Swiftery is a validator for SWIFT identifiers like IBAN and BIC.
Read the source, Luke! But here are some examples too:
$bic = new BIC('BANKDE66');
if ($bic->isValid()) {
$bic->getBIC(); // 'BANKDE66XXX'
$bic->getBankCode(); // 'BANK'
$bic->getCountry(); // 'DE'
$bic->getLocation(); // '66'
$bic->getBranch(); // 'XXX'
Though the default branch code of XXX is optional, Swiftery creates it if missing.
$iban = new IBAN('IBAN DE79 8505 0300 - 3100 1805 68 (&^$', $configProvider);
if ($iban->isValid()) {
$iban->getIBAN(); // 'DE79850503003100180568'
$iban->getCountry(); // 'DE'
$iban->getBBAN(); // '850503003100180568'
$iban->getBBANParts(); // ['85050300', '3100180568']
returns the constituent parts of the national BBAN. For example, a German IBAN would return the routing
number (BLZ) and account number, while a Brazilian IBAN would return the national bank code, branch code, account
number, account type, and account owner number. (See here for a list of formats)
The $configProvider
here provides the checker with country-specific format information. To supply this only once, use
. It can also provide a default implementation:
$factory = new IBANFactory;
$iban = $factory->create('DE79850503003100180568');
This implementation is based on registry.txt
from the SWIFT registry with some corrections.