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James Teh edited this page Aug 21, 2016 · 4 revisions

Design Overview

This article attempts to provide an overview of NVDA's technical design and architecture. It is necessarily somewhat technical in nature. You should have a reasonable knowledge of programming and object oriented programming concepts in particular, as well as at least a basic knowledge of Python, before attempting to understand NVDA's design. Please see the code documentation for the relevant classes for more information.



  • API: Application programming interface
  • GUI: Graphical user interface


  • Caret: The system cursor; i.e. the cursor generally moved when you use the normal cursor keys.
  • Script: A function which is executed in response to input from the user such as key presses from the keyboard, manipulating braille display controls and taps on touchscreens. Also known as a command.
  • Widget: An individual component in a GUI with which a user can interact; e.g. a button, an editable text field, a list box, etc. Also known as a control or object.


Programming Languages

NVDA is primarily written in the Python programming language, which allows for rapid development among other benefits. Code that needs to be injected into other processes is written in C++ for high performance.

Accessibility APIs

In order to make graphical widgets accessible to assistive technologies, operating systems and applications can use special purpose accessibility APIs. These APIs provide information about the widget such as its name, type/role (button, check box, editable text field, etc.), description, value, states (checked, unavailable, invisible, etc.) and keyboard shortcut. Accessibility APIs also provide events to allow assistive technologies to monitor changes, such as when the focus changes, properties of an object (such as name, description, value, and state) change, etc. Rich accessibility APIs provide additional information, including the ability to access detailed information about and track the cursor in editable text controls, and table information such as row and column coordinates. NVDA relies heavily on accessibility APIs to gather information. Several accessibility APIs are used, including Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) (also known as IAccessible), IAccessible2, Java Access Bridge and UI Automation.

Native APIs

Some widgets do not expose sufficient information via accessibility APIs to make them fully accessible. For example, MSAA, which is the accessibility API used by most standard Windows controls, does not provide the ability to obtain the location of the cursor or retrieve individual units of text in editable text fields. However, some widgets provide their own native APIs (not specific to accessibility) which can be used to obtain this information. NVDA makes use of these APIs where possible; e.g. in standard edit controls.

Operating System Functions

Aside from accessibility and native APIs, Windows provides many functions which can be used to obtain information and perform tasks. Information that can be obtained includes the class name of a window, the current foreground window and system battery status. Tasks that can be performed include moving/clicking the mouse and sending key presses.

NVDA Components

NVDA is built with an extensible, modular, object oriented, abstract design. It is divided into several distinct components.


The launcher is the module which the user executes to start NVDA. It is contained in the file nvda.pyw. It handles command line arguments, performs some basic initialisation and starts the core (unless NVDA is already running or a command line option specifies otherwise).


The core (in the function core.main) loads the configuration, initialises all other components and then enters the main loop.

The main loop keeps looping until NVDA is instructed to exit. IN each iteration/tick, the core pumps the API and input handlers, registered generators and the main queue. All events, scripts, etc. are indirectly queued to this main queue by API and input handlers, so pumping the main queue causes these to be executed. The main loop is what "drives" NVDA or makes it "tick".

Once NVDA is instructed to exit, the core terminates all other components, saves the configuration if appropriate and then exits.

Event and Script Handling

Rather than queuing scripts and events directly to the main queue, this is abstracted using the eventHandler and scriptHandler modules. Input and API handlers use these modules to queue or directly execute scripts and events.

Registered Generators

Some tasks need to run in the background without causing NVDA to block (freeze) while waiting for them to complete. They need to execute code regularly, but at no specific time interval. NVDA allows Python generator functions to be registered for this purpose. Once registered, the generator will be pumped once for each iteration/tick of the main loop. Examples of this include the say all and speak spelling functionality. They are registered using queueHandler.registerGeneratorObject.

Input Handlers

The input handlers handle input from various sources. Currently, there are three main input handler modules: keyboardHandler, mouseHandler and touchHandler. Braille display drivers can also handle input. These handlers listen for input and generate appropriate input gestures and events.

Input Gestures

An input gesture is an abstract representation of a single piece of input from the user; e.g. a key press. All input gestures derive from the base inputCore.InputGesture class. This allows all input to be handled in a consistent, unified way. For example, any input gesture can be bound to any script, both in code and by the user.

API Handlers

These handle initialisation, listening for events and termination for specific accessibility and native APIs. They also contain utility functions useful for working with their API. When an event is received for a widget, an appropriate NVDA object is fetched or constructed and an event is then queued for that NVDA object. Together with NVDA objects, they abstract the handling of queries and events for specific APIs so that the bulk of NVDA need not be concerned with specific APIs. To introduce support for a new API, a developer just creates another API handler and appropriate NVDA objects without needing to change the majority of the code. API handler modules include IAccessibleHandler for MSAA/IAccessible and IAccessible2, JABHandler for Java Access Bridge and UIAHandler for UI Automation.

Output Modules

Separate modules encapsulate the handling of output functionality. Currently, there are two main output modules: speech and braille. There is also the tones module, which is used to output tones/beeps, and nvWave module used to play wave files indicating specific events.

Output Drivers

Synth drivers are drivers to allow NVDA to utilise particular speech synthesisers. They are derived from the synthDriverHandler.SynthDriver base class.

Braille display drivers are drivers to allow NVDA to utilise particular braille displays. They are derived from the braille.BrailleDisplayDriver base class.

NVDA Objects

An NVDA object (NVDAObject) is an abstract representation of a single widget in NVDA. All NVDA objects derive from the base NVDAObjects.NVDAObject class. Methods and properties are used to query information about, handle events from and execute actions on the widget represented by the NVDA object in an abstract way. This means that the bulk of NVDA need not be concerned with specific accessibility or native APIs, but can instead work with a single, abstract representation. This allows for the seemless support and integration of many vastly different APIs.

It is here that the full power of object oriented programming is used. Many methods are implemented on the base NVDAObject class and only need to be overridden if specific functionality is required. Similarly, if a particular widget is non-standard, problematic, provides additional information using other mechanisms, etc., it can simply subclass another NVDA object and override methods as appropriate.

NVDA objects that might be used in any application are contained in the NVDAObjects package. App modules may also define NVDA objects specific to an application.

Text Ranges

When working with editable text controls, NVDA needs to be able to obtain information about the text in the widget. Aside from just retrieving the entire text, proper navigation requires retrieval of specific units of text (e.g. paragraphs, lines, words and characters), as well as the ability to find and set the location of the caret and selection. Also, if the widget supports formatting, NVDA should be able to retrieve text attributes such as font name, size, bold, italic, underline and whether there is a spelling error. Each API provides a different way of querying and manipulating text. Just as NVDA objects provide an abstract representation of a widget, TextInfo objects provide an abstract representation of a range of text. These objects are derived from the textInfos.TextInfo base class.

Global Commands

The global commands object (globalCommands.GlobalCommands) contains built-in global scripts; i.e. they can be executed everywhere. For example, the review, report current focus and date/time scripts are all located in global commands.


NvDA allows third-parties to extend NvDA's functionality through plugins and add-ons. These may define custom NVDA objects for specific applications, add global features and add support for new braille displays and speech synthesizers. There are three plugin types: appModules, globalPlugins and drivers, with drivers further divided between speech synthesizer and braille display support.

App Modules

Generally, most widgets may appear in any application and an NVDA object should therefore be included in the main NVDAObjects package. However, there are sometimes cases where a widget is implemented specifically for one application, as well as cases where a single event must be overridden or a script must be provided only in one application. An app module provides support specific to an application for these cases.

An app module is derived from the appModuleHandler.AppModule base class. App modules receive events for all NVDA objects in the application and can bind scripts which can be executed anywhere in that application. They can also implement their own NVDA objects for use within the application.

Global Plugins

Aside from application specific customisation using app modules, it is also possible to extend NVDA on a global level. For example, new global commands can be added, behaviour can be changed and new GUI toolkits can be supported. This can be done using global plugins.

A global plugin is derived from the globalPluginHandler.GlobalPlugin base class. Similar to global commands, they can bind scripts which can be executed everywhere. They can also implement their own global NVDA Objects.

Tree Interceptors

Sometimes, it is necessary to intercept events and scripts for an entire hierarchy (or tree) of NVDA objects. For example, this is necessary to seemlessly handle complex documents which consist of many objects. This can be done using a tree interceptor.

A tree interceptor (TreeInterceptor) is derived from the treeInterceptorHandler.TreeInterceptor base class. It receives events and scripts for all NVDA objects beneath and including the root NVDA object. Tree interceptors are created when a TreeInterceptor class is returned from the treeInterceptorClass property of an NVDA object.

Virtual Buffers

Complex documents such as web pages are very often not flat; i.e. information does not simply run from top to bottom. Because of this, complex document browsers often do not provide a way to navigate documents using the caret, and even when they do, it is often problematic. Therefore, screen readers need to create their own flat representation of a document from the object hierarchy provided by the browser and allow the user to navigate this flat representation. NVDA calls these virtual buffers. Due to the extreme slowness of performing large numbers of out-of-process queries, NVDA creates these with the help of in-process code.

A virtual buffer (VirtualBuffer) in NVDA is derived from the virtualBuffers.VirtualBuffer base class and is a type of tree interceptor.


NVDA has its own graphical user interface to allow for easy configuration and other user interaction. This code is primarily contained in the gui package. wxPython is used as the GUI toolkit.

Configuration management

NVDA includes an extensive configuration management facility including various preferences dialogs, ability to apply a given configuration in apps and so forth. The base configuration options, as well as routines that manage configuration profiles and other management routines are housed in the config package, and NVDA uses ConfigObj to store configuration options.

Special Object Functions


NVDA object, app module and virtual buffer instances can all contain special methods which handle events for NVDA Objects. These methods are all named beginning with "event_"; e.g. event_gainFocus and event_nameChange. These events are generally executed by a call to eventHandler.executeEvent, which is in turn generally called resultant to events queued by API Handlers. Most events do not take any additional arguments. App modules and virtual buffers are passed a handler function which should be called if the event should be handled by the next handler; e.g. the object itself.


NVDA object, app module and virtual buffer instances can all contain special methods called scripts which are executed in response to input gestures from the user. These methods are all named beginning with "script_"; e.g. script_reportCurrentFocus and script_dateTime. Script methods are passed the input gesture that triggered them.

Input gestures are bound to scripts in the class using a __gestures dict. They can also be bound at runtime using bindGesture. These are inherited from baseObject.ScriptableObject.

Inter-process Communication

In general terms, every running application or service on a computer, including NVDA, is a separate process. No process can access data in another process except via special operating system mechanisms. This is called inter-process communication (IPC).

Out-of-process Code

NVDA functions primarily out-of-process. That is, events and queries for information from other processes must be marshalled (communicated) between NVDA and the process in question using IPC. This is many times slower than queries and events managed in the same process. However, for the majority of screen reader functionality, this performance hit is insignificant.

In-process Code

When large numbers of queries need to be made in one hit, working out-of-process is far too slow. A noteworthy example is rendering a web page into a flat representation, as is done by virtual buffers. In these cases, code can be "injected" into the remote process. Because this code is running in the same process, queries and events are much faster, as they do not have to be marshalled between processes, which means that large numbers of queries are quite fast. NVDA can then perform single out-of-process queries for relevant information.

In-process code must be small and light-weight, as it is being injected into other processes. It must also be as fast as possible to allow for maximum performance. Python is unsuitable for this task. All of NVDA's in-process code is written in C++, which allows for maximum performance and minimal overhead.

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