diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index daa4770..a5ab6d5 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -3,3 +3,39 @@ This is a little service to enable users to follow everyone in a list. Because of Twitter's API rate limits, a user's request to follow an entire list is queued up behind everyone else using the service. Consequently it might be several days before you see all the new people you're following. If you use this software and enjoy it, consider buying the creator a coffee: [![ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/V7V24IODP) + +## What you'll need + +- you'll need credentials for a Twitter app. Your users will be asked to authorise you, and you'll need quite significant permissions. You can get those by [following the instructions on the developer pages of Twitter.](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/getting-started). Those credentials go in [runtime/.chalice/config.json](./runtime/.chalice/example_config.json) - you will need to rename the `example_config.json` file to `config.json` +- you'll need [an AWS account, with some billing set up](https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/create-and-activate-aws-account/). Depending on how may users you have, this app could cost you a fortune - or it could cost you absolutely nothing. Lambda is complicated. I'm going to work on ways to call some of these asynchronously, rather than spamming queues, which is what it does at the moment. +- you'll need credentials for AWS stored locally. Check out the section of [this guide entitled 'Programmatic Access'](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-sec-cred-types.html) + +## Setup + +- rename `example_config.json` to `config.json`. +- add the access key and the secret key from your twitter app to the `CONSUMER_KEY` and `CONSUMER_SECRET` fields respectively. +- you will also need a `CALLBACK_URL`. Because of the way this software has been built, this can be constructed as follows: {domain}/api/redirect. So, if you want to use this on your domain `elephants-count.com`, your redirect url will be `elephants-count.com/api/redirect`. If you're just deploying this as a little backend service, you will be better off going into the AWS console, grabbing the name of the auto-generated domain, and constructing it from there. +- **make sure** that you've also added the `CALLBACK_URL` to your twitter app. If you don't, you'll get an error, because twitter won't know where to redirect your users to. + +## How to deploy + +You'll need to use the terminal. All of these instruction assume you're in the root directory (cdk-list-follower), which means if you type `ls` you should see this: +``` +infrastructure LICENSE README.md requirements.txt runtime +``` +Before we start, we need to install the 'cloud delivery kit', or CDK. We do this by typing `npm install -g aws-cdk` and hitting return. If you now try `cdk --version`, you should get something a bit like `1.83.0 (build 827c5f4)`. + +Alright, we're ready to go. The first thing we're going to do is create a virtual environment to run our python code in: +`python3 -m venv venv` + +your computer will think about it for a while. + +once it's finished thinking, activate the virtual environment by typing `. venv/bin/activate` and install all the project's requirements by typing `pip install -r requirements.txt`. This will install everything in `runtime/requirements.txt` and `infrastructure/requirements.txt` + +First things first - let's run the tests and make sure everything's set up correctly. Change directory to the runtime directory by typing `cd runtime` into your terminal. Then run the tests by typing `python -m pytest` + +If these fail, then something has already gone wrong. Please raise an issue on this project with as much detail as possible, including what the computer spat back at you. + +Change directory to the infrastructure folder (cdk-list-follower/infrastructure). If this is your first time running this app, type `cdk bootstrap` and hit return to set up the infrastructure. + +Once that's been done once, deploying is just a matter of typing `cdk deploy` into your terminal