Rust photo manager inspired by Gnome Shotwell, and written to use the Shotwell database for its back end.
Uses Rocket and Diesel.
Note: this is a side project by a father of 3, with limited time and much dad-brain. Expect progress to be slow.
- More built out services.
Use THis as a template:
added ?id==ID to the listing to filter by ID (DONE)
Getting the particular ID should get the image itself. (Using the object table later)
(Now do pagination - add a .offset() clause)
It takes multiparts now. Can save the images. Can calc hashes and parse EXIF from POSTS
- SHA hashes
TODO: enter posts into Diesel.
- will require moving things out of at some point.
- needs md5 and exif md5
- autoincrement ids. result_str for hashes.
TODO: object stores.
TODO: Directory search
---- details for testing:
omri@omri-Satellite-S55-B:~$ curl -F data=@Downloads/1980s-hairstyles-for-men-1.jpeg http://localhost:8000/upload 1360 curl http://localhost:8000/photo\?re_title=foo 1361 curl http://localhost:8000/photo\?re_comment=foo 1362 curl http://localhost:8000/photo 1783 curl http://localhost:8000/photo/1
CREATE TABLE oldPhotoTable (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, filename TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, width INTEGER, height INTEGER, filesize INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, exposure_time INTEGER, orientation INTEGER, original_orientation INTEGER, import_id INTEGER, event_id INTEGER, transformations TEXT, md5 TEXT, thumbnail_md5 TEXT, exif_md5 TEXT, time_created INTEGER, flags INTEGER DEFAULT 0, rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, file_format INTEGER DEFAULT 0, title TEXT, backlinks TEXT, time_reimported INTEGER, editable_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, metadata_dirty INTEGER DEFAULT 0, developer TEXT, develop_shotwell_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, develop_camera_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, develop_embedded_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, comment TEXT); CREATE TABLE PhotoTable (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, filename TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, width INTEGER, height INTEGER, filesize INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, exposure_time INTEGER, orientation INTEGER, original_orientation INTEGER, import_id INTEGER, event_id INTEGER, transformations TEXT, md5 TEXT, thumbnail_md5 TEXT, exif_md5 TEXT, time_created INTEGER, flags INTEGER DEFAULT 0, rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, file_format INTEGER DEFAULT 0, title TEXT, backlinks TEXT, time_reimported INTEGER, editable_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, metadata_dirty INTEGER DEFAULT 0, developer TEXT, develop_shotwell_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, develop_camera_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, develop_embedded_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, comment TEXT);
CREATE INDEX PhotoEventIDIndex ON PhotoTable (event_id); CREATE INDEX PhotoTableMD5FormatV2 on PhotoTable(md5, file_format); CREATE INDEX PhotoTableThumbnailMD5Format on PhotoTable(thumbnail_md5, file_format); CREATE INDEX PhotoTableThumbnailMD5MD5 on PhotoTable(thumbnail_md5, md5);