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GitHub Actions / clippy succeeded Sep 11, 2023 in 0s


36 warnings



Message level Amount
Internal compiler error 0
Error 0
Warning 36
Note 0
Help 0


  • rustc 1.72.0 (5680fa18f 2023-08-23)
  • cargo 1.72.0 (103a7ff2e 2023-08-15)
  • clippy 0.1.72 (5680fa1 2023-08-23)


Check warning on line 109 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/web/
99  | / pub struct WebServiceConfig<Err: ErrorRenderer> {
100 | |     state: AppState,
101 | |     root: bool,
102 | |     default: Rc<HttpServiceFactory<Err>>,
...   |
108 | |     )>,
109 | | }
    | |_^

Check warning on line 58 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/web/
43 | / pub struct HttpServer<F, I, S, B>
44 | | where
45 | |     F: Fn() -> I + Send + Clone + 'static,
46 | |     I: IntoServiceFactory<S, Request, AppConfig>,
...  |
57 | |     _t: PhantomData<(S, B)>,
58 | | }
   | |_^

Check warning on line 486 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/web/
483 | / pub struct ScopeService<F, Err: ErrorRenderer> {
484 | |     filter: F,
485 | |     routing: ScopeRouter<Err>,
486 | | }
    | |_^

Check warning on line 73 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/web/
63 | / pub struct Scope<Err: ErrorRenderer, M = Identity, T = Filter<Err>> {
64 | |     middleware: M,
65 | |     filter: ServiceChainFactory<T, WebRequest<Err>>,
66 | |     rdef: Vec<String>,
...  |
72 | |     case_insensitive: bool,
73 | | }
   | |_^

Check warning on line 238 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/web/
232 | / pub struct CustomResponder<T: Responder<Err>, Err> {
233 | |     responder: T,
234 | |     status: Option<StatusCode>,
235 | |     headers: Option<HeaderMap>,
236 | |     error: Option<HttpError>,
237 | |     _t: PhantomData<Err>,
238 | | }
    | |_^

Check warning on line 14 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/web/
14 | pub struct Ready<T>(Option<T>);
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Check warning on line 470 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/web/
466 | / pub struct ResourceRouter<Err: ErrorRenderer> {
467 | |     state: Option<AppState>,
468 | |     routes: Vec<RouteService<Err>>,
469 | |     default: Option<HttpService<Err>>,
470 | | }
    | |_^

Check warning on line 405 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/web/
401 | / pub struct ResourceServiceFactory<Err: ErrorRenderer, M, F> {
402 | |     middleware: M,
403 | |     filter: F,
404 | |     routing: ResourceRouterFactory<Err>,
405 | | }
    | |_^

Check warning on line 61 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/web/
52 | / pub struct Resource<Err: ErrorRenderer, M = Identity, T = Filter<Err>> {
53 | |     middleware: M,
54 | |     filter: ServiceChainFactory<T, WebRequest<Err>>,
55 | |     rdef: Vec<String>,
...  |
60 | |     default: Rc<RefCell<Option<Rc<HttpNewService<Err>>>>>,
61 | | }
   | |_^

Check warning on line 67 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/web/
63 | / pub struct ServiceConfig<Err = DefaultError> {
64 | |     pub(super) services: Vec<Box<dyn AppServiceFactory<Err>>>,
65 | |     pub(super) state: Extensions,
66 | |     pub(super) external: Vec<ResourceDef>,
67 | | }
   | |_^

Check warning on line 287 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/web/
284 | / pub struct AppService<F, Err: ErrorRenderer> {
285 | |     filter: F,
286 | |     routing: AppRouting<Err>,
287 | | }
    | |_^

Check warning on line 195 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/web/
185 | / pub struct AppFactoryService<T, Err>
186 | | where
187 | |     T: Service<WebRequest<Err>, Response = WebResponse, Error = Err::Container>,
188 | |     Err: ErrorRenderer,
...   |
194 | |     _t: PhantomData<Err>,
195 | | }
    | |_^

Check warning on line 51 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/web/
33 | / pub struct AppFactory<T, F, Err: ErrorRenderer>
34 | | where
35 | |     F: ServiceFactory<
36 | |         WebRequest<Err>,
...  |
50 | |     pub(super) case_insensitive: bool,
51 | | }
   | |_^

Check warning on line 559 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/web/
559 | pub struct Filter<Err>(PhantomData<Err>);
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Check warning on line 37 in ntex/src/web/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/web/
27 | / pub struct App<M, F, Err: ErrorRenderer = DefaultError> {
28 | |     middleware: M,
29 | |     filter: ServiceChainFactory<F, WebRequest<Err>>,
30 | |     services: Vec<Box<dyn AppServiceFactory<Err>>>,
...  |
36 | |     case_insensitive: bool,
37 | | }
   | |_^

Check warning on line 251 in ntex/src/server/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/server/
251 | pub struct ServiceRuntime(Rc<RefCell<ServiceRuntimeInner>>);
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Check warning on line 44 in ntex/src/server/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/server/
44 | pub struct ServiceConfig(pub(super) Rc<RefCell<ServiceConfigInner>>);
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Check warning on line 40 in ntex/src/server/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/server/
26 | / pub struct ServerBuilder {
27 | |     threads: usize,
28 | |     token: Token,
29 | |     backlog: i32,
...  |
39 | |     notify: Vec<oneshot::Sender<()>>,
40 | | }
   | |_^

Check warning on line 155 in ntex/src/http/h2/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/http/h2/
152 | / pub struct H2ServiceHandler<F, S: Service<Request>, B> {
153 | |     config: Rc<DispatcherConfig<S, (), ()>>,
154 | |     _t: PhantomData<(F, B)>,
155 | | }
    | |_^

Check warning on line 23 in ntex/src/http/h2/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/http/h2/
19 | / pub struct H2Service<F, S, B> {
20 | |     srv: S,
21 | |     cfg: ServiceConfig,
22 | |     _t: PhantomData<(F, B)>,
23 | | }
   | |_^

Check warning on line 7 in ntex/src/http/h1/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
 --> ntex/src/http/h1/
7 | pub struct UpgradeHandler<F>(PhantomData<F>);
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Check warning on line 254 in ntex/src/http/h1/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/http/h1/
251 | / pub struct H1ServiceHandler<F, S, B, X, U> {
252 | |     config: Rc<DispatcherConfig<S, X, U>>,
253 | |     _t: marker::PhantomData<(F, B)>,
254 | | }
    | |_^

Check warning on line 25 in ntex/src/http/h1/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/http/h1/
16 | / pub struct H1Service<F, S, B, X = ExpectHandler, U = UpgradeHandler<F>> {
17 | |     srv: S,
18 | |     cfg: ServiceConfig,
19 | |     expect: X,
...  |
24 | |     _t: marker::PhantomData<(F, B)>,
25 | | }
   | |_^

Check warning on line 294 in ntex/src/http/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
   --> ntex/src/http/
291 | / pub struct HttpServiceHandler<F, S, B, X, U> {
292 | |     config: Rc<DispatcherConfig<S, X, U>>,
293 | |     _t: marker::PhantomData<(F, B)>,
294 | | }
    | |_^

Check warning on line 25 in ntex/src/http/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / clippy

type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation

warning: type does not implement `std::fmt::Debug`; consider adding `#[derive(Debug)]` or a manual implementation
  --> ntex/src/http/
18 | / pub struct HttpService<F, S, B, X = h1::ExpectHandler, U = h1::UpgradeHandler<F>> {
19 | |     srv: S,
20 | |     cfg: ServiceConfig,
21 | |     expect: X,
...  |
24 | |     _t: marker::PhantomData<(F, B)>,
25 | | }
   | |_^