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NXP NNStreamer C++ libraries

NXP developped a C++17 library to introduce NNStreamer potential in ML related applications.
Examples demonstrate how to use NNStreamer with NXP specific hardware optimizations for machine learning vision pipeline.

How to implement a pipeline

An empty pipeline object is first created using GstPipelineImx class :

// Create pipeline object
GstPipelineImx pipeline;

This object is used by various classes to add elements to the pipeline :

Input sources


Camera is handled by GstCamera class. Camera is first initialized using the parameterized constructor with the following argument options : device name, GStreamer element name, dimension, mirror option, format, and framerate.
The method addCameraToPipeline is then used to add GStreamer camera element to the pipeline, by passing the pipeline object in argument.

// Add camera to pipeline
GstCamera camera("/dev/video3",         // Camera device used
                 "cam_src",             // GStreamer element name
                 640,                   // Resized width
                 480,                   // Resized weight
                 false,                 // If horizontal flip
                 "YUY2",                // Format
                 30);                   // Framerate
camera.addCameraToPipeline(pipeline);   // GstPipelineImx object


  • GstCamera parameterized constructor has default values for format (""), and framerate (30).


Video is handled by GstVideo class. Like GstCamera class, video is first initialized using the parameterized constructor with the following argument option : file path.
The method addVideoToPipeline is then used to add GStreamer video element to the pipeline, by passing the pipeline object in argument.

// Add video to pipeline
GstVideo PowerJump("/path/to/video/");  // Video file path
PowerJump.addVideoToPipeline(pipeline); // GstPipelineImx object


  • Video formats can only be MKV, WEBM, and MP4.


slideshow is handled by GstSlideshow class. Like the previous classes, slideshow is first initialized using the parameterized constructor with the following argument options : images path, and dimensions (optional since images can be of different sizes).
The images path can't be a folder. For instance, images' name need to follow a specific syntax similar to images0001.jpg, images0002.jpg, ..., so the path called is /path/to/images/images%04d.jpg.
The method addSlideshowToPipeline is then used to add GStreamer multifilesrc element to the pipeline, by passing the pipeline object in argument.

// Add slideshow to pipeline
GstSlideshow slideshow("/path/to/images/images%04d.jpg" // Images path
                       640,                             // Resized width
                       480);                            // Resized height
slideshow.addSlideshowToPipeline(pipeline);             // GstPipelineImx object


  • Slideshow can only be composed of jpg images.
  • Slideshow parameterized constructor has width and height set to -1 by default to keep original images size.

Pre-processing tools

GstVideoImx class have pre-processing tools which use the hardware specific accelerators to accelerate video mixing, video formatting, and video cropping.

Video resizing and format change

videoTransform can be used to change video format, flip the image horizontally, and resize the GStreamer video stream :

GstPipelineImx pipeline;
GstVideoImx gstvideoimx{};
gstvideoimx.videoTransform(pipeline,  // Apply changes to this pipeline
                           "RGB",     // New format
                           640,       // Resized width
                           480,       // Resized height
                           false,     // If horizontal flip
                           false,     // Aspect ratio set to 1/1 (square shape output image)
                           true);     // Deactivate hardware acceleration to use CPU instead


  • videoTransform method has aspect ratio and useCPU set to false by default.
  • To keep the same format, set argument to "".
  • To keep the same dimension, set resized width and height to -1.

Video resizing to RGB

imxvideoconvert_g2d and imxvideoconvert_pxp don't support RGB, so a specific method is used to convert a GStreamer video stream to RGB format.
videoscaleToRGB can be used to change video format to RGB, and resize the GStreamer video stream :

GstPipelineImx pipeline;
GstVideoImx gstvideoimx{};
gstvideoimx.videoscaleToRGB(pipeline,  // Apply changes to this pipeline
                            640,       // Resized width
                            480);      // Resized height

Video cropping

videocrop can be used to crop a GStreamer video stream :

GstPipelineImx pipeline;
GstVideoImx gstvideoimx{};
gstvideoimx.videocrop(pipeline,  // Apply changes to this pipeline
                      640,       // Cropped width
                      480,       // Cropped height
                      -1,        // Pixels to crop at top (-1 to auto-crop)
                      -1,        // Pixels to crop at bottom (-1 to auto-crop)
                      -1,        // Pixels to crop at left (-1 to auto-crop)
                      -1);       // Pixels to crop at right (-1 to auto-crop)


  • Top, bottom, left, and right are set to 0 by default.

Video mixing

videoCompositor can be used to mix two GStreamer video streams together.
This method comes with linkToVideoCompositor method of GstPipelineImx, which link element the second GStreamer video stream to the video compositor :

// First call linkToVideoCompositor to link one source to the video compositor
GstPipelineImx pipeline;
// Video compositor is called after the second source
GstVideoImx gstvideoimx{};
gstvideoimx.videoCompositor(pipeline,                   // Apply changes to this pipeline
                            "mix",                      // GStreamer element name
                            150000000,                  // Latency in ns
                            displayPosition::split);    // Position of the videos to mix


  • Latency is an optional parameter set to 0 by default.
  • Position is set to displayPosition::centered by default, so videos are mixed.

Parallelization of process

Parallelization is possible using GstPipelineImx method doInParallel to add a tee element, then addBranch method is used to create thread :

GstpipelineImx pipeline;

// Add a tee element for parallelization of tasks
std::string teeName = "t";

// Add a branch for inference and model post processing
GstQueueOptions nnQueue = {
  .queueName     = "thread-nn",
  .maxSizeBuffer = 2,
  .leakType      = GstQueueLeaky::downstream, // Where the queue leaks, if at all
pipeline.addBranch(teeName, nnQueue);

// Add a branch for video post processing
GstQueueOptions imgQueue = {
  .queueName     = "thread-img",
  .maxSizeBuffer = 2,
  .leakType      = GstQueueLeaky::downstream, // Where the queue leaks, if at all
pipeline.addBranch(teeName, imgQueue);

ML model processing tools

TFliteModelInfos class is used to get informations from a TFlite model to run inference. Inference depends on the backend used (CPU, GPU, or NPU).
addInferenceToPipeline method is called to add model inference to the pipeline :

GstpipelineImx pipeline;
TFliteModelInfos classification("/path/to/model",       // Model path
                                "CPU",                  // Backend used
                                "centeredReduced");     // Input normalization
classification.addInferenceToPipeline(pipeline,         // GstPipelineImx object
                                      "classification", // Element name (optional)
                                      "GRAY8");         // Input format (optional)


  • addInferenceToPipeline method has no "name" element set by default, and format set to "RGB" by default.

NNStreamer decoder

NNDecoder class uses NNStreamer output decoder to process model inference output. Three types of decoding are available :
addImageSegment method which decode segmentation models (TFlite Deeplab, SNPE Deeplab, SNPE Depth) :

GstpipelineImx pipeline;

// Add NNStreamer decoder
NNDecoder decoder;
ImageSegmentOptions decOptions = {
  .modelName = ModeImageSegment::tfliteDeeplab, // Model to decode
  .numClass  = -1,                              // Max number of class
decoder.addImageSegment(pipeline, decOptions);


  • numClass is an optional parameter set to -1 by default.

addImageLabeling method which decode classification models :

GstpipelineImx pipeline;

// Add NNStreamer decoder
NNDecoder decoder;
decoder.addImageLabeling(pipeline, "/path/to/labels");// Labels path

And finally, addBoundingBoxes method which decode detection models (yolov5, mobilenet SSD, MP palm detection) :

GstpipelineImx pipeline;

// Add NNStreamer decoder
NNDecoder decoder;
SSDMobileNetCustomOptions customOptions = { 
  .boxesPath = "/path/to/boxes",                                    //Boxes path

BoundingBoxesOptions decOptions = {
  .modelName    = ModeBoundingBoxes::mobilenetssd,                  // Model used
  .labelsPath   = "/path/to/labels",                                // Labels path
  .option3      = setCustomOptions(customOptions),                  // Option1-dependent values
  .outDim       = {640, 480},                                       // Output dimension
  .inDim        = {model.getModelWidth(), model.getModelHeight()},  // Input dimension (model dimension)
  .trackResult  = false,                                            // Whether to track result bounding boxes or not
  .logResult    = false,                                            // Whether to log the result bounding boxes or not
decoder.addBoundingBoxes(pipeline, decOptions);


  • Option 3 depends on the model used, for mobilenet SSD use SSDMobileNetCustomOptions structure, for yolov5 use YoloCustomOptions structure, and for MP palm detection use PalmDetectionCustomOptions structure.

Custom decoder

To create a custom decoding of the inference result, the inference output need to be retrieved using a tensor_sink element that can be added with GstPipelineImx method addTensorSink, and then a custom display with a Cairo overlay can be used with GstVideoPostProcess method addCairoOverlay.
Then, inference decoding custom functions and custom display need to be added using callback functions, which are linked respectively to tensor_sink and Cairo overlay element signal "new-data" and "draw" using GstPipelineImx method connectToElementSignal.
A data structure need to be created for variables that need to be shared between the callback functions, or need to be retrieved outside the callback functions.
For instance, the inference output data are processed in tensor_sink callback function, and shared to Cairo overlay callback function to draw or display the result using a variable in the data structure :

// Retrieves output tensor from inference output
std::string tensorSinkName = "tensor_sink";

// Add custom display with a Cairo overlay
std::string overlayName = "cairo";
GstVideoPostProcess postProcess;
postProcess.addCairoOverlay(pipeline, overlayName);

// Parse pipeline to GStreamer pipeline
pipeline.parse(argc, argv);

// Connect callback functions to tensor sink and cairo overlay,
// to process inference output
DecoderData kptsData;                             // Custom data structure
pipeline.connectToElementSignal(tensorSinkName,   // tensor_sink name
                                newDataCallback,  // Callback function
                                "new-data",       // tensor_sink signal
                                &kptsData);       // Custom data structure
pipeline.connectToElementSignal(overlayName,      // cairooverlay name
                                drawCallback,     // Callback function
                                "draw",           // cairooverlay signal
                                &kptsData);       // Custom data structure

// Run GStreamer pipeline;


Post-processing tools

GstVideoPostProcess class have post-processing tools used to display GStreamer video stream, add a text overlay, and save GStreamer video stream to video.


The method display is used to display the GStreamer video stream :

GstVideoPostProcess postProcess;
postProcess.display(pipeline,     // Pipeline to display
                    false);       // If display element is synchronized or not


  • Second argument is set to false by default, and third argument to true.

Text overlay

To add a text overlay to a pipeline, use addTextOverlay to create the GStreamer element, and then linkToTextOverlay method of GstPipelineImx if the text to display is the output of another element :

// Link text stream to text overlay
std::string overlayName = "overlay";
// Add text overlay
GstVideoPostProcess postProcess;
TextOverlayOptions overlayOptions = {
  .name       = overlayName,  // Text overlay element name
  .fontName   = "Sans",       // Font name
  .fontSize   = 24,           // Font size
  .color      = "red",        // Text color
  .vAlignment = "left",       // Horizontal alignment of the text
  .hAlignment = "bottom",     // Vertical alignment of the text
  .text       = "",           // Text to display, set only if linkToTextOverlay is not used
postProcess.addTextOverlay(pipeline, overlayOptions);


  • Text color can be "" (white), "red", "green", "blue", and "black".
  • Vertical alignement can be "baseline", "bottom", "top", "Absolute position clamped to canvas", "center", and "Absolute position".
  • Horizontal alignement can be "left", "center", "right", "Absolute position clamped to canvas", and "Absolute position".

Save to video

GstVideoPostProcess allows to save GStreamer video stream to MP4, and MKV using saveToVideo method :

// Save output to MKV video
                        "mkv",                  // save video to mkv
                        "/path/to/save/video"); // path to save the video generated

Performances display

Performances can be displayed with enablePerfDisplay method of GstPipelineImx and display method of GstVideoPstProcess :

pipeline.enablePerfDisplay(true,  // Display temporal performances (pipeline duration and inferences duration)
                           true,  // Display performances in frequency (FPS and IPS)
                           10);   // Optional parameter, setting font size (default is 15) 


  • To display performances related to a given model (inference duration and/or IPS), it is required to give a name to the addInferenceToPipeline method that execute the model's inference using dedicating method argument. Performances will not be displayed for the addInferenceToPipeline who do not have a given name.

Run pipeline

To run the pipeline, GstPipelineImx class method parse is first used to parse the pipeline to a GStreamer pipeline, and then, use run method :

// Parse pipeline to GStreamer pipeline
pipeline.parse(argc, argv);

// Run GStreamer pipeline;

Pipeline launch is divided in two parts so callback functions can be linked to elements (see custom decoder), before the pipeline is executed.