scratchpad windows (similar to a quake console) for awesome wm
is used to show and hide scratch windows. It takes a shell command to launch the scratch window and a rule to match the scratch window.
for example using ezconfig we can add bindings for a scratch terminal and a scratch python repl:
local launchprogs = ezconfig.keytable.join({
-- scratchpad programs
['M-c'] = { scratch.toggle, "urxvt -name scratch-term"
, { instance = "scratch-term" } }
, ['M-S-p'] = { scratch.toggle, "urxvt -name scratch-python -e python"
, { instance = "scratch-python" } }
You'll also probably want to add a rule to make the scratch windows float:
awful.rules.rules = {
{ rule = { instance = "scratch" },
properties = { floating = true} },