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Pierre T. edited this page Jan 9, 2015 · 4 revisions


To use the testing features provided by Nuun add the following dependency to your pom.



JUnit runner

Integration tests in Nuun are done using the NuunITRunner. This runner starts a Nuun kernel and bind the test class so you can inject bound class in it.

Nuun IT also provides a @WithParams annotation which allows to pass params to the kernel.

@WithParams({Kernel.NUUN_ROOT_PACKAGE, "org.mycompany.myproject"})
public class ServiceAIT {
    ServiceA serviceA;
    public void ServiceAShouldDoSomethingUseful() {


The test class is automatically bind by you may want to bind other classes for your testing needs. Nuun provides two API for that:

  • The @ITBind annotation which can be used on a class to bind it
  • The @KernelModule annotation which is used to bind native module without having to create a plugin. This feature is only available for test purpose.


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