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Now, we will explore how polymorphism allows for yet more abstract and compositional thinking, and how to apply wholemeal programming.

Polymorphism is a property of a function that it can work with any type. We have seen this in the type signature of activityOf:

activityOf :: world ->
              (Event -> world -> world) ->
              (world -> Picture) ->
              IO ()

This function is polymorphic because the type world is arbitrary, and can be chosen by the caller. We did that in last week’s class when we instantiated with Coord, and you did it again in the homework, using your custom State type.


It is important to keep in mind that the caller picks the type. Therefore, the implementation has to be able to handle any possible type. And since in Haskell you cannot make decisions based on the type of an argument (only on the value of the argument), this implies that Haskell is parametric: Polymorphic code behaves “the same” for any type that you pass it to.

Why is parametricity important?

  1. It makes type erasure possible. Type erasure means that no information about the type of values is present at run-time. The compiler erases the types from your program as it compiles it to machine code. The benefit is that he code runs much faster than, say, Python code, where type information needs to be carried around and inspected at run-time.

  2. It restricts what polymorphic functions can do. Consider the following type signature:

    riddle :: a -> a

    We do not see its implementation. What can we say about it?

    It will have to return a value of type a, in a way that works for every possible type. So it cannot return 3, it cannot return True. The only value of type a that it has access to is its parameter. So the only sensible definition of this function is

    riddle :: a -> a
    riddle x = x

    Similarly, consider a function

    riddle2 :: (a -> a) -> a -> a

    which takes two arguments: a function, and a value, again of some type that riddle2 cannot know anything about. We can again wonder: What values of type a can riddle2 return? Well, it can return its second argument. Or it can apply its first argument (the function) to the second argument. Or it can apply it twice... so there are many possible riddle2 implementations, but we still can tell a lot about them from the type signature:

    riddle2 :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
    riddle2 f x = x
    riddle2 f x = f x
    riddle2 f x = f (f x)

    Try yourself: What can you know about a function with this type:

    riddle3 :: a -> a -> a

    What about this riddle:

    riddle4 :: a -> b

    Such a function cannot be written in Haskell! riddle4 has no way of producing a value that will work as any possible type b!

    If you want to learn more about what one can find out about a function from its polymorphic type, read up on free theorems.

The above is not completely accurate. It is possible to implement a function of type riddle4:

riddle4 :: a -> b
riddle4 x = riddle4 x

But this function will send the program into a infinite loop. The above observations are true for total functions, i.e. functions that always return. Haskell does allow for partial functions (i.e. functions that go into an infinite loop, or that throw an exception).

Polymorphic Data Types

Not only functions can be polymorphic, but also data types. Let us motivate that by an example.

In last week's homework (example solution), we created a variant of activityOf that would allow the game to be reset (and it was indeed polymorphic). Let us do something similar and create a variant of activityOf that would initially show a startup-screen, and start the game proper only when the space key is pressed.

We define a very simple start screen:

startScreen :: Picture
startScreen = scaled 3 3 (lettering "Sokoban!")

In order to implement this functionality, we need, in the state, remember whether we are showing the start screen, or whether we are already playing the game. But the type of startScreenActivityOf (which is the same as activityOf) needs to be polymorphic in the state! We do not know what kind of state is used for the interaction we are wrapping, so we cannot use it to find out whether we are showing the start screen or not!

So we need to define our own state data type. And clearly, it is in one of two states: It is either showing the start screen, or the game is running, in which case we need to hold the game’s state. We can define a data type that does that:

data SSState = StartScreen | Running world

With this code, we get the error message Not in scope: type variable ‘world’. To fix this, we have to give the type SSState a type parameter:

data SSState world = StartScreen | Running world

So while SSState on its own is not a proper type yet, SSState applied to any type (e.g. SSState Coord) is.

Now we can implement the bits required for `startScreenActivityOf:

startScreenActivityOf ::
    world ->
    (Event -> world -> world) ->
    (world -> Picture) ->
    IO ()
startScreenActivityOf state0 handle draw
  = activityOf state0' handle' draw'
    state0' = StartScreen

    handle' (KeyPress key) StartScreen
         | key == " "                  = Running state0
    handle' _              StartScreen = StartScreen
    handle' e              (Running s) = Running (handle e s)

    draw' StartScreen = startScreen
    draw' (Running s) = draw s

It was easy to write down the code, because we can program in a type-driven manner: With the type of the local functions in mind, we could simply program by cases. Every case on its own is rather obvious, and once we handled all the cases, we have a working program. (Open on CodeWorld)


Wholemeal interactions

We now have this nice start screen, so it is a bit unfortunate that once we start the game, we cannot go back and see it again. So we really would want to combine this functionality with the reset functionality that we did in last week's homework. But we can't! Both these generic interaction-modifiers produce complete programs, there is no way to apply one to the other.

Surely, we can do better.

Imagine we had a type Activity that captures everything about an activity. What if we then also had functions

resetable :: Activity -> Activity
withStartScreen :: Activity -> Activity

that modify interactions? Then we can obviously compose them. We would also need a type

runActivity :: Activity -> IO ()

that actually runs this interaction.

It is possible to define such a type Activity. Can you imagine how?

An interaction is defined by a state type, and by the three parameters that we so far have passed to activityOf. So let us not pass them to activityOf, but rather store them in a datatype:

data Activity world = Activity
	(Event -> world -> world)
	(world -> Picture)

Because of the type variable world, the type signatures of resetable and withStartScreen are a bit more complicated. We can use type inference to let the compiler figure it out for us, though.

Changing the existing functions startScreenActivityOf to withStartScreen, and resetableActivityOf to resetable turns out to be trivial: Just replace the three parameters by one, pattern matching on Activity, and replace the use of activityOf with the constructor Activity:

resetable :: Activity s -> Activity s
resetable (Activity state0 handle draw)
  = Activity state0 handle' draw
  where handle' (KeyPress key) _ | key == "Esc" = state0
        handle' e s = handle e s

withStartScreen :: Activity s -> Activity (SSState s)
withStartScreen (Activity state0 handle draw)
  = Activity state0' handle' draw'
    state0' = StartScreen

    handle' (KeyPress key) StartScreen
         | key == " "                  = Running state0
    handle' _              StartScreen = StartScreen
    handle' e              (Running s) = Running (handle e s)

    draw' StartScreen = startScreen
    draw' (Running s) = draw s

The function runActivity is also very simply to write: We just pattern match on Activity to get our hands on the individual functions, and pass them to activityOf:

runActivity :: Activity s -> IO ()
runActivity (Activity state0 handle draw)
  = activityOf state0 handle draw

The final bit we need to change, before we can put everything together, is to actually have an Activity that represents the basic Sokoban game:

sokoban :: Activity State
sokoban = Activity initialState handleEvent2 drawState2

And finally, we can compose our interactions (open on CodeWorld). Try to start the game with space, and reset it with the escape key again!

main = runActivity (resetable (withStartScreen sokoban))


Think about what happens if we switch the order of resetable and withStartScreen!

Recursive data types

An important concept that you will need in more complex programs (such as a proper Sokoban implementation) is recursive datatypes. These can be used to implement lists and trees and many other data structures.

In our game, the boxes will have to be moved around. It is likely that we will want to manage a list of coordinates of these boxes, and clearly, this is going to be part of our state.

Our code should work with any number of boxes (as various levels have various number of boxes). Which type is suitable to store any number of coordinates? Or -- as you would expect after we talked about polymorphism -- any number of values of some arbitrary type?


Of course, the standard library comes with a suitable data type, but let us, for the sake of learning, define it ourselves. Just like we used recursion in functions to replace loops, we can use recursion in types to implement lists:

data List a = Empty | Entry a (List a)

So a value of type List a is either the constructor Empty, or there is a list entry, which is a value of type a, and then the remainder of the list, i.e. another value of type List a.

We can define a value of that type, by using the constructors, as you would expect:

someBoxCoords :: List Coord
someBoxCoords = Entry (C 2 2) (Entry (C 3 3) (Entry (C (-1) 0) Empty))

Similarly, we can look at the elements of a list by pattern matching:

firstBox :: List Coord -> Picture
firstBox Empty = blank
firstBox (Entry c _) = atCoord c (drawTile Box)

main :: IO ()
main = drawingOf (firstBox someBoxCoords)

Now, what if we want to draw all boxes in the list? We would also start by pattern-matching on the list, handle the empty case, and handle one entry, and then recurse on the remaining list (open on CodeWorld):

pictureOfBoxes :: List Coord -> Picture
pictureOfBoxes Empty = blank
pictureOfBoxes (Entry c cs) = atCoord c (drawTile Box) & boxes cs

main :: IO ()
main = drawingOf (pictureOfBoxes someBoxCoords)

We observe that the recursion on the value level (in the function pictureOfBoxes) corresponds to the recursion on the type level (in the type List). This is a common idiom.

Let us make this interactive again: We want to use the arrow keys to move all boxes. Here is one way of doing that:

movingBoxes :: Activity (List Coord)
movingBoxes = Activity someBoxCoords handle draw
    draw = pictureOfBoxes
    handle (KeyPress key) s
        | key == "Right" = moveAllBoxes R s
        | key == "Up"    = moveAllBoxes U s
        | key == "Left"  = moveAllBoxes L s
        | key == "Down"  = moveAllBoxes D s
    handle _ s      = s

moveAllBoxes :: Direction -> List Coord -> List Coord
moveAllBoxes _ Empty = Empty
moveAllBoxes d (Entry c cs) = Entry (adjacentCoord d c) (moveAllBoxes d cs)

This works! But we are not satisfied. The function moveAllBoxes does a bit too much for my taste: We there have the logic of both moving a single box and traversing the list. Can we separate them? Sure we can, using higher order functions!


We start by writing a very general apply-a-function-to-every-element-in-a-list function:

mapList _ Empty = Empty
mapList f (Entry c cs) = Entry (f c) (mapList f cs)

and then we can use it in handle (note how partially applying adjacentCoord works out so nicely here!):

    handle (KeyPress key) s
        | key == "Right" = mapList (adjacentCoord R) s
        | key == "Up"    = mapList (adjacentCoord U) s
        | key == "Left"  = mapList (adjacentCoord L) s
        | key == "Down"  = mapList (adjacentCoord D) s
    handle _ s      = s

What do you think is the type signature of mapList?


The function mapList is very useful, and you will most likely want to use it in your code. In fact, it is generally recommended to use such general higher-order functions instead of writing out an explicit recursion.

Where can we do a similar refactoring? In the function pictureOfBoxes! This function also perform two things that can be separated into smaller, more generally useful parts: For every entry in the list, it creates a Picture, and then it combines all these. So how about this:

combine :: List Picture -> Picture
combine Empty = blank
combine (Entry p ps) = p & combine ps

pictureOfBoxes :: List Coord -> Picture
pictureOfBoxes cs = combine (mapList (\c -> atCoord c (drawTile Box)) cs)

Granted, the code did not get much smaller. But we did gain a generally useful combine function. (Open on CodeWorld)

Case expressions

Finally, a small syntactic gimmick which you might find useful when doing the exercises.

So far, the only place where we can do pattern matching is when we define a function. This is sufficient, but sometimes annoying, as it requires local functions that we might want to do without.

So let us say we want to remove all boxes from the maze. We could write it like this:

noBoxMaze :: Coord -> Tile
noBoxMaze c = noBox (maze c)
   noBox :: Tile -> Tile
   noBox Box = Ground
   noBox t   = t

but what we would rather write is

noBoxMaze :: Coord -> Tile
noBoxMaze c = case maze c of
   Box -> Ground
   t   -> t

The syntax is the keyword case, followed by the expression that we want to analyze (also called the scrutinee), then keyword of, and then, vertically aligned, any number of alternatives. The alternatives consist of a pattern, just like in a function equation, an arrow, and the expression this should evaluate to in case the pattern matches. Even guards can be used here!