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332 lines (230 loc) · 7.88 KB


Building with CMake and MinGW

ComplexSolver uses SFML library, so you need it to be installed. There is a Find_SFML.cmake script (took from here) that may find installed SFML (for example, if you use MSYS2 to install libraries), but if it didn't, try to add -DSFML_ROOT=C:/.. to CMake configure command (check this).

Now, if you have MinGW and CMake:

cd .../ComplexSolver
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -S "" -B "build"

If everything went fine, CMake will create a build directory and write its files here.

cmake --build build

You have built ComplexSolver! Now just

cd build

Building with Visual Studio

Open project with Visual Studio

Edit paths to SFML in Project->Properties->C/C++->General for headers and Project->Properties->Linker->General for libraries (check this for more info)

If everything went fine, you can compile a project.

After compilation and running you would probably see a message:

sfml-graphics-2.dll was not found

You need to put bin files (These files can be found in <sfml-install-path/bin>) near .exe

Using the program

  • Start .exe

  • Set the settings

    Max framerate:

    • 60 - Fps is limited to 60
    • Vertical Sync - Vertical Synchronization
    • Unlimited - Fps has no limits


    • Empty - Nothing is presetted (only O-point and unit circle)
    • Triangle - Creates Triangle ABC inscribed into unit circle
    • Incenter - Creates Triangle ABC inscribed into unit circle,incenter I, and centers of arcs: Da, Db, Dc
    • Orthocenter - Creates Triangle ABC inscribed into unit circle and orthocenter H
  • Press Enter

  • Build the problem with instruments at the top of the screen


  • To prove the theorem use this button:


  • Choose what you need to prove


  • Wait until the box on the bottom right gives you the result


Compiling files

You can compile files such as Pascal's theorem.txt

Just drag them onto the .exe

How to make this files

Saving picture isn`t in project now. But if you want, you can write this file yourself.


In first line you need to write settings

Settings 60 Empty

Syntax is: Settings <FPS> <Presets>


  • Unlimited - Fps has no limits
  • VS - Vertical Synchronization
  • 60 - Fps is limited to 60


  • Empty - Nothing is presetted (only O-point and unit circle)
  • Triangle - Creates Triangle ABC inscribed into unit circle
  • Orthocenter - Creates Triangle ABC inscribed into unit circle and orthocenter H
  • Incenter - Creates Triangle ABC inscribed into unit circle, incenter I, and centers of arcs: Da, Db, Dc


Chord AB ByTwoUnitPoints A B

Syntax is <Type> <Name> <Contruction> <Args...>


  • Point
  • UnitPoint
  • Line
  • Chord

Name: make it up yourself! But be careful with redefenition, also don`t forget about objects in presets



  • OnPlane

Creates a point on a plane.

Args: coords of point (x,y) (float)

Point <Name> OnPlane 10 50

This point isn`t pinned to plane, you can move it. Args are just to init point.

  • IntersectionOfTwoLines

Creates a point which is intersection of two lines (chords are lines too)

Args: name of two lines (chords are lines too)

Line AB ...
Chord CD ...
Point <Name> IntersectionOfTwoLines AB CD
  • OnLine

Creates a point which lies on line (chords are lines too)

Args: name of line, name of two points (which are on this line) and coords of point (they will be casted to the nearest point on line) If you will write points that are not on the line, compiler will not say anything about that and program will have undefined behavior

Line AB ...
Point C ... //Must be on the AB
Point D ... //Must be on the AB
Point <Name> OnLine AB C D 4 7

This point isn`t pinned, you can move along the line it. Coords are just to init point.

  • Projection

Creates a point which is projection of point on a line (chords are lines too)

Args: name of point and a line

Point A ...
Line BC ...
Point <Name> Projection A BC
  • byTwoPointsFixedRatio

Creates a point which is a center of two point with masses

Args: names of two points and their masses Masses must be integer numbers

Point A ...
Point B ...
Point <Name> byTwoPointsFixedRatio A B 2 3
  • Rotation90

Rotates a point by 90 degrees

Args: names of two points and sign (sign is -1 or 1) If sign isn`t 1 or -1, compiler will not say anything about that, programm will have undefined behavior

Point center ...
Point preimage ...
Point <Name> Rotation90 center preimage 1
  • Orthocenter

Creates an orthocenter of three UnitPoints

Args: names of three UnitPoints

UnitPoint A ...
UnitPoint B ...
UnitPoint C ...
Point <Name> Orthocenter A B C
  • Barycenter

Creates an barycenter of three points

Args: names of three points

Point A ...
Point B ...
Point C ...
Point <Name> Barycenter A B C


  • OnCircle

Creates a point on circle

Args: (float) coordinates (x,y) Coord will be normilized (x^2 + y^2 = 1)

UnitPoint <Name> OnCircle 3 2

This point isn't pinned, you can mive it along the circle

  • CentralProjection

Creates a point on circle which is central projection of first through second (it must be UnitPoint)

Args: name of point and UnitPoint

Point A ...
UnitPoint B ...
UnitPoint <Name> CentralProjection A B
  • IntersectionPerpendicularChord

Creates a point wihch is intersection of UnitCircle and chord which goes throug UnitPoint and perpendicular to another chord

Args: name of chord and name of UnitPoint

Chord AB ...
UnitPoint C ...
UnitPoint <Name> IntersectionPerpendicularChord AB C
  • IntersectionParallelChord

Creates a point wihch is intersection of UnitCircle and chord which goes throug UnitPoint and parallel to another chord

Args: name of chord and name of UnitPoint

Chord AB ...
UnitPoint C ...
UnitPoint <Name> IntersectionParallelChord AB C


  • ByTwoPoints

Creates a line through two points

Args: names of two points

Point A ...
Point B ...
Line <Name> ByTwoPoints A B
  • Tangent

Creates a tangent to UnitCircle though a UnitPoint

Args: names UnitPoint

UnitPoint A ...
Line <Name> Tangent A
  • Parallel

Creates a parallel line to another line through another point

Args: names of line and point

Line AB ...
Point C ...
Line <Name> Parallel AB C
  • Perpendicular

Creates a perpendicular line to another line through another point

Args: names of point and line

Point A ...
Line BC ...
Line <Name> Perpendicular A BC


  • ByTwoUnitPoints

Creates a chord through two UnitPoints

Args: names of two UnitPoints

UnitPoint A ...
UnitPoint B ...
Chord <Name> ByTwoUnitPoints A B

Have a nice experience!