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Kubernetes - K8s


1 Why we need K8s

When a microservice application is deployed in production, it usually has many running containers that need to be allocated the right amount of resources in response to user demands. Also, there is need to ensure that the containers are online, running and communicating with one another. The need to efficiently manage and coordinate clusters of containerized applications gave riseto K8s.

K8s is a software system that addresses the concerns of deploying, scaling and monitoring containers. Hence, it is called a container orchestrator. Examples of other container orchestrators are Docker Swarn, Mesos Marathon and Hashicorp Nomad.

2. Options to use/install Kubernetes

  • Online K8s Labs
    • Kubernetes Playground
    • Play with K8s
    • Play with Kubernetes Classroom
  • Kubernetes installation tools
    • Minikube
    • Kubeadm
  • Cloud based Kubernetes services
    • GKE - Google Kubernetes Engine
    • AKS - Azure Kubernetes Engine
    • Amazon EKS

3. Features of K8s

  • Automation bin packing

    • K8s will take care of packaging the jobs (containers) in bins (servers) in the most efficient way and schedule the container based on the requirements and resource available.
  • Horizontal auto-scaling

    • Scale up: create more replicas of container if required
    • Scale down: kill the containers in case the containers are not required
  • Self-healing

    • if container fails => restarts container

    • if node dies => replaces & reschedule containers on other nodes

    • if container does not respond to user defined health check => kills container

      => The process that take care of all this in K8s is called Replication Controller.

  • (DNS) Service discovery & Load balancing

    • With the process of providing the unique IP to each Pod and the DNS name to the Service, K8s can take control over the network and communication between Pod and also do a load balancing in these Pods
  • Storage orchestration

    • K8s provides us an option to select the volume storage resource, so it can be your local storage or a cloud storage like AWS, GCP or a network storage like NFS (all options are available)
  • Automated Rollouts & Rollbacks

    • Rollout: deploy changes to the application or its configuration

    • Rollback: revert the changes & restore to previous state

      => To ensure there are no downtime during the process, K8s progressively rolls out changes to your application or its configuration, while monitoring application health to ensure it doesn’t kill all your instances at the same time. If something goes wrong, K8s will rollback the change for you.

  • Batch execution

    • Batch jobs require an executable/process to be run to completion.
    • In K8s, run to completion jobs are primarily used for batch processing.
    • Each job creates one or more Pods.
    • During job execution, if any container or Pods fails, Job Controller will reschedule the container, Pods on another node.
    • Can run multiple Pods in parallel and can scale up if required. As job is completed, the Pods will move from running state to shut down state.


4. Work with K8s

To work with Kubernetes, you use Kubernetes API objects to describe your cluster’s desired state : what applications or other workloads you want to run, what container images they use, the number of replicas, what network and disk resources you want to make available, and more.


In the image above, for example, we can passing the .yaml file as an argument of kubectl apply command to create K8s object. And most often, you provide the information to kubectl in a .yaml file.

In fact, we can use either kubectl or Client Libraries to make the necessary Kubernetes API calls to create K8s objects.

To display all K8s objects

$ kubectl api-resources

📄 kubeconfig files

Use kubeconfig files to organize information about clusters, users, namespaces, and authentication mechanisms. The kubectl command-line tool uses kubeconfig files to find the information it needs to choose a cluster and communicate with the API server of a cluster.

By default, kubectl looks for a file named config in the $HOME/.kube directory. We can specify other kubeconfig files by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable or by setting the --kubeconfig flag.

5. Concepts

5.1 Pod(s)

In fact, K8s doesn't run containers directly, instead, it wraps one or more containers into a higher-level struture called Pod.

A Pod contains:

  • an application container (or, in some cases, multiple containers)
  • storage resource (or volume), usually there is single volume for all the containers inside the pod
  • a unique IP address
    • new IP address on re-creation
  • a DNS name (in general) -
    • for ex: a Pod in the default namespace has the IP address -> DNS name: 172-17-0-3.default.pod.cluster.local
    • but if the Pod is exposed by a Service, the DNS name would be:


Communication between containers in same Pod 🤝

In K8s, two containers running in the same Pod talk to each other via localhost and port number. This is because each Pod has its own Network Namespace so containers in the same Pod are in the same Network Namespace - they share network resources.

Same Pod

We need also to watch out for port conflicts when we've got multiple containers in the same Pod.

In fact, there's a secret container, called pause container, that runs on every Pod to keep the namespace open in case all the other containers on the Pod die.

Communication between Pods 🗣️

In K8s perspective, a container in a Pod can connect to another Pod either by using

  • its IP address
  • its DNS name -
    • if this Pod is exposed by a Service

In fact, a Pod should be able to communicate with all Pods in the cluster, even when they are sitting in different nodes.

Behind the scenes 🏷️ Communication between Pods on the same Node

We know that each Pod has its own Network Namespace and a unique IP address. Besides that, K8s also creates (fakes) a virtual ethernet connection eth0 to make network requests through. In fact, each eth0 connects to the Node via a tunnel, called virtual ethernet device. This connection has two sides – on the pod’s side, it’s named eth0, and on the node’s side, it’s named vethX (there’s a vethX connection for every Pod on the Node: veth1, veth2, veth3, etc).

Pods on Node

To communicate between Pods, K8s uses a Network Bridge, called cbr0. When a request hits the bridge, the bridge asks all the connected Pods if they have the right IP address to handle the original request. If one of the Pods does, the bridge will store this information and also forward data to the original back so that its network request is completed.

Every pod on a node is part of the bridge, and the bridge connects all pods on the same node together.

Behind the scenes 🏷️ Communication between Pods on different Nodes

When the Network Bridge cbr0 asks all the connected Pods if they have the right IP address and none of them say yes, then, this goes up to the Cluster level and looks for the IP address.

Pods on Node

At the cluster level, there’s a table that maps IP address ranges to various Nodes.

For example: K8s might give

  • Pods on Node 1 addresses like,, etc

    => table store IP address like for Node 1

  • Pods on Node 2 addresses like,, etc.

    => table store IP address like for Node 2

5.2 Service

Imagine that, you have been asked to deploy web app

  • How does this front-end web app is exposed to outside world?
  • How do front-end web app connected to backend database?
  • Pods do die, when they die, it get recreated if the Controller is supporting, but when they recreated, their IP changes, so it will be difficult to connect and communicate when IP changes dynamically, how do we resolve this problem?

In Kubernetes, a Service is an abstraction

  • defines a logical set of Pod(s)
    • but lifecycle of Pod(s) and Service NOT connected
  • defines a policy by which to access them
  • provides some of the important features, that are standardized across the cluster, such as
    • load-balancing
    • service discovery between apps
    • supporting zero downtime app deployments


🔑 each Service has its own DNS name or its own IP addresse. Name and IP addresse of Service are stable. The name and IP gets registered with the cluster's built-in DNS, or add-on DNS.

📛 The DNS Name of Service is normally

ℹ️ The Domain Name System (DNS) is a system for associating various types of information – such as IP addresses – with easy-to-remember names. Every cluster can have a native DNS Service (we might have to manually start it) and every Pod in a cluster knows how to use it.

Using selectors, a Service will select the Pods' labels to get its respective Pods.

When we create a Service object

  • with the label selector
    • K8s also creates another object called Endpoint object
      • list of Pods IPs and ports that match the label selector
      • always up-to-date if Pods are added or removed
      • has the same name with the Service object it's associated with
    • for ex
  • without the label selector, we must create Endpoint object if we want to use

5.2.1 Types of Services ClusterIP [Default]

It is reachable only from within the cluster: it gives us a Service inside our cluster that other apps inside our cluster can access (for example: we don't want to expose our database to the outside world, in such case, Service type ClusterIP is a good option). There is no external access.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-cip-service
  type: ClusterIP
  # Uncomment the below line to create a Headless Service
  # clusterIP: None
    app: metrics
    department: sales
  - protocol: TCP
    port: 80
    targetPort: 8080

Headless Service

Each connection to the Service is forwarded to one randomly selected backing Pod. But what if the client needs to connect to all of those Pods or to one specific Pod directly? A such usecase like this is when, for example, we deploy stateful applications like database. Why so? Take an example, if we deploy a MySQL database in K8s, we'll have Master instance and Workers instances and since Master is the only Pod that allowed to write data so if we want to write data, we need to talk directly to the Master.

To do this, it needs to figure out the the IP of each individual Pod

  • option 1: make API call to K8s API Server
    • ❌ makes our app to tied to K8s API
    • ❌ inefficient
  • option 2: DNS Lookup with the Headless Service
    • by setting clusterIP: None, we create a Headless Service and the DNS lookup will return the Pod IP addresses of this Service

For more info, read this article. NodePort

NodePort, superset of ClusterIP, opens a specific port on all the Nodes of our cluster (in case if we don't mention NodePort specifically in the manifest file, then K8s will assign unused NodePort dynamically). It makes a Service accessible from the outside world using NodeIP:NodePort or ClusterIP:XXYYZZ.

📖 For example Access We could use either NodeIP:30001 or to access. In fact, hello-svc:8080 also works!!!

Now, we will find out the difference Port Types that we can use, look at the picture below

Port Types

Here we have:

  • nodePort
    • this port with Node IP make the Service visible outside the cluster
  • port
    • the port of Service itself, it make Service will be reachable via this port
    • any request reaching there is forwarded to a running Pod on targetPort
  • targetPort:
    • this is the port on actually Pod where the app is running. If it is not specified , the targetPort and port will be the same by default

We have some scenarios as following

  • Multi instances in same Node

    • Multi instances in same Node
    • here, we simply use, for this example, to access
  • Multi instances in difference Node

    • Multi instances in difference Node
    • here, we can use any combination NodeIP:NodePort to access

However, there are some downsides when using this type:

  • only one Service per port
  • only use ports 30000 – 32767
  • If the Node IP address changes, we need to deal with that

⚠️ For these reasons, people don’t recommend using this method in production to directly expose our apps. If we are running a app that doesn’t have to be always available, or we are very cost sensitive, this method will work. A good example of such an application is a demo app or something temporary. LoadBalancer

In the Multi instances in difference Node scenario of NodePort where we have a multiple instances of Pods that are deployed on multiple Nodes. The problem with this setup here is to access this app, we can use any of the public IP of the Node and the NodePort, so:

  • Which NodeIP will we provide to the end-users?
  • Are they comfortable to use IP and port number to access the app?
  • How is the traffic balanced equally among all Nodes inside the cluster?

=> That's where LoadBalancer comes into the pictures


This type, superset of NodePort, is the standard way to expose a Service to the internet, by using the load balancer of the current cloud provider (like Network Load Balancer of GKE) or creating an external load balancer in the current cloud (if supported). Both ways will give us a single IP address (for one Service) that will forward all traffic to our Service. In this figure above, we need to configure the DNS server to point to this IP address, so the end-users can access the app using the URL

📖 For example Access-LoadBalancer Taping in browser, we could access the application.

⚠️ In reality, in the cloud like GCP or AWS, the LoadBalancer is not cheap, every time we create a Service of type LoadBalancer, it will cost us dollars.

5.2.2 Communication between Pods and Services

This happens via kube-proxy.

5.3 ConfigMap

Imagine that we have a Pod my-app and a Pod DB. And they work together to create our application. To do that, my-app need a database endpoint, let's say mongo-db-service which is used to communicate with the database. And usually, this database url or endpoint is configured in my-app (like in properties file for ex). That means, the database url is usually inside of the build image of our application. And that causes a problem: if the endpoint changed to, for ex: mongo-db, we would have to adjust that url in the application, rebuild the application with the new version, push it to the repo, pull it in our Pod, etc. And K8s helps us to solve that by using ConfigMap.

A ConfigMap, a dictionary of configuration settings, allows us to decouple environment-specific configuration from Pods/containers, which means it keeps our application code separate from our configuration (like database url for ex). So this lets us change easily configuration depending on the environment (development, production, testing).

⚠️ We must create a ConfigMap before referencing it in a Pod spec (in yaml file).

We can create a ConfigMap from:

  • directories
    • where they contain the configurations files
  • file
  • literal key-value pairs defined on the command line (--from-literal)

Now, where do we place the ConfigMap inside the Pod, so there are two different ways:

  • mounting it as a Volume
  • via environment variables (use envFrom in Pod's yaml file)

5.4 Secrets

  • like ConfigMap but let us store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and ssh keys.
  • are created outside of Pods and stored along with other configurations inside etcd database on K8s Master
  • no more than 1MB
  • are sent only to the target Nodes where the Pods demand it, unlike the ConfigMap who is broadcasted.

To use a Secret, a Pod needs to reference the Secret, there are two ways

  • As files in a Volume mounted

    • ⚠️ Look at this example

    We have two Secrets that were mounted into the Pod but each volumeMounts->mountPath must be unique. In this example, if you apply this file, K8s will throw you an error 'Invalid value: "/var/secret": must be unique during pod validation step.

    • To have two or more Secrets in the same directory, we could use Projected Volume
  • Env variables

5.5 (Storage) Volumes

At some point, your apps requires storage where the data is stored and accessed

  • How does this storage volumes are handled inside the K8s?
  • How can data persist beyond Pod life?
    • If the database container or the Pod gets restarted, the data would be gone, how to solve that?
  • How do the containers in same Pod share data among them?

That's when the Volumes(for short) comes in. It basically attaches a physical storage on a hard drive to your Pod. And that storage could be either on

  • a local machine, meaning on the same server node where the Pod is running
  • a remote machine, meaning outside of the K8s cluster which is not a part of K8s cluster

⚠️ K8s doesn't manage data persistance, that means we (the K8s users) are responsible for backing up, replicating and managing the data.

Storage Requirement

  • Storage that doesn't depend on the Pod lifecycle
  • Storage must be available on all nodes
  • Storage needs to survice even if cluster crashes

In general, we have two principal groups of Volumes:

  • Ephemeral : same lifetime as Pods
  • Durable : Beyond Pods lifetime

In detail, K8s support multiple types of Volumes such as emptyDir, hostPath, configMap, gcePersistentDisk, azureDisk, awsElasticBlockStore, etc. We'll workthrough some of them.

5.5.1 PersistentVolumeClaim & Persistent Volumes & StorageClass

🎯 About PersistentVolumeClaim 📚

A PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a request for Persistent Volumes by developer/K8s user.

In fact, developers have to explicitly configure the application yaml file to use the Persistent Volume components. In other words, application has to claim that volume storage. To do that, we use PVC(s), which also is created with yaml file.

PVC(s) needs to be used/referenced in Pod(s) yaml configuration file and must be in the same Namespace as the Pod(s) using claim.

⚠️ PVC is namespaced resource

🎯 About Persistent Volumes 📚

A PersistentVolume (PV for short) is a piece of storage in the cluster, which means PV is a resource in the cluster just like a RAM/CPU is a cluster resource. So the PV lifecycle is independent with Pods lifecycle that use the PV.

Since PV is just an abstract component, it must take the storage from the actual physical storage like local hard drive from the cluster nodes or an external NFS server outside of the cluster or Cloud storage like AWS/GS/etc.

The PV need to be there BEFORE the Pod(s) that depends on it is created. FYI, PV is NOT namespaced. You can share PV and PVC within the same Namespace but NOT cross-namespace (ref). PV-to-PVC relationship is ONE-TO-ONE.

Lifecycle of PV:

  • Provisioning

    • In this stage, the typical K8s Administrator (who sets up and maintains the cluster) creates/configures the actual storage (these volumes can be any storage such as block, nfs, cloud storage, etc) and creates the PV components from these backends. In K8s, these volumes are called PV.

    • There are two ways PVs may be provisioned

      • Static
        • A cluster administrator creates a number of PVs
        • PVs need to be create before PVCs
      • Dynamic
        • Instead of creating PVs manually, we first create the StorageClass
        • PVs are created by StorageClass in order to meet the needs of the claim
  • Binding

    • In this stage, we bind the storage request, PVC, to the PV that was provisioned earlier stage. So typically, the developer/K8s user creates this PVC to request the specific amount of storage and access modes.

    • A control loop on K8s Master watches for any new PVCs and binds the matching PV (might be the volume can be in excess of what was requested, but not too much) if it's available. If a matching volume does not exis, PVC will wait until the matching volumes become available (for ex: wait until new PV is added to cluster, etc)

  • Using

    • Once the Pod(s) finds the matching PV through the PVC, the volume is then mounted into the Pod(s) and then that volume can be mounted into the container inside the Pod(s). If we have multiple containers in the Pod, we can decide to mount this volume in all the containers or just some of those.
  • Reclaiming

    • When a user is done with their volume, they can delete the PVC from K8s which allows K8s reclaiming its resources. Technically, K8s has multiple ways to reclaim.

📖 we have a PVC and PV like below PV-PVC Here, the PVC must

  • matchs the accessMode, storageClassname of the PV
  • had a storage request <= storage of PV

And with this image below, we have a simple use case where a Pod uses a PVC to gain a 20 GB disk PV-PVC-POD

🎯 About StorageClass 📚

Like we said, StorageClass helps us create PV dynamically.


Here we have a simple use case
  • a StorageClass with metadata/name = sc-fast
  • a PVC that comes to request this StorageClass via storageClassName = metadata/name = sc-fast
  • a Pod that use this PVC

Look at the YAML file below


Now we can see this PVC doesn't specify the storageClassName attribute. So how does it work? In fact, the PVC will reference to the default StorageClass of cluster.


For example, the default StorageClass in the K8s/Azure-AKS is called default (just a coincidence in this case 😅). And when we apply our YAML file, we'll see

  • a PVC looks like this storageClassName = default


  • a PV looks like this storageClassName = default


5.5.2 Types of Volumes

Kubernetes supports several types of volumes

  • hostPath
  • emptyDir
  • gcePersistentDisk
  • etc

Why so many abstraction?

Can we just use one component and configure everything there? Well this actually has a benefit because as a user, meaning a developer, who just wants to deploy their application in the cluster, we don't care about where the actual storage is. We know we want the DB to have persistence and whether the data will leave on the cluster fs, cloud storage, etc, doesn't matter for us as long as the data is safely stored. And we sure don't want to care about setting up these actual storages ourself.

5.6 Deployment


There are a couple of questions we might ask when we try to upgrade an application, for ex: from v1 to v2:

  • upgrade with zero downtime ?
  • upgrade sequentially, one after the other ?
  • pause and resume upgrade process ?
  • rollback if error ?

At the high-level, Deployment is all about Update & Rollback (for Pods & ReplicaSet). The Deployment manifest file contains the Pod definition, the number of Pod replicas that we need and also our prefer upgrade strategy that we want. In other words, a Deployment is a higher abstraction that manages one or more Replicasets to provide controlled rollout of a new version. As long as we don't have a rollout in progress, a Deployment will result in a single Replicaset with the replication factor managed by the Deployment.

📌 In practice, we would not normally be working with Pod(s), we would be creating Deployment(s).

⚠️ We can't replicate database using a Deployment and the reason is the database has a state which is its data. If we have clones or replicas of the database, they would all need to access to the same shared data storage and there we would need some kind of mechanism that manages which Pod(s) are currently writing to that storage or which Pod(s) are reading from the storage in order to avoid data inconsistencies and that mechanism called StatefulSet.

5.6.1 Features

  • Multiple Replicas
    • If we don't mention rc in Deployment manifest file, it will create rc (replicas = 1) to make sure there's one Pod always running.
  • Upgrade
  • Rollback
  • Scale up or down
  • Pause and resume

5.6.2 Types

  • Recreate

    • terminate all the running instances then recreate them with the newer version
    • there is a downtime that depends on both shutdown and boot duration of the application
  • RollingUpdate (Ramped) [Default]

    • It works by slowly: a secondary rc is created with the new version, then replacing Pods of the previous version of your application with Pods of the new version (one by one) until the correct number of replicas is reached.
    • This rollout is triggered if and only if the Deployment's Pod template (that is, .spec.template) is changed, for example, if the labels or container images of the template are updated. Other updates, such as scaling the deployment, do not trigger a rollout.
      • To view the rollout status: kubectl rollout status ...
    • To roll back an object's rollout, we can use the kubectl rollout undo ... command.
  • Canary - let the user do the testing

    • routes a subset of users to a new functionality (to get user feedback for new features, for ex). And when no errors reported, the new version can gradually roll out to the rest of the infrastructure. So basically, this is an ideal strategy for someone who want to test new version before it's deployed 100%.
    • Canary
  • Blue / Green

    • the Green (new one) version of the application is deployed alongside the Blue (old one) version. But the Blue still receives all user traffic (which means handle user request) whereas the Green is idle for testing. Once the testing results are successful, application traffic is routed from Blue to Green.
    • BlueGreen

ℹ️ In real world scenario, for each of the applications in our list, we should have to define one Deployment for one application, for example: if our system has 4 components: API Server, UI Server, Redis cache, Timer task Server => we should create 4 Deployments (knowing that one component defined by one Pod).

5.7 StatefulSet

This component is just like Deployment but it's meant specifically for stateful applications like databases.

  • Deployment for stateLESS apps
  • StatefulSet for stateFUL apps or databases

The StatefulSet would take care of replicating the Pod(s) and scaling them up or down but making sure the database reads and writes are synchronized so that no database inconsistencies are offered

📌 Deploying database applications using StatefulSet in K8s cluster can be somewhat tedious. So it's definitely more difficult than working with Deployment(s) where we don't have all these challenges. That's why it's also a common practice to host database applications outside of the K8s cluster.

5.8 Replication Controller

This object (rc for short) ensures that a specified number of Pod replicas are running at any one time.

  • If there are too many Pods => rc terminates the extra Pods
  • If there are too few => rc starts more Pods
  • If Pods fail, are deleted, or are terminated => rc automatically replace

In fact, rc is kind of OLD, and is replaced by ReplicaSet, the next generation. The difference is:

  • rc supports equality-based selector
  • ReplicaSet supports set-based selector
  • rc doesn't have Revision history

5.9 ReplicaSet

The ReplicaSet's purpose is ensure a specified number of Pods are running at any time.

The ReplicaSet and Pods are associated with labels.

📌 In practice, we'll never have to create or delete or update in any way ReplicaSet, we're going to be working directly with Deployment. An example concrete for this fact: Lets say we use ReplicaSet-A for controlling our Pods, then we wish to update our Pods to a newer version, now we should create Replicaset-B, scale down ReplicaSet-A and scale up ReplicaSet-B by one step repeatedly (This process is known as rolling update). Although this does the job, but it's not a good practice and it's better to let K8S do the job. A Deployment resource does this automatically without any interaction and so then increases the abstraction by one level.

A Deployment resource does this automatically without any human interaction and increases the abstraction by one level.

5.10 Labels & Selectors

  • labels are key/value pairs that are attached to objects, such as Pods.

  • selectors helps us identify a set of objects.

Watch the table below, the left column and the right column present the same thing: select objects based on two labels. The difference here is the matchLabels on the right. In fact, we only use matchLabels in some objects:

 app: nginx
 tier: frontend
  app: nginx
  tier: frontend
Use in Replication Controller, Services Use in ReplicaSet, Deployment, Job, DaemonSet

The K8s currently supports two types of selectors: equality-based and set-based.

Equality-based Set-based
 = == !=
 in notin exists
 # Get all Pods who their environment are production
  environment = production
 # Get all Pods who their tier are not frontend
  tier != frontend
 # Get all Pods who their environment are production OR qa
  environment in (production, qa)
 # Get all Pods who their tier are not frontend AND backend
  tier notin (frontend, backend)
Use along with kubectl:
$ kubectl get pods -l environment=production
Use along with kubectl:
$ kubectl get pods -l environment in (production)
In Manifest (yaml) file:
  environment: production
  tier: frontend
In Manifest (yaml) file:
   release: stable
   - {key: tier, operator: In, values: [cache, frontend]}
   - {key: environment, operator: NotIn, values: [dev,qa]}
Support by:
Services, Replication Controller
Support by:
Job, Deployment, ReplicaSet, DaemonSet

ℹ️ we use matchLabels when we have key of labels associated with only one value. In case there are a set of value to select from, we use matchExpressions.

5.11 DaemonSet

How you deploy only one Pod on every (or subset) Node inside the cluster?

DaemonSet ensures that all or some Nodes inside the cluster runs a copy of a Pod. As nodes are added to the cluster, Pods are added to them. As nodes are removed from the cluster, those Pods are garbage collected.

5.12 Jobs

Job is a higher level abstraction that uses Pods to run a completable task.

There a two types:

  • Run-to-completion aka Jobs
  • Scheduled aka CronJob

A little bit about Job and Deployment: Both Job and Deployment use the PodTemplate because of course they manage Pods. However, the main difference between two objects is how they handle a Pod. A Deployment is intended to be a "service", e.g. it should be up-and-running, so it will try to restart the Pods it manage, to match the desired number of replicas. While a Job is intended to execute and successfully terminate. If we take a look closer, in a Deployment, the default restartPolicy of Pod is set Always meanwhile in a Job is Never. So Job is not meant to restart our container once it would have exited and Deployment is not meant to exit.

5.13 Namespaces

In K8s cluster, we can organize the resources in Namespaces, we can have multiple Namespaces. We can thank Namespace is a virtual cluster inside the K8s cluster. By default, K8s gives us 4 Namespaces.

  • kube-system
    • is NOT meant basically for K8s user
    • do NOT create or modify in kube-system
    • system processes
  • kube-public
    • publicely accessible data
    • has a configmap which contains the cluster information
  • kube-node-lease
    • holds information about the heartbeats of nodes
      • each node basically gets its own object that contains the information about that node's availability
  • default
    • resources we create are located here if we haven't created/associated a new namespace

We can create Namespace via kubectl or configuration file.

5.13.1 Need of Namespace

  • No overview

    • If we have only default namespace and we create all our resources inside (Deployments, ReplicaSets, etc).
      • ⏩ very soon the default namespace is going to be filled
        • ⏩ difficult to have an overview
    • Solution: group resources into Namespaces.
  • Conflict

    • For ex: 2 teams that use the same cluster
      • one teams deploys an application called my-app deployment(the name of Deployment they created) and it has certain configuration.
      • other team has a Deployment that accidentally had the same name but a different configuration.
        • ⏩ They would ovewrite the first team's Deployment.
    • Solution: we can use Namespaces so that each team can work in their own Namespace without disrupting the other
  • Resources Sharing

    • one cluster and we want to host both Staging and Development environment.
      • for ex we're using something like nginx controller or elasticstack,
        • ⏩ we can deploy it in one cluster and use it for both environments.
      • Another usecase is when we use Blue/Green deployement
  • Access and Resource limit

    • One more usecase for Namespace is to limit the resources and access to namespaces when we're working with multiple teams

5.13.2 Characteristics

  • we can't access most resources from another Namespace
  • we can access Service in another Namespace
  • some components can't be created within a Namespace
    • they live just globally in the cluster
    • we can't isolate them in a certain Namespace
    • for ex: Volume or Persistent Volume

6. Architecture of K8s


The main components of K8s engine are:

  • Master Node

    • run on single node
      • in reality, the K8s cluster is made up of multiple masters
    • responsible for managing the cluster: monitor nodes & Pods in a cluster
    • 5 components:
      • kube-apiserver
      • kube-controller-manager
      • cloud-controller-manager
      • kube-scheduler
      • etcd
  • Worker Node (or just Node)

    • kubelet
    • kube-proxy
    • container run time

6.1 Master Node Components

6.1.1 kube-apiserver

In K8s world, the kube-apiserver is responsible for all the communication (only one entry point to the cluster). The kube-apiserver exposes some APIs, for almost every operation, so that the users can interact. And to use (call) these APIs, we can use the command-line tools (like kubectl) or from a UI (like K8s dashboard) or K8s Client Library.

6.1.2 kube-scheduler

The kube-scheduler is a component that schedules Pods across multiple nodes. We know that in K8s, Worker Nodes can be a physical or virtual machines and they can have different infrastructure or hardware configuration. In fact, the kube-scheduler knows about these informations and whenever it has to schedule Pod(s), it will check what node will fit best for the configuration or hardware requirements of the Pod(s).

📌 the kube-scheduler just decides on which Node new Pod should be scheduled. The process that actually starts that Pod with a container is kubelet.

6.1.3 kube-controller-manager

The kube-control-manager runs watch-loops continuously to compare cluster's desired state to its current state (obtained from etcd data store via the kube-apiserver). In case of a mismatch, corrective action is taken in the cluster until its current state matches the desire state.

The kube-control-mangager includes:

  • Node controller
  • Replication controller
  • Endpoints controller
  • Service Account & Token controller

Note: each controller is separate process, but to reduce complexity, they are all compiled into a single binary and run in a single process.

6.1.4 cloud-controller-manager

When we are using the infrastructure of a Cloud Provider, all monitors that need to run for interacting with Cloud Service Provider of this infrastructure is done through cloud-controller-manager.

The cloud-controller-manager includes:

  • Node controller
  • Route controller
  • Service controller

6.1.5 etcd

  • Open source, distributed key-value database from CoreOS
  • Single source of truth for all components of the K8s cluster

This is the cluster brain which means that every change in the cluster get saved or updated into this key-value store.

If the K8s cluster has multiple master nodes, the etcd forms a distributed storage across all the master nodes.

Note: Only the kube-apiserver is the component that can directly interact with the etcd data store. There is no other component that can interact with etcd directly. And the applications data is not stored in etcd!!!.

6.2 Worker Node Components

These components run on every node, maintaining running Pod(s) and providing the K8s runtime environment. In fact, we have 3 processes must be installed on every Node.

6.2.1 kubelet

The kubelet is the component that interacts with the Master Node via the kube-apiserver. Technically, the kubelet gets the informations from some specs called PodSpecs and based on those specifications, it makes sure the containers are running accordingly on the Pod(s). In case there is any issue with any Pod(s), it will try to restart the Pod(s) on the same node or if required, it will start the Pod(s) on a different node.

Note: kubelet only manages the containers which are created by the K8s. In case you have the containers running on the node or the machine which were not create by K8s, kubelet will not manage those containers.

6.2.2 kube-proxy

The kube-proxy is the core networking component in a node, it maintains the network configuration and can also interact with the external world.

  • IPTABLES mode
    • default since K8s 1.2
    • doesn't scale well
    • not really designed for load balancing
  • IPVS mode
    • stable (GA) since K8s 1.11
    • uses Linux Kernel IP virtual Server
    • native layer-4 load balancer
    • support more algo

Note: kube-proxy watches the kube-apiserver on the Master Node for the addition and removal of Service(s) and endpoint(s).

6.2.3 Container runtime

This is responsible for running containers (for ex: Docker)

ℹ️ From K8s v1.20, Docker support in the kubelet is now deprecated !!!

Like we known, K8s supports different Container runtime and one of them being Docker, which is also one of the most popular container tools out there.

So let's say we deloyed Docker Engine on a K8s worker node, Docker Engine comes with 3 components: Docker-Server, Docker-API and CLI. The Docker-Server itself has some components like Container runtime, Volumes, Network, etc. In fact, the only part that K8s needs in order to run the containers inside the cluster is the Container runtime. So K8s doesn't actually need all of those features that Docker offer because K8s has its own features.

And for K8s to actually talk to and use this Container runtime component, it needs to interact with Docker first. And for this interaction, K8s uses Dockershim, which is basically part of or has been part of K8s code. And this is what K8s is actually removing.

The Container runtime that Docker uses is container-d, which was part of Docker Daemon code and Docker has extracted it as a separated component, so it can be deployed as a standalone Container runtime and used in K8s cluster. In fact, container-d is the 2nd most popular alternative to using Docker as runtime and is already being used by major cloud platforms in K8s cluster (AWS-EKS, GKE, etc). Another alternative Container runtime is cri-o which is used by Openshift.

Now, how are the images (built by Docker) going to run in K8s cluster where there's no Docker installed ?? And the answer is very simple: every Docker image can run on any Container runtime. And the reason for this compability is all container tools are all compatible with each other because they're using standards defined by OCI (open container initiative). The OCI is basically a project of Linux Foundation that standardizes how container technology should work and how they should be implemented.

Conclure, no impact !!!

7. Role-based Access Control

As the number of cluster nodes, applications, and team members increases, we’ll want to limit the resources our team members and applications can access, as well as the actions they can take. The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) framework in K8s allows us to do just that. For example, it can help to ensure that developers only deploy certain apps to a given namespace or that our infrastructure management teams have view-only access for monitoring tasks.

The RBAC API declares four kinds of K8s object: Role, ClusterRole, RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding. In K8s, ClusterRole and Role define the actions a user can perform within a cluster or namespace, respectively. We can assign these roles to K8s subjects (users, groups, or service accounts) with RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding.

A Role always sets permissions within a particular Namespace; when we create a Role, we have to specify the Namespace it belongs in. ClusterRole, by contrast, is a non-namespaced resource. So, if we want to define a role within a namespace, use a Role; if we want to define a role cluster-wide, use a ClusterRole.

For example:

8. References














