week | date | topic | due | solution |
2 |
Wednesday, 7 September |
Higher order functions and data types |
Tuesday, 13 September |
The solution for the maze-drawing exercise might have been solved with this code, which draws a row and then draws a column:
pictureOfMaze :: Picture
pictureOfMaze = drawRows (-10)
drawRows :: Integer -> Picture
drawRows 11 = blank
drawRows r = drawCols r (-10) & drawRows (r+1)
drawCols :: Integer -> Integer -> Picture
drawCols _ 11 = blank
drawCols r c = drawTileAt r c & drawCols r (c+1)
drawTileAt :: Integer -> Integer -> Picture
drawTileAt = …
Clearly there is some repetition going on here, with drawRows
and drawCols
doing very similar things. In prose, what they are
doing is “21 times, do something similar each time, but varying with the
count”. They differ in two aspects:
- The “something” is different: it is calling
in the one case, anddrawTileAt
in the other case. - For
, there is an extra argument that is passed around to the “something”.
I promised that Haskell is a language with good abstractions, so it should be possible to abstract over this pattern. So lets give it a try:
draw21times something = helper something (-10)
helper something 11 = blank
helper something n = something & helper something (n+1)
pictureOfMaze = draw21times drawRow
drawRow = draw21times drawCol
drawCol = drawTileAt ? ?
Now we are stuck: In the definition of drawCol
, we need to know the
current row and column number, but we do not have that! If we would write n
(which maybe a Perl programmer from the last century would try here), we would
get an error about a variable being not in scope. And even if we somehow could
access the n
there, which one would it be – draw21times
is run twice here!
So the helper
needs to pass down the n
to something
. And similarly,
has to tell drawCol
what row it is part of:
draw21times something = helper something (-10)
helper something 11 = blank
helper something n = something n & helper something (n+1)
pictureOfMaze = draw21times drawRow
drawRow r = draw21times (drawCol r)
drawCol r c = drawTileAt r c
Nice, so this works. But what exactly have we done here? Let us clarify things by adding type signatures, conveniently provided to us by the CodeWorld interface:
For draw21times
it says
draw21times :: forall a. (Eq a, Num a) => (a -> Picture) -> Picture
Now that is a mouthful. We’ll skip the details for now, but simply follow the heuristics that Num a
says that a
is a numeric type, so we just use Integer
, and similarly for the other functions:
draw21times :: (Integer -> Picture) -> Picture
helper :: (Integer -> Picture) -> Integer -> Picture
drawRow :: Integer -> Picture
drawCol :: Integer -> Integer -> Picture
The type signature of draw21times
again has two arrows, but it does not take two arguments! The parenthesis around the first argument are important: This means that there is one argument, which happens to be a function, which itself takes one argument.
Similarly, the type signature of helper
says that there are two arguments, the first being a function taking one argument, and the second being simply an Integer
The types of drawRow
and drawCol
are again straight-forward function types.
Note that the type of drawRow
is precisely the type of the argument to
– and therefore we can pass drawRow
as an argument to draw21times
What you see here is an instance of an Higher Order Function, i.e. a function that takes other functions as arguments. It is a central idea in functional programming and one main reason for the great abstraction possibilities in Haskell.
There is something odd about the use of drawCol
here. It seems that drawCol
is a function of two parameters, but we use it with only one parameter, as an
argument to draw21times
. How can that work?
To understand that, let me write the type signature of drawCol
drawCol :: Integer -> (Integer -> Picture)
This suddenly changes the perspective: Now drawCol
is a function taking one
argument, and returning another function, which again takes one argument. And
this returned function nicely fits the argument type of draw21times
But it really is just a change of perspective. The two types are identical. In this sense, every function in Haskell takes one argument – it is just that some return a function.
You can also understand that from looking at a function call. The expression f x y
is equivalent to (f x) y
We note that the function type arrow is right associative and function application is left associative.
Let us clean up the code a bit. First of all, the definition
drawCol r c = drawTileAt r c
looks quite useless. All it says is that “using
is equivalent to using drawTileAt
”. So let us remove drawCol
The next code smell is the helper
function. It really is a helper to
, so it would be nice to have this function only available within
. To do so, we use local definitions. They come in two varieties:
-bindings:draw21times :: (Integer -> Picture) -> Picture draw21times something = let helper :: (Integer -> Picture) -> Integer -> Picture helper something 11 = blank helper something n = something n & helper something (n+1) in helper something (-10)
-binding contains definitions for functions and values, quite like top-level definitions. It can contain multiple definitions, and makes them available to both the definitions it contains, as well as to the expression after thein
. Thelet
-construct is a self-contained expression and can be used wherever any other expression is expected. -
In a
-clause:draw21times :: (Integer -> Picture) -> Picture draw21times something = helper something (-10) where helper :: (Integer -> Picture) -> Integer -> Picture helper something 11 = blank helper something n = something n & helper something (n+1)
This is just a syntactic variation, and equivalent to the code above. One or more definitions can follow the
, and are available to those definitions and the body of the function.
It is a matter of style which ones to use. Generally, where
clauses are
prettier, require less indentation and are almost always used for local
functions. They also have the advantage of scoping over multiple guards. For
local values (e.g. some computation), a let
clause can also work well.
You’ll get the hang of it.
A more common name for such a local definition is simply go
. It is ok to use
such a non-descript name, because its scope is so small and clearly defined.
Also, type signatures for such local definitions are often omitted.
Making go
a local function and moving it into draw21times
has another
advantage: It can reference the parameters of draw21times
. Currently, go
goes through quite some lengths to pass the something
parameter around. But
that is no longer necessary: It can simply refer to something
as it is bound
by draw21times
draw21times :: (Integer -> Picture) -> Picture
draw21times something = go (-10)
go 11 = blank
go n = something n & go (n+1)
By now you might have noticed that indentation seems to be significant in
Haskell – how else would you know where the where
clause ends. Indeed, like
Python, but unlike most other programming languages, Haskell is indentation
sensitive. This has two advantages:
- There is no need for delimiters like curly braces etc, which makes the code cleaner and easier to read.
- It ensures that the programmer writes properly indented code.
The indentation rules are somewhat technical, so I will not explain them here. Instead, I appeal to intuition: From the examples given in class and the exercises, you will soon get an intuition about how that works, and that will be sufficient. In fact, I myself cannot give you the exact rules, but I have not had a problem with indentation since many years.
If it does not work: Experiment. If you are stuck: Ask (e.g. on Piazza).
If you really want to know the rules start with the chapter on indentation in the Wikibook on Haskell.
We have now seen already three way of defining a function: Global, in a let
or in an where
clause. The form of the definition has always been the same,
though, and all of them required giving a name to the thing.
Giving a name is not always desired. Naming things is hard! Therefore, at least for very small functions that are used only once, it is desirable to just define them on the spot where they are used.
Consider the drawRow
function: All it does is to call draw21times
as its argument. That is hardly worth giving a name, writing a
type signature and so on.
So instead of using drawRow
, we can define this functionality right on the
spot in pictureOfMaze
pictureOfMaze = draw21times (\r -> draw21times (drawTileAt r))
The backslash
is a poor rendering of the Greek letter λ (lambda), and indicates that this defines an anonymous, local function, which, when called, takes one parameter r
, and returns the stuff after the right arrow, i.e. draw21times (drawTileAt r)
We could use it twice to make it a bit clearer what this code does, by naming the variables for the row and the column appropriately, and also showing the symmetry:
pictureOfMaze = draw21times (\r -> draw21times (\c -> drawTileAt r c))
Higher order functions, local functions and lambda expressions allow for very concise, but yet readable code. Use it!
You can see the final code on CodeWorld.
On to the next topic, and again we will motivate and introduce it by addressing some wart in the code from the last set of exercises.
The functions drawTile
and maze
designate the different types of tiles by a
number. That calls for trouble: It is easy to mix them up, extending the list
of tiles is error-prone, as you might forget to extend the code somewhere else
that handles the numbers.
The problem is that Integers
are not a a suitable type to represent tiles: There are too many of them, and their meaning is implicit.
So we want a type that is tight, i.e. large enough to encompass all tiles we want to represent, but no more, and explicit, i.e. the meaning of a value of such a type is clear.
So we simply introduce such a type:
data Tile = Wall | Ground | Storage | Box | Blank
The keyword is data
, followed by the name of the new type, followed by an
equals sign, followed by a list of constructors of this type, separated by
bars. Type and constructor names always start with a capital letter, and they
each have their own namespace (so you can use the same name for a type and a
The new type Tile
now consists of exactly these five constructors as values, no more and
no less. So the type is tight. And further more, every value is self-explanatory.
We can return them in maze
, and pattern match in drawTile
, just like with numbers (open on CodeWorld):
drawTile :: Tile -> Picture
drawTile Wall = wall
drawTile Ground = ground
drawTile Storage = storage
drawTile Box = box
drawTile Blank = blank
maze :: Integer -> Integer -> Tile
maze x y
| abs x > 4 || abs y > 4 = Blank
| abs x == 4 || abs y == 4 = Wall
| x == 2 && y <= 0 = Wall
| x == 3 && y <= 0 = Storage
| x >= -2 && y == 0 = Box
| otherwise = Ground
Note how suddenly the type signature of drawTile
and especially of maze
has become much more helpful!
You have actually used such a datatype before, in last week's class: We were
using the type Bool
, with its values True
and False
. And it may come as a
surprise to you that this type is defined using the very same mechanism that
you just leaned:
data Bool = False | True
It is a sign of good programming language design if many concepts can be implemented using the language itself, instead of having to be built in.
The same then holds for operators like (||)
and (&&)
-- there is nothing
special about them, and you could have defined them yourself. (Try to come up
with their definition, and then compare it against the real one!)
The type is still somewhat privileged though, because guards, like the one in
, need to be expressions of type Bool
. But that’s just a use of the type, not the definition of the type.
Let us work towards making our animation interactive. To start with, we might want to move the maze around, using the keyboard, in case it is larger than our screen (or just as a preparation for moving the player around).
To that end, let us first talk about the types involved. It makes sense to have one type that describes the possible ways to interact with the system. For now, the only interaction is moving the view into one of the four directions, so we can define a data type for that:
data Direction = R | U | L | D
We also need to keep track of the current position, after a few key presses.
Now, there are infinitely many possible positions, so a simple enumeration does
not cut it. We could describe the position with two integer numbers, so we need a type that stores two such numbers. We can do that also using the data
keyword, and giving the parameters to the constructor:
data Coord = C Integer Integer
Here I define the type Coord
. There is a single constructor to created this type, called C
, which takes two Integer
s and turns them into one Coord
Just like above, the constructors are value we can use in expressions, we can do this with C
, which is a function of type Integer -> Integer -> Coord
If you like math-talk: The type Coord
is now isomorphic to the product type of Integer
with Integer
, and C
is an isomorphism between them. If follows that constructors are always injective, and if that does not mean anything to you right now, you can ignore this.
Here is an example use of C
as a function:
initialCoord :: Coord
initialCoord = C 0 0
So it is straight forward to create a Coord
(just use the constructor as a
function). How do we use a Coord
? This works by pattern matching. We will need a function that translates a picture to have its origin at a given coordinate. Let us write it, first thinking about the type and then the code:
atCoord :: Coord -> Picture -> Picture
atCoord (C x y) pic = translated (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) pic
So when we pattern match against a constructor with parameters, we simply give names to the parameters. We have to put parentheses around this, to distinguish it from multiple function parameters -- this applies consistently in pattern just as well as in expressions.
(The fromIntegral
is needed to convert the Integer
to a Double
. Why did we not put Double
in the type of Coord
in the first place? Because Integer
is more honest: If we just use the keyboard, there will never be non-integral coordinates there.)
The next function that we will want to write is one that calculates a new coordinate, based on the current coordinate and a direction.
adjacentCoord :: Direction -> Coord -> Coord
adjacentCoord R (C x y) = C (x+1) y
adjacentCoord U (C x y) = C x (y+1)
adjacentCoord L (C x y) = C (x-1) y
adjacentCoord D (C x y) = C x (y-1)
That was a lot of coding without seeing anything. Let us try it out (also on CodeWorld):
someCoord :: Coord
someCoord = adjacentCoord U (adjacentCoord U (adjacentCoord L initialCoord))
main = drawingOf (atCoord someCoord pictureOfMaze)
Time to put these thing to good use. The goal is as follows: The maze should be centered when we start the program. Then we can use the arrow keys to move it around. We have already implemented most functionality for that, but you might wonder: How can we have interaction in a world without side-effects? How can we remember the current state in a world without mutable variables?
Well, we solved such a riddle before, when we implemented an animation, by modeling our thoughts in terms of pure functions, and then having some “machinery” that executes our pure functions, yielding the desired effect. We can do it again.
An interactive program changes state whenever a new input event happens. If we want to separate the logic of the state change from the logic of remembering the current state, the former becomes a pure function again, namely one that, given the input event and the current state, calculates the new state. Additionally, we need to specify the initial state, and then of course how to visualize the state.
This functionality is provided in CodeWorld by the following function, which has quite a large type signature:
activityOf :: world ->
(Event -> world -> world) ->
(world -> Picture) ->
IO ()
Its type signature mentions the type world
. This is not a specific type, but rather a type variable. We’ll get to that later; all we need to know for now is that this type can be any type we want it to be. This type contains the state of the program. In our case, it is simply a Coord
The function activityOf
takes three arguments:
- An initial state.
- A function modifying the state if a certain event has happened. An event is either some action by the user, or simply the passing of time.
- A function to draw a picture according to the current state.
Let us try to use this function, in a simple way, where we simply move the maze up on each event (open on CodeWorld):
main = activityOf initialCoord handleEvent drawState
handleEvent :: Event -> Coord -> Coord
handleEvent e c = adjacentCoord U c
drawState :: Coord -> Picture
drawState c = atCoord c pictureOfMaze
That does … something. But very quickly, the maze disappears. Which makes sense, as the passing of time and mouse movements are also events.
So we need to look at the Event
type. According to the documentation, it is a data type. We know data types!
data Event = KeyPress Text
| KeyRelease Text
| PointerPress Point
| PointerRelease Point
| PointerMovement Point
| TextEntry Text
| TimePassing Double
There are seven constructors, for different kind of events. We care about KeyPress
events. This constructor has an argument, which is a Text
. We have not seen this type before, but we can guess what it means. So let us handle this (open on CodeWorld):
handleEvent :: Event -> Coord -> Coord
handleEvent (KeyPress key) c
| key == "Right" = adjacentCoord R c
| key == "Up" = adjacentCoord U c
| key == "Left" = adjacentCoord L c
| key == "Down" = adjacentCoord D c
handleEvent _ c = c
From now on, make sure you have the line {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
at the very top of your file, or you will get strange error messages.
And there we go, we can move the maze around! (You might have to click on the embedded picture before it reacts to your key presses.)
A data type where none of the constructors has parameters is called an enumeration type.
A data type with exactly one constructor is called a product type.
A data type with multiple constructors is called a sum type.
A data type with no constructors is an empty type. Yes, that is a thing. Yes, this is sometimes useful.
With that knowledge (and some cleverness) you should already be able to write a fully functional Sokoban, although we will use the next set of exercises for some more preliminaries, and then learn a bit more that will help us finish the game.