- INITIAL step "bash setup.sh"
- Please ensure that no host's admin account has a password containing a comma (",") as this is used as a delimiter.
- The environment setup involves reconfiguring networking which can break an SSH session. Be prepared to access hosts locally.
- Hostnames must be unique for identification purposes.
- For each physical host to be part of the OpenStack cluster, ensure that you log in as a user with admin privileges (a sudoer).
IMPORTANT: It is STRONGLY recommended that the password of said user on every machine is changed into a temporary one for security purposes. This can then be changed back post-configuration.
- On any machine, and from the directory in which this file is contained, run init.sh. This is done in terminal as follows:
- On every host, run env_setup.sh:
IMPORTANT: From step 3 onwards, invocation of a script will fail if the generated config.csv is not in the same folder.
- Run the following script on the node you want to migrate from
- On every other node, run the following command:
export nfsserverhost=[insert hostname]
Entering the hostname / IP Address of the NFS server where instructed (without []s).
Then, run the following script on the node you want migrate to:
Tool Modified Parth Maniar