From and
Expression |
Pattern |
abc... |
Letters |
123... |
Digits |
[abc] |
Any character in the set |
[^abc] |
Any character not in the set |
[a-z] |
Characters having a code between the two specified characters (inclusive) |
. |
Any character |
\w |
Any alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) character |
\W |
Any non-alphanumeric character |
\d |
Any digit |
\D |
Any non-digit characters |
\s |
Any whitespace (spaces, tabs, line breaks) |
\S |
Any non-whitespace character |
Expression |
Pattern |
^ |
Start of the string |
$ |
End of the string |
\b |
Boundary between a word character and non-word character |
\B |
Any position that is not a word boundary |
Expression |
Pattern |
* |
Zero or more repetitions |
+ |
One or more repetitions |
? |
Optional character |
{m} |
m repetitions |
{m,} |
m or more repetitions |
{m, n} |
m to n repetitions |
(abc|def) |
abc or def |
Expression |
Pattern |
\+ |
Character with special meaning |
\xFF |
Character in hexadecimal form |
\t |
Tab character |
\n |
Line feed character |
\r |
Carriage return character |
\0 |
Null character |
Expression |
Pattern |
(abc) |
Capture group |
\1 |
Result of a capture group |