The new module gettext_generated is used like this:
1> gettext_generate:compile(se, "swedish.po"). {module,se} 2> gettext_generate:compile(es, "spanish.po"). {module,es}
This generated two modules, called se
and es
, from gettext dot-po files.
Lets say you have an application with text you want translated.
-module(example). -export([run/0]). gettext(Atom) -> case get(i18n_module) of undefined -> atom_to_list(Atom); Mod -> Mod:gettext(Atom) end. run() -> io:format("~s~n", [gettext('Hello World')]).
When you run example:run()
you want the translated string out.
13> put(i18n_module, se), example:run(). Hej V\344rld ok 14> put(i18n_module, es), example:run(). Hola Mundo ok
And of course, if you have no module set, it will fall back on converting the atom text to string directly.
16> erase(i18n_module), example:run(). Hello World ok