Update Assessing SuiteCRM as aa more viable option w.r.t. configuration.
See doc for reference: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZwZk4i5WShJjoRv-mMEx-gsCvrC-F2CqWpFILvv8Yiw/edit?usp=sharing
Objective: Test CiviCRM as a CRM solution for all for Flux's major organisation CRM tasks.
Problem: Flux does not have a fit-for-purpose CRM solution.
Potential Solution: CiviCRM is an open-source CRM with extensibility options, open source community and considerable in-built functionality. It could be easily deployed on Flux servers and configured to replace services such as Mailchimp, fundraisz, and provide additional functionality related to membership management, volunteer engagment, campaigns and events.
Initial things to assess/test:
- Functionality map - what services do we require? what does CiviCRM offer?
- Extensions - what extensions would be required? paypal / maps / etc?
- Integrations - how will FCCRM integrate? e.g. membership exports, etc
- Security - how does CiviCRM protect user data?
Next steps
Once intial assessment is complete:
- deploy initial test instance (Drupal instance on flux server- required for full extensions for campaigns)
- configure for Flux operations
- test all functionality with internal stakeholders as contacts/members
This document and this google sheet will be the initial workspace for tracking the things mentioned above. Comment on the google sheet if you want to contribute in these initial phases.