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Simple 3-tier networking architecture - topology provisioning


This is an example for a simple/basic instantiation of the terraform-oci-landing-zones-networking networking core module.

For detailed description of the terraform-oci-landing-zones-networking networking core module please refer to the core module specific and

This example is leveraging the fully dynamic characteristics of the complex networking module input to describe the following networking topology:

  • networking construct provisioned on a single compartment
  • single networking category defined
  • the category will contain one single VCN (
  • the VCN will contain the following a 3 tier topology (load balancer, application and database) as follows:
    • Three security lists:
      • a load balancer security list allowing ingress from anywhere for https:443 and ssh:22
      • an application security list allowing ingress from the lb subnet CIDR over http:80 and ssh:22
      • a database security list allowing ingress from the db subnet CIDR over TCP(jdbc):1521 and ssh:22
    • All three security lists contain an egress rule to allow egress traffic over any port to anywhere.
    • Three gateways:
      • One Internet Gateway
      • One NAT Gateway
      • One Service Gateway
    • Two route tables:
      • rt-01 defines a route to the Internet Gateway
      • rt-02 defines two routes:
        • a route to the NAT GW;
        • a route to the Service GW;
    • Three Network Security Groups (NSGs)
      • lb-nsg allowing ingress from anywhere for https:443 and ssh:22;
      • app-nsg allowing ingress from the lb-nsg over http:80 and ssh:22;
      • db-nsg allowing ingress from the app-nsg over TCP (jdbc):1521 and ssh:22
    • all NSGs contain an egress rule to allow egress traffic over any port to anywhere.
    • Three subnets:
      • lb-subnet ( for the load balancer tier. This subnet will be using the rt-01 route table, default VCN DHCP options and the lb security list.
      • app-subnet ( for the application tier. This subnet will be using the rt-02 route table, default VCN DHCP options and the app security list.
      • db-subnet ( for the database tier. This subnet will be using the rt-02 route table, default VCN DHCP options and the db security list.

NOTE 1: Please note the redudancy in defining both security lists and NSGs. We've intentionally chosed to define both, for example purposes, but you'll just need to define one or the other, depending on your usecase.

NOTE 2: Please note that the entire configuration is a single complex input parameter and you're able to edit it and change the resources names and any of their configuration (like VCN and subnet CIDR blocks, dns labels...) and, also, you're able to change the input configuration topology/structure like adding more categories, more VCNs inside a category, more subnets inside a VCN or inject new resources into existing VCNs and this will reflect into the topology that terraform will provision.

Diagram of the provisioned networking topology


For clarity and proper separation and isolation we've separated the input parameters into 2 files by leveraging terraform *.auto.tfvars feature:

Using the Module with ORM**

For an ad-hoc use where you can select your resources, follow these guidelines:

  1. Deploy_To_OCI
  2. Accept terms, wait for the configuration to load.
  3. Set the working directory to “orm-facade”.
  4. Set the stack name you prefer.
  5. Set the terraform version to 1.2.x. Click Next.
  6. Add your json/yaml configuration files. Click Next.
  7. Un-check run apply. Click Create.

Output Example:

provisioned_networking_resources = {
  "dhcp_options" = {}
  "drg_attachments" = {}
  "drg_route_distributions" = {}
  "drg_route_distributions_statements" = {}
  "drg_route_tables" = {}
  "dynamic_routing_gateways" = {}
  "internet_gateways" = {
    "IGW-KEY" = {
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1.. ..."
      "defined_tags" = tomap({
        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
      "display_name" = "igw-prod-vcn"
      "enabled" = true
      "freeform_tags" = tomap({
        "vision-environment" = "vision"
        "vision-sub-environment" = "prod"
      "id" = "ocid1.internetgateway.oc1. ..."
      "igw_key" = "IGW-KEY"
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "route_table_id" = tostring(null)
      "route_table_key" = tostring(null)
      "route_table_name" = null
      "state" = "AVAILABLE"
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:14.137 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = "ocid1.vcn.oc1. ..."
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
  "local_peering_gateways" = {}
  "nat_gateways" = {
    "NATGW-KEY" = {
      "block_traffic" = false
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
      "defined_tags" = tomap({
        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
      "display_name" = "natgw-prod-vcn"
      "freeform_tags" = tomap({
        "vision-environment" = "vision"
        "vision-sub-environment" = "prod"
      "id" = "ocid1.natgateway.oc1. ..."
      "nat_ip" = ""
      "natgw_key" = "NATGW-KEY"
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "public_ip_id" = "ocid1.publicip.oc1. ..."
      "route_table_id" = tostring(null)
      "route_table_key" = tostring(null)
      "route_table_name" = null
      "state" = "AVAILABLE"
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:14.087 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = " ..."
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
  "network_security_groups" = {
    "NSG-APP-KEY" = {
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
      "defined_tags" = tomap({
        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
      "display_name" = "nsg-app"
      "freeform_tags" = tomap({
        "vision-environment" = "vision"
        "vision-sub-environment" = "prod"
      "id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "nsg_key" = "NSG-APP-KEY"
      "state" = "AVAILABLE"
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:15.024 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = " ..."
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "NSG-DB-KEY" = {
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
      "defined_tags" = tomap({
        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
      "display_name" = "nsg-db"
      "freeform_tags" = tomap({
        "vision-environment" = "vision"
        "vision-sub-environment" = "prod"
      "id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "nsg_key" = "NSG-DB-KEY"
      "state" = "AVAILABLE"
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:14.219 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = " ..."
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "NSG-LB-KEY" = {
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1.. ..."
      "defined_tags" = tomap({
        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
      "display_name" = "nsg-lb"
      "freeform_tags" = tomap({
        "vision-environment" = "vision"
        "vision-sub-environment" = "prod"
      "id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "nsg_key" = "NSG-LB-KEY"
      "state" = "AVAILABLE"
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:15.204 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = "ocid1.vcn.oc1. ..."
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
  "network_security_groups_egress_rules" = {
    "NSG-APP-KEY.anywhere" = {
      "description" = "egress to over TCP"
      "destination" = ""
      "destination_type" = "CIDR_BLOCK"
      "direction" = "EGRESS"
      "icmp_options" = tolist([])
      "id" = "50E4A3"
      "is_valid" = true
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "network_security_group_id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_security_group_key" = "NSG-APP-KEY"
      "network_security_group_name" = "nsg-app"
      "protocol" = "6"
      "source" = tostring(null)
      "source_type" = ""
      "stateless" = false
      "tcp_options" = tolist([
          "destination_port_range" = tolist([])
          "source_port_range" = tolist([])
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:15.936 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "NSG-DB-KEY.anywhere" = {
      "description" = "egress to over TCP"
      "destination" = ""
      "destination_type" = "CIDR_BLOCK"
      "direction" = "EGRESS"
      "icmp_options" = tolist([])
      "id" = "EB5517"
      "is_valid" = true
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "network_security_group_id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_security_group_key" = "NSG-DB-KEY"
      "network_security_group_name" = "nsg-db"
      "protocol" = "6"
      "source" = tostring(null)
      "source_type" = ""
      "stateless" = false
      "tcp_options" = tolist([
          "destination_port_range" = tolist([])
          "source_port_range" = tolist([])
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:16.138 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "NSG-LB-KEY.anywhere" = {
      "description" = "egress to over TCP"
      "destination" = ""
      "destination_type" = "CIDR_BLOCK"
      "direction" = "EGRESS"
      "icmp_options" = tolist([])
      "id" = "6EB4E7"
      "is_valid" = true
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "network_security_group_id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_security_group_key" = "NSG-LB-KEY"
      "network_security_group_name" = "nsg-lb"
      "protocol" = "6"
      "source" = tostring(null)
      "source_type" = ""
      "stateless" = false
      "tcp_options" = tolist([
          "destination_port_range" = tolist([])
          "source_port_range" = tolist([])
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:16.511 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
  "network_security_groups_ingress_rules" = {
    "NSG-APP-KEY.http_8080" = {
      "description" = "ingress from over HTTP8080"
      "destination" = tostring(null)
      "destination_type" = ""
      "direction" = "INGRESS"
      "icmp_options" = tolist([])
      "id" = "4FA4CA"
      "is_valid" = true
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "network_security_group_id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_security_group_key" = "NSG-APP-KEY"
      "network_security_group_name" = "nsg-app"
      "protocol" = "6"
      "source" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "source_type" = "NETWORK_SECURITY_GROUP"
      "stateless" = false
      "tcp_options" = tolist([
          "destination_port_range" = tolist([
              "max" = 80
              "min" = 80
          "source_port_range" = tolist([])
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:16.207 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "NSG-APP-KEY.ssh_22" = {
      "description" = "ingress from over TCP22"
      "destination" = tostring(null)
      "destination_type" = ""
      "direction" = "INGRESS"
      "icmp_options" = tolist([])
      "id" = "1E6283"
      "is_valid" = true
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "network_security_group_id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_security_group_key" = "NSG-APP-KEY"
      "network_security_group_name" = "nsg-app"
      "protocol" = "6"
      "source" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "source_type" = "NETWORK_SECURITY_GROUP"
      "stateless" = false
      "tcp_options" = tolist([
          "destination_port_range" = tolist([
              "max" = 22
              "min" = 22
          "source_port_range" = tolist([])
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:16.847 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "NSG-DB-KEY.http_8080" = {
      "description" = "ingress from over TCP:1521"
      "destination" = tostring(null)
      "destination_type" = ""
      "direction" = "INGRESS"
      "icmp_options" = tolist([])
      "id" = "4EE58E"
      "is_valid" = true
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "network_security_group_id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_security_group_key" = "NSG-DB-KEY"
      "network_security_group_name" = "nsg-db"
      "protocol" = "6"
      "source" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "source_type" = "NETWORK_SECURITY_GROUP"
      "stateless" = false
      "tcp_options" = tolist([
          "destination_port_range" = tolist([
              "max" = 1521
              "min" = 1521
          "source_port_range" = tolist([])
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:16.323 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "NSG-DB-KEY.ssh_22" = {
      "description" = "ingress from over TCP22"
      "destination" = tostring(null)
      "destination_type" = ""
      "direction" = "INGRESS"
      "icmp_options" = tolist([])
      "id" = "CF0474"
      "is_valid" = true
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "network_security_group_id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_security_group_key" = "NSG-DB-KEY"
      "network_security_group_name" = "nsg-db"
      "protocol" = "6"
      "source" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "source_type" = "NETWORK_SECURITY_GROUP"
      "stateless" = false
      "tcp_options" = tolist([
          "destination_port_range" = tolist([
              "max" = 22
              "min" = 22
          "source_port_range" = tolist([])
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:16.589 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "NSG-LB-KEY.http_443" = {
      "description" = "ingress from over https:443"
      "destination" = tostring(null)
      "destination_type" = ""
      "direction" = "INGRESS"
      "icmp_options" = tolist([])
      "id" = "0BC623"
      "is_valid" = true
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "network_security_group_id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_security_group_key" = "NSG-LB-KEY"
      "network_security_group_name" = "nsg-lb"
      "protocol" = "6"
      "source" = ""
      "source_type" = "CIDR_BLOCK"
      "stateless" = false
      "tcp_options" = tolist([
          "destination_port_range" = tolist([
              "max" = 443
              "min" = 443
          "source_port_range" = tolist([])
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:16.165 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "NSG-LB-KEY.ssh_22" = {
      "description" = "ingress from over TCP22"
      "destination" = tostring(null)
      "destination_type" = ""
      "direction" = "INGRESS"
      "icmp_options" = tolist([])
      "id" = "B3BD8C"
      "is_valid" = true
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "network_security_group_id" = "ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1. ..."
      "network_security_group_key" = "NSG-LB-KEY"
      "network_security_group_name" = "nsg-lb"
      "protocol" = "6"
      "source" = ""
      "source_type" = "CIDR_BLOCK"
      "stateless" = false
      "tcp_options" = tolist([
          "destination_port_range" = tolist([
              "max" = 22
              "min" = 22
          "source_port_range" = tolist([])
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:16.341 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
  "oci_network_firewall_network_firewall_policies" = {}
  "oci_network_firewall_network_firewalls" = {}
  "remote_peering_connections" = {}
  "route_tables" = {
    "RT-01-KEY" = {
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
      "defined_tags" = tomap({
        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
      "display_name" = "rt-01"
      "freeform_tags" = tomap({
        "vision-environment" = "vision"
        "vision-sub-environment" = "prod"
      "id" = "ocid1.routetable.oc1. ..."
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "route_rules" = toset([
          "cidr_block" = ""
          "description" = "Route for internet access"
          "destination" = ""
          "destination_type" = "CIDR_BLOCK"
          "network_entity_id" = "ocid1.internetgateway.oc1. ..."
          "route_type" = ""
      "route_table_key" = "RT-01-KEY"
      "state" = "AVAILABLE"
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:15.629 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = "ocid1.vcn.oc1. ..."
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "RT-02-KEY" = {
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
      "defined_tags" = tomap({
        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
      "display_name" = "rt-02-prod-vcn-01"
      "freeform_tags" = tomap({
        "vision-environment" = "vision"
        "vision-sub-environment" = "prod"
      "id" = "ocid1.routetable.oc1. ..."
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "route_rules" = toset([
          "cidr_block" = ""
          "description" = "Route for internet access via NAT GW"
          "destination" = ""
          "destination_type" = "CIDR_BLOCK"
          "network_entity_id" = "ocid1.natgateway.oc1. ..."
          "route_type" = ""
          "cidr_block" = ""
          "description" = "Route for sgw"
          "destination" = "oci-fra-objectstorage"
          "destination_type" = "SERVICE_CIDR_BLOCK"
          "network_entity_id" = "ocid1.servicegateway.oc1. ..."
          "route_type" = ""
      "route_table_key" = "RT-02-KEY"
      "state" = "AVAILABLE"
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:16.012 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = "ocid1.vcn.oc1. ..."
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
  "route_tables_attachments" = {
      "id" = "ocid1.subnet.oc1. ..."
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "route_table_id" = "ocid1.routetable.oc1. ..."
      "route_table_key" = "RT-02-KEY"
      "route_table_name" = "rt-02-prod-vcn-01"
      "rta_key" = "PRIVATE-APP-SUBNET-KEY"
      "subnet_id" = "ocid1.subnet.oc1. ..."
      "subnet_key" = "PRIVATE-APP-SUBNET-KEY"
      "subnet_name" = "sub-private-app"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
      "id" = "ocid1.subnet.oc1. ..."
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "route_table_id" = "ocid1.routetable.oc1. ..."
      "route_table_key" = "RT-02-KEY"
      "route_table_name" = "rt-02-prod-vcn-01"
      "rta_key" = "PRIVATE_DB_SUBNET_KEY"
      "subnet_id" = "ocid1.subnet.oc1. ..."
      "subnet_key" = "PRIVATE_DB_SUBNET_KEY"
      "subnet_name" = "sub-private-db"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
      "id" = "ocid1.subnet.oc1. ..."
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "route_table_id" = "ocid1.routetable.oc1. ..."
      "route_table_key" = "RT-01-KEY"
      "route_table_name" = "rt-01"
      "rta_key" = "PUBLIC-LB-SUBNET-KEY"
      "subnet_id" = "ocid1.subnet.oc1. ..."
      "subnet_key" = "PUBLIC-LB-SUBNET-KEY"
      "subnet_name" = "sub-public-lb"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
  "security_lists" = {
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
      "defined_tags" = tomap({
        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
      "display_name" = "sl-app"
      "egress_security_rules" = toset([
          "description" = "egress to over TCP"
          "destination" = ""
          "destination_type" = "CIDR_BLOCK"
          "icmp_options" = tolist([])
          "protocol" = "6"
          "stateless" = false
          "tcp_options" = tolist([])
          "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "freeform_tags" = tomap({
        "vision-environment" = "vision"
        "vision-sub-environment" = "prod"
      "id" = " ..."
      "ingress_security_rules" = toset([
          "description" = "ingress from over HTTP80"
          "icmp_options" = tolist([])
          "protocol" = "6"
          "source" = ""
          "source_type" = "CIDR_BLOCK"
          "stateless" = false
          "tcp_options" = tolist([
              "max" = 80
              "min" = 80
              "source_port_range" = tolist([])
          "udp_options" = tolist([])
          "description" = "ingress from over TCP22"
          "icmp_options" = tolist([])
          "protocol" = "6"
          "source" = ""
          "source_type" = "CIDR_BLOCK"
          "stateless" = false
          "tcp_options" = tolist([])
          "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "network_configuration_category" = "production"
      "sec_list_key" = "SECLIST-APP-KEY"
      "state" = "AVAILABLE"
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:14.161 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = " ..."
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "SECLIST-DB-KEY" = {
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
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        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
      "display_name" = "sl-db"
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          "udp_options" = tolist([])
      "freeform_tags" = tomap({
        "vision-environment" = "vision"
        "vision-sub-environment" = "prod"
      "id" = " ..."
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      "state" = "AVAILABLE"
      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:14.161 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = " ..."
      "vcn_key" = "SIMPLE-VCN-KEY"
      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
    "SECLIST-LB-KEY" = {
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
      "defined_tags" = tomap({
        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
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      "freeform_tags" = tomap({
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      "id" = " ..."
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      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:14.145 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = "ocid1.vcn.oc1. ..."
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      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
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    "SGW-KEY" = {
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      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
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        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
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      "id" = "ocid1.servicegateway.oc1. ..."
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      "route_table_name" = null
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      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:14.652 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
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      "cidr_block" = ""
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
      "defined_tags" = tomap({
        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
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      "dhcp_options_name" = "default_dhcp_options"
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      "id" = "ocid1.subnet.oc1. ..."
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      "route_table_name" = "rt-02-prod-vcn-01"
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      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:17.312 +0000 UTC"
      "timeouts" = null /* object */
      "vcn_id" = "ocid1.vcn.oc1. ..."
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      "vcn_name" = "vcn-simple"
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      "availability_domain" = tostring(null)
      "cidr_block" = ""
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
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        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
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      "route_table_id" = "ocid1.routetable.oc1. ..."
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      "security_lists" = {
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      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:18.342 +0000 UTC"
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      "availability_domain" = tostring(null)
      "cidr_block" = ""
      "compartment_id" = "ocid1.compartment.oc1. ..."
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        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
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      "route_table_name" = "rt-01"
      "security_lists" = {
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      "time_created" = "2023-03-20 19:16:17.867 +0000 UTC"
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      "virtual_router_ip" = ""
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  "vcns" = {
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      "cidr_blocks" = tolist([
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        "" = "oracleidentitycloudservice/..."
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      "id" = "ocid1.vcn.oc1. ..."
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