- Variables, Scoping, & Hoisting
- Closures
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Functions
- Event Handling
- Direct DOM Access
- Event Listeners
- Updating the DOM
- Rendering Algorithms
- Traversal
- String Manipulation
- Promises, Callbacks, & Async/Wait
- Event Loop & Single-Thread Environment
- Arrow Functions
- Destructuring (objects and arrays)
- Spread & Rest Operators (...)
- Modules (import/export)
- Template Literals (using backticks for string interpolation)
- Arrays (map, reduce, filter, etc.)
- Objects & Maps/Sets
- Recursion
- Big O Notation
- Browser Developer Tools
- Unit Tests (Jest & Mocha)
- Optimize Front-End Performance (lazy loading images, diff HTTP requests, minimizing DOM updates)
- Identify Bottlenecks (excessive reflows/repaints, debouncing/throttling)