Scan extensions are called when a new file is found in the incoming nzb directory (option NzbDir). If a file is being added via web-interface or via RPC-API from a third-party app the file is saved into nzb directory and then processed. NZBGet loads only files with nzb-extension but it calls the scan extensions for every file found in the nzb directory. This allows for example for scan extensions which unpack zip-files containing nzb-files.
Please read Extensions for general information about extensions first.
- NZBNP_DIRECTORY - Path to directory, where file is located. It is a directory specified by the option NzbDir or a subdirectory.
- NZBNP_FILENAME - Name of file to be processed.
- NZBNP_NZBNAME - Nzb-name (without path but with extension). The extension can rename the file if needed.
- NZBNP_URL - URL this nzb-file was downloaded from.
- NZBNP_CATEGORY - Category of nzb-file. The extension can change this setting (see later).
- NZBNP_PRIORITY - Priority of nzb-file. The extension can change this setting (see later).
- NZBNP_TOP - Flag indicating that the file will be added to the top of queue: 0 or 1. The extension can change this setting (see later).
- NZBNP_PAUSED - Flag indicating that the file will be added as paused: 0 or 1. The extension can change this setting (see later).
- NZBNP_DUPEKEY - Duplicate key (see RSS). The extension can change this setting (see later).
- NZBNP_DUPESCORE - Duplicate score (see RSS). The extension can change this setting (see later).
- NZBNP_DUPEMODE - Duplicate mode, one of SCORE, ALL, FORCE (see RSS). The extension can change this setting (see later).
Scan extensions can change nzb-name, category, priority, post-processing parameters and top-/paused-flags of the nzb-file by printing special messages into standard output (which is processed by NZBGet).
To change nzb-name use following syntax:
echo "[NZB] NZBNAME=my download"
To change category:
echo "[NZB] CATEGORY=my category"
To change priority:
echo "[NZB] PRIORITY=signed_integer_value"
For example: to set priority higher than normal:
echo "[NZB] PRIORITY=50"
Another example: use a negative value for "lower than normal" priority:
echo "[NZB] PRIORITY=-100"
Although priority can be any integer value, the web-interface
operates with six predefined priorities: *-100
- very low priority; *-50
- low priority; *0
- normal priority (default);
- high priority; *100
- very high priority; *900
- force priority.
Downloads with priorities equal to or greater than 900
are downloaded and post-processed
even if the program is in paused state (force mode).
To change duplicate key:
echo "[NZB] DUPEKEY=tv show s01e02"
To change duplicate score:
echo "[NZB] DUPESCORE=integer_value"
To change duplicate mode:
To assign post-processing parameters:
echo "[NZB] NZBPR_myvar=my value"
The prefix NZBPR_
will be removed. In this example a post-processing parameter with name myvar
and value my value
will be associated with nzb-file.
To change top-flag (nzb-file will be added to the top of queue): To assign post-processing parameters:
echo "[NZB] TOP=1"
To change paused-flag (nzb-file will be added in paused state):
echo "[NZB] PAUSED=1"
Scan extensions can delete processed file, rename it or move somewhere. After the calling of the extension the file will be
either added to
queue (if it was an nzb-file) or renamed by adding the extension .processed
Files with extensions ".processed", ".queued" and ".error" are skipped during the directory scanning.
Files with extension ".nzb_processed" are not passed to scan-extension before adding to queue. This feature allows scan-extension to prevent the scanning of nzb-files extracted from archives, if they were already processed by the extension.
Files added via RPC calls in particular from web-interface are saved into incoming nzb-directory and then processed by the extension.