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A5. Creating an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

In section A2. Your First Grammar, we presented a grammar for JSON.

That grammar did recognize valid JSON, but did not build an AST for the parsed JSON input.

In this section, we revisit this grammar, adding in everything it needs to generate a proper AST. We will then explain the general principles behind AST construction in Autumn.

Without further ado, let's see the new grammar. The intended result is simple: numbers are parsed as Double, strings as String, arrays as List<Object> and "objects" (dictionaries) as Map<String, Object>.

import norswap.autumn.Autumn;
import norswap.autumn.Grammar;
import norswap.autumn.ParseOptions;
import norswap.autumn.ParseResult;
import norswap.autumn.positions.LineMapString;
import java.util.Arrays;

public final class JSON extends Grammar
    // Lexical

    { ws = usual_whitespace; }

    public rule integer =
        choice('0', digit.at_least(1));

    public rule fractional =
        seq('.', digit.at_least(1));

    public rule exponent =
        seq(set("eE"), set("+-").opt(), integer);

    public rule number =
        seq(opt('-'), integer, fractional.opt(), exponent.opt())
        .push($ -> Double.parseDouble($.str()))

    public rule string_char = choice(
        seq(set('"', '\\').not(), range('\u0000', '\u001F').not(), any),
        seq('\\', set("\\/bfnrt")),
        seq(str("\\u"), hex_digit, hex_digit, hex_digit, hex_digit));

    public rule string_content =
        .push($ -> $.str());

    public rule string =
        seq('"',string_content , '"')

    public rule LBRACE   = word("{");
    public rule RBRACE   = word("}");
    public rule LBRACKET = word("[");
    public rule RBRACKET = word("]");
    public rule LPAREN   = word("(");
    public rule RPAREN   = word(")");
    public rule COLON    = word(":");
    public rule COMMA    = word(",");

    // Syntactic

    public rule value = lazy(() -> choice(
        word("true")  .as_val(true),
        word("false") .as_val(false),
        word("null")  .as_val(null)));

    public rule pair =
        seq(string, COLON, value)
        .push($ -> $.$);

    public rule object =
        seq(LBRACE, pair.sep(0, COMMA), RBRACE)
        .push($ ->$.$)
            .map(x -> (Object[]) x)
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(x -> (String) x[0], x -> x[1])));

    public rule array =
        seq(LBRACKET, value.sep(0, COLON), RBRACKET)

    public rule root = seq(ws, value);

    @Override public rule root() {
      return root;

    public void parse (String input) {
        ParseResult result = Autumn.parse(root, input, ParseOptions.get());
        if (result.fullMatch) {
        } else {
            // debugging
            System.out.println(result.toString(new LineMapString(input), false, "<input>"));
            // for users
            System.out.println(result.userErrorString(new LineMapString(input), "<input>"));

As you can see, there are relatively few changes, namely the additions of combinator calls push(), as_val() and as_list().

Basic Principles & Changes Explained

The basic idea is that there exists a value stack (accessible via Parse#stack) on which parsers can push or pop items (often AST nodes).

Typically, a parser will pop the nodes pushed on the stack by its children, aggregate them into a bigger node, and push that on the stack.

But in fact, it is not the parser itself that will do this, but a new parser — of class Collect — created by the AST-construction combinators. That parser wraps the parser on which the combinator was called and takes care of the AST construction functionality.

In our JSON example, a simple case is that of the as_val combinators. The parsers returned by those, when they are successful, simply push the parameter of the method on the value stack.

Then there is the push combinator. This combinator takes a lambda of one parameter, conventionally denote $. That lambda implements the interface StackPush, and its parameter is of type ActionContext. This context makes a lot of information about the parse accessible, refer to the Javadoc for full details.

Here in particular, we use $ in rule number to retrieve the string matched by the sequence parser ($.str()). In rule pair, $.$ gives us the array of items pushed onto the value stack during the invocation of the seq(string, ":", value) parser. Specifically, this will be an array of two items: a string pushed on the stack by rule string_content, and a value pushed on the stack by one of the children of rule value.

The lambda passed to push returns a value, which is itself pushed onto the value stack. So in rule number we push the double result of the Double.parseDouble invocation, while in rule pair we push the array itself (it will be pushed as a single array object, the array items won't be pushed individually).

In rule string, we simply push the quoteless string matched by string_char.at_least(0) onto the stack. (*1)

In rule object, we do something a bit more technical. $.$ is still the array of items pushed on stack by sub-parsers, which in this case means that each item is an array pushed by the pair rule. Therefore, we can stream the array, and cast each such item to type Object[]. We use Collectors.toMap to isolate the key and the value from each sub-array. (*2)

Finally, in rule array, as_list(Object.class) collects all items pushed on the stack by sub-parsers into a list whose parameter type is given by the class parameter (here it's Object), and pushes that list on the stack.

Tour of AST Construction Combinators

There are a number of combinators that can be used to read or push objects from the value stack. Here are the two most general ones:

We've already covered push in the last section. collect is similar but unlike StackPush, the functional method in StackAction does not return a value - so nothing is automatically pushed onto the value stack (it is still possible to manipulate the value stack via $.parse.stack).

The functional methods of StackPush and StackAction both expect an ActionContext. Two important things you can get of out of the context is the Parse object (ActionContext#parse) and a Span representing the matched input (ActionContext#span).

The CollectOptions... parameter allows you pass zero or more options that will modify how "collect" parsers (i.e. instances of Collect, which all the parsers we present here are) work. These options are detailed in a section below.

Next we have a few more specific combinators:

rule#as_val pushes its argument on the stack if the parser succeeds. rule#as_list takes the array of collected items and turns it into a list with the given parameter type. The JSON grammar has examples of both these combinators (in rules value and array).

rule#or_push_null pushes null on the stack if the underlying parser fails, or leaves the stack untouched otherwise (typically because the underlying parser will push something if it succeeds). Finally, rule#as_bool pushes true or false on the stack depending on whether the underlying parser succeeds or fails (respectively). Both of these parsers always succeeds.

Note that of all these only rule#as_list takes options, as it is the only case where it makes sense to customize the behaviour.

Action Context Helpers

The ActionContext also supplies a few important helpers which deserve to be mentionned.

First, there is a collection of methods called $0(), $1(), ..., $9(). These return the corresponding index in the array of items popped from the stack, but additionally cast the item to the target type.

For instance, the following two rules are equivalent:

rule foo = myparser.push($ -> functionExpectingString($.$0()));
rule bar = myparser.push($ -> functionExpectingString((String) $.$[0]));

There is also a function called $list() which returns a List view of the popped items. (It's not to be confused with list() which returns the sub-list matched by the parser when parsing a list input.)

Customizing Collect Parsers

Like mentionned before, you can customize the behaviour of Collect parsers using the following options (available as static constants or methods in the Grammar class):

  • PEEK_ONLY: items are left on the stack instead of popped.
  • LOOKBACK(int): an additional number of items are taken from the stack to be added to $ (and if PEEK_ONLY isn't present, they are also popped).
  • ACTION_ON_FAIL: the lambda function will be executed even if the underlying parser fails, $.$ will be set to null.

When to use them? Lookback can be useful when you implement "suffix rules". For instance, imagine you have a language where you can make a macro that expands to a block of code with the syntax <code_block> as <macro_name>, e.g. { print("hello") } as hello_world.

Further, imagine that you have three different kinds of block of codes, parsed by rules block1, block2 and block3, which each push a node on the value stack. Finally, macro definitions may appear anywhere that these block may appear.

The best way to define the syntax of code blocks and macro definitions is then the following:

rule macro_def_suffix =
    seq("as", identifier)
    .push($ -> new MacroDefinition($.$1() /* identifier */, $.$0() /* code block */,
rule blocks =
    seq(choice(block1, block2, block3), macro_def_suffix.opt());

The macro definition suffix does not have to be repeated for every kind of code block, and we don't have to re-parse a code block in case it turns out to be part of a macro definition.

Regarding ACTION_ON_FAIL, it is useful for cases where you want to push something on the stack regardless of the outcome of the parser — although you probably want to push something different in each of those scenarios.

As for PEEK_ONLY, it is useful when you want to extend the information available on the stack rather than aggregate it. For instance, you could use it to add a virtual item (not corresponding to any specific syntactic construct) at the end of a sequence.

Value Stack as Context

As we've seen in A3. How Autumn Works, Autumn parsers may backtrack, meaning we "rewind" the output they've matched so that we can try an alternative.

You may legitimately wonder what happens to our value stack when such backtracking occurs.

The simple answer is that, if you use the combinators presented above, "it just works". The value stack isn't polluted by nodes pushed by parsers that have been backtracked over.

The more complicated answer is that the value stack is an example of context (*3), which we'll learn about in B1. Context-Sensititive (Stateful) Parsing.

In particular, the value stack is an instance of SideEffectingArrayStack (a class you may yourself use), some operations of which log their changes so that they may be undone upon backtracking.


(*1) Beware that this quoteless string isn't really the represented string. It may still contain escaped characters (e.g. '\n') that haven't been processed. Java doesn't really provide a nice one-liner for that case, but you can take inspiration from this method which unescapes Java strings.

(*2) We cast the key to String so that the maps will have the proper type. However, because of type erasure, this isn't actually necessary in this case. Still, we're being good citizens and expliciting the type, which will also make IDEs and linters happy.

(*3) More accurately, the value stack is an example of state, since one does not typically make parsing decisions based on the value stack, which is the defining characteristic of context — although, in Autumn, that is fully possible and supported.