This sets up a development environment for the Aloha editor, master branch, on Ubuntu 12.04.
Install git and family:
sudo apt-get install git, tig, gitk
Install nginx (or you could use apache and your own instructions):
sudo apt-get install nginx
Start nginx:
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start
Test the nginx install by executing:
chromium-browser http://localhost:80 You should see a page with a welcome message. Something like: Welcome to nginx!
Clone the repo:
git clone aloha-editor NOTE: This will take a while.
Check that you are on the correct branch:
git branch You should be on the 'master' branch.
Go to the nginx root folder:
Normally that means: cd /usr/share/nginx/www If it is not there, look in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default. It will show what the 'root' folder is.
Symlink your dev sandbox here:
sudo ln -s [path-to-checkout] Aloha-Editor NOTE: The capitalization of 'Aloha-Editor' is necessary due to the way the links to css and javascript is set up in the html files.
Check if it works:
chromium-browser http://localhost/Aloha-Editor You should see a page with a lot of text and the heading, 'Welcome to OERPUB Editor: A semantic HTML5 editor for textbooks, books, and open education resources'
Open the OERPub editor:
chromium-browser http://localhost/Aloha-Editor/oerpub/index.html
Open the Connexions Editor Demo:
chromium-browser http://localhost/Aloha-Editor/cnx.html