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145 lines (108 loc) · 4.01 KB

메뉴 리뉴얼.md

File metadata and controls

145 lines (108 loc) · 4.01 KB

메뉴 리뉴얼

func solution(_ orders:[String], _ course:[Int]) -> [String] {
    var menuSet = [String: Int]()
    var result = [String]()

    func combination(origin: [Character], n: Int, result: String) {
        if result.count > 1 && course.contains(result.count) {
            menuSet[result, default: 0] += 1
        for i in n+1..<origin.count {
            combination(origin: origin, n: i, result: "\(result)\(origin[i])")

    for order in orders {
        let menus ={ $0 }).sorted()
        for i in menus.indices {
            combination(origin: menus, n: i, result: "\(menus[i])")
    for n in course {
        let max = menuSet.filter{ $0.key.count == n && $0.value > 1}.max { $0.value < $1.value }
        if let max = max {
            menuSet.filter({ $0.key.count == n }).forEach{
                if $0.value == max.value {
    return result

combination 연습

func solution(_ orders:[String], _ course:[Int]) -> [String] {
    var menuSet = [String: Int]()
    var result = [String]()

    func combination(total: [String], shouldSelect: Int, current index: Int, selected: [String]) {
        if shouldSelect == 0 && selected.count > 1 {
            menuSet[selected.joined(), default: 0] += 1
        } else if index == total.count {
        } else {
            var newSelected = selected
            combination(total: total, shouldSelect: shouldSelect-1, current: index+1, selected: newSelected)
            combination(total: total, shouldSelect: shouldSelect, current: index+1, selected: selected)

    let sortedOrderArrs ={ $0.sorted().map({ String($0) }) })

    for order in sortedOrderArrs {
        for n in course {
            combination(total: order, shouldSelect: n, current: 0, selected: [String]())
    for n in course {
        let max = menuSet.filter{ $0.key.count == n && $0.value > 1}.max { $0.value < $1.value }
        if let max = max {
            menuSet.filter({ $0.key.count == n }).forEach{
                if $0.value == max.value {
    return result


import Foundation

func solution(_ orders:[String], _ course:[Int]) -> [String] {
    var menuSet = [String: Int]()
    var result = [String]()

    func combination(total: [String], shouldSelect: Int, current index: Int, selected: [String]) {
        if shouldSelect == 0 && selected.count > 1 {
            menuSet[selected.joined(), default: 0] += 1
        } else if index == total.count {
        } else {
            var newSelected = selected
            combination(total: total, shouldSelect: shouldSelect-1, current: index+1, selected: newSelected)
            combination(total: total, shouldSelect: shouldSelect, current: index+1, selected: selected)

    let sortedOrderArrs ={ $0.sorted().map({ String($0) }) })

    for order in sortedOrderArrs {
        for n in course {
            combination(total: order, shouldSelect: n, current: 0, selected: [String]())
    for n in course {
        let max = menuSet.filter{ $0.key.count == n && $0.value > 1}.max { $0.value < $1.value }?.value
        let maxCom = menuSet.filter({ $0.key.count == n && $0.value == max }){ String($0) })
        result.append(contentsOf: maxCom)
    return result.sorted()

print(solution(["ABCFG", "AC", "CDE", "ACDE", "BCFG", "ACDEH"], [2,3,4]))
// ["AC", "ACDE", "BCFG", "CDE"]
print(solution(["ABCDE", "AB", "CD", "ADE", "XYZ", "XYZ", "ACD"], [2,3,5]))
// ["ACD", "AD", "ADE", "CD", "XYZ"]
print(solution(["XYZ", "XWY", "WXA"], [2,3,4]))
// ["WX", "XY"]