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Tips And Tricks

Terje Sandstrom edited this page Nov 5, 2018 · 37 revisions

NOTE: As of the 3.0 final release, the registry settings are no longer recognized. Instead, use settings in the .runsettings file.

NUnit 3.x

VS Test .Runsettings configuration

Certain NUnit Test Adapter settings are configurable using a .runsettings file. The following options are available:

Key Type Options Default
InternalTraceLevel string Off, Error, Warning, Info, Verbose, Debug Nothing => Off
NumberOfTestWorkers int nr of workers -1
ShadowCopyFiles bool True, False False
Verbosity int -1, 0 -5 . -1 means quiet mode 0
UseVsKeepEngineRunning bool True, False False
BasePath string path ?
PrivateBinPath string directory1;directory2;etc ?
RandomSeed int seed integer random
DefaultTimeout int timeout in mS, 0 means infinite 0
DefaultTestNamePattern string Pattern for display name {m}{a}
DomainUsage string None, Single, Multiple Single
WorkDirectory string specify directory Test assembly location
DumpXmlTestDiscovery bool Enable dumping of NUnit discovery response xml false
DumpXmlTestResults bool Enable dumping of NUnit execution response xml false

Example implementation


NUnit .runsettings implementation



This setting is a diagnostic setting forwarded to NUnit, and not used by the adapter itself. For further information see the NUnit Tracelevel documentation


This setting is sent to NUnit to determine how parallelization should be performed.


This setting is sent to NUnit to enable/disable shadow-copying.


This controls the outputs from the adapter to the Visual Studio Output/Tests window. A higher number includes the information from the lower numbers. It has the following actual levels:

-1 : Quiet mode. Only shows errors and warnings.

0 : Default, normal information verbosity

1-3: Some more information from setting are output (in particular regarding parallelization)

4: Outputs the values from the runsettings it has discovered.

5: Outputs all debug statements in the adapter


This setting is used by the adapter to signal to the VSTest.Execution engine to keep running after the tests have finished running. This can speed up execution of subsequent test runs, as the execution engine already is loaded, but running the risks of either holding onto test assemblies and having some tests not properly cleaned out. The settings is the same as using the Visual Studio Test/Test Settings/Keep Test Execution Engine running.

DumpXmlTestDiscovery and DumpXmlTestResults

These settings are used to dump the output from NUnit, as it is received by the adapter, before any processing in the adapter is done, to disk. It is part of the diagnostics tools for the adapter. You can find the files under your current outputfolder, in a subfolder named Dump. (Note: This is not the same as the TestResults folder, this data is not testresults, but diagnostics dumps)

NUnit 2.x

Registry Settings

Certain settings in the registry affect how the adapter runs. All these settings are added by using RegEdit under the key HKCU\Software\\VSAdapter.


By default NUnit no longer uses shadowcopy. If this causes an issue for you shadowcopy can be enabled by setting the DWORD value UseShadowCopy to 1.


By default the NUnit adapter will "Kill" the Visual Studio Test Execution engine after each run. Visual Studio 2013 and later has a new setting under its top menu, Test | Test Settings | Keep Test Execution Engine Running. The adapter normally ignores this setting.

In some cases it can be useful to have the engine running, e.g. during debugging of the adapter itself. You can then set the adapter to follow the VS setting by setting the DWORD value UseVsKeepEngineRunning to 1.


Normally the adapter reports exceptions using a short format, consisting of the message only. You can change it to report a verbose format that includes the stack trace, by setting a the DWORD value Verbosity to 1.

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