This file is used to list changes made in each version of chef-rundeck.
- Custom properties support for framework and project properties files
- Added chef-rundeck cache timeout
- Added chef-rundeck SSL verify mode
- Rundeck version bump
- Various JVM fixes
- Added URL attribute to support Rundeck running behind a reverse proxy
- Added support for external databases (PR #14)
- Added support for SMTP mail authentication (PR #13)
- Allow the rundeck profile to set authentication file and name via attributes
- Move stub file array to an attribute to allow control from wrapper cookbooks.
- Added the "hostname" attribute
- Removed the aggressive JVM optimization option
- Logic change on admin data bag and Chef credentials fetching
- Moved chef-rundeck gem to the official one
- Implemented plugin LWRP
- Fixed double startup issue with Upstart supporting systems
- Made Rundeck hostname configurable
- Version bump to Rundeck
- Fixed stub user creation issue
- Added update action along with create action on admin user (resolves #6)
- Added apt/yum recipe inclusion (resolves #7)
- Fixed outdated jaas module declaration (resolves #8)
- Added partial search support
- Version bump to Rundeck
- Added support for encrypted data bags
- Doc updates
- Added support for RHEL distros
- Various bugfixes
- Initial release of chef-rundeck