get the Yarn cache directory path id: yarn-cache-dir-path run: echo "dir=$(corepack yarn config get cacheFolder)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT shell: bash - uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ${{steps.yarn-cache-dir-path.outputs.dir}} key: ${{runner.os}}-yarn-${{hashFiles('**/yarn.lock')}} restore-keys: | ${{runner.os}}-yarn- - run: corepack yarn install --immutable - run: corepack yarn build # We need the stubs to run the tests - run: corepack yarn test env: NOCK_ENV: replay