- Add seamless option in server.json, the default value its true
- Fixed issue where helpers not loaded correctly
- Fixed typo issue
- Fixed issue where helpers, models, modules and serializer was not assigned to socket controllers and vapps controllers when not running in seamless mode
- Refactored router, now supports socket verb and its declared as normal controller#action
- Added option to mount only one domain (good for test api/socket in a local network)
- Added option to ignore certains domains (i.e. in case that you serve static files in development but in production nginx or other server handles it for you)
- [cli] Interactive console now must be enabled by calling -i parameter
- Reworked initializers, now requires manually setup of the module instead of a semi-automated configuration, so we gain more flexibility and completly remove the need of create custom wrappers for the modules ;)
- Fixed issue where index file inside middleware was recognized as module instead of custom initialization
- When there in a single domain it is attached to the main app istead of a vhost app
- Added interactive CLI (thanks to vorpal)
- Added serializers support
- Added support for custom middlewares
- Removed hardcoded middlewares
- Added before_action support to controllers
- Fix initializer typo issue (hate spellcheckers)
- Updated path for template
- Added koa-csrf dependency
- For security reasons now users and passwords set from .env file
- [Optional] Added koa-generic-session support
- [Optional] Added i18n support koa-i18n
- Configuration changed a lot
- Routes now is located in config/routes.json and handled by baxel-route
- Configuration can be json or js files
- Fixed issue where public is available in all vhosts, now its only available on enabled domains
- Reworked how baxel environment is set
- Fixed template route
- Added custom server initialisation support
- Added custom koa framework instance support
- Added vhost support
- Ignore no js files when loading config, models, etc
- Breaking backwards compatibility:
- require('baxel').initializer changed to require('baxel').initializer
- require('baxel').Model changed to require('baxel').model
- Added environment support
- Reworked routes to support resources and global methods for paths
- Added tasks partial support
- Fix typo issue
- Changed how initializers works
- Load models on start
- Added missing dependency
- Fixed issue where middlewares added on app.js was not working
- Hotfix where bin not included on npm package
- Added body parser
- Fixed issue where model, ctrl and helper method was not exposed
- Fixed issue where initializers was not exported
- Fixed issues with missing configurations package.json
- Added bin folder to repo
- Added an easy way to instantiate third party libraries
- Improved Baxel core
- Implemented MVC architecture project
- Build a well organized configuration files and routes
- Added helpers support
- Added an easy way to call models and helpers from the controllers
- Added template support