diff --git a/lua/codecompanion/strategies/chat/init.lua b/lua/codecompanion/strategies/chat/init.lua
index 203fe2aa..8759387b 100644
--- a/lua/codecompanion/strategies/chat/init.lua
+++ b/lua/codecompanion/strategies/chat/init.lua
@@ -635,6 +635,7 @@ function Chat:submit(opts)
message = self.References:clear(self.messages[#self.messages])
+ self:check_references()
-- Check if the user has manually overriden the adapter
if vim.g.codecompanion_adapter and self.adapter.name ~= vim.g.codecompanion_adapter then
@@ -697,8 +698,8 @@ function Chat:done()
self:add_message({ role = config.constants.LLM_ROLE, content = buf_parse_message(self.bufnr).content })
self:add_buf_message({ role = config.constants.USER_ROLE, content = "" })
- self.References:render()
+ self.References:render()
if self.status == CONSTANTS.STATUS_SUCCESS and self:has_tools() then
@@ -725,6 +726,49 @@ function Chat:done()
+---Reconcile the references table to the references in the chat buffer
+---This allows users to manually remove references themselves
+---@return nil
+function Chat:check_references()
+ local refs = self.References:get_from_chat()
+ if vim.tbl_isempty(refs) and vim.tbl_isempty(self.refs) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- Fetch references that exist on the chat object but not in the buffer
+ local to_remove = vim
+ .iter(self.refs)
+ :filter(function(ref)
+ return not vim.tbl_contains(refs, ref.id)
+ end)
+ :map(function(ref)
+ return ref.id
+ end)
+ :totable()
+ if vim.tbl_isempty(to_remove) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- Remove them from the messages table
+ self.messages = vim
+ .iter(self.messages)
+ :filter(function(msg)
+ if msg.opts and msg.opts.reference and vim.tbl_contains(to_remove, msg.opts.reference) then
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+ end)
+ :totable()
+ -- And from the refs table
+ for i, ref in pairs(self.refs) do
+ if vim.tbl_contains(to_remove, ref.id) then
+ table.remove(self.refs, i)
+ end
+ end
---Regenerate the response from the LLM
---@return nil
function Chat:regenerate()
@@ -739,6 +783,7 @@ end
---@return nil
function Chat:stop()
local job
if self.current_tool then
job = self.current_tool
self.current_tool = nil
diff --git a/lua/codecompanion/strategies/chat/references.lua b/lua/codecompanion/strategies/chat/references.lua
index 5c2144f6..f86ac979 100644
--- a/lua/codecompanion/strategies/chat/references.lua
+++ b/lua/codecompanion/strategies/chat/references.lua
@@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ function References:add(ref)
if ref then
+ if not ref.opts then
+ ref.opts = {
+ pinned = false,
+ }
+ end
table.insert(self.chat.refs, ref)
@@ -193,8 +198,16 @@ function References:render()
local lines = {}
table.insert(lines, "> Sharing:")
- for _, ref in ipairs(self.chat.refs) do
- table.insert(lines, string.format("> - %s", ref.id))
+ for _, ref in pairs(self.chat.refs) do
+ if not ref then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ if ref.opts and ref.opts.pinned then
+ table.insert(lines, string.format("> - %s%s", config.display.chat.icons.pinned_buffer, ref.id))
+ else
+ table.insert(lines, string.format("> - %s", ref.id))
+ end
+ ::continue::
table.insert(lines, "")
@@ -212,4 +225,47 @@ function References:make_id_from_buf(bufnr)
return vim.fn.fnamemodify(bufname, ":.")
+---Get the references from the chat buffer
+---@return table
+function References:get_from_chat()
+ local refs = {}
+ local parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(self.chat.bufnr, "markdown")
+ local query = vim.treesitter.query.parse(
+ "markdown",
+ string.format(
+ [[(
+ (section
+ (atx_heading) @heading
+ (#match? @heading "## %s")
+ )
+ user_role
+ )
+ )
+ local root = parser:parse()[1]:root()
+ local last_heading = nil
+ -- Get the last heading
+ for id, node in query:iter_captures(root, self.chat.bufnr, 0, -1) do
+ if query.captures[id] == "heading" then
+ last_heading = node
+ end
+ end
+ if last_heading then
+ local start_row, _, _, _ = last_heading:range()
+ -- Get the references
+ local refs_query =
+ vim.treesitter.query.parse("markdown", [[(block_quote (list (list_item (paragraph (inline) @ref))))]])
+ for id, node in refs_query:iter_captures(root, self.chat.bufnr, start_row, -1) do
+ if refs_query.captures[id] == "ref" then
+ local ref = vim.treesitter.get_node_text(node, self.chat.bufnr)
+ ref:gsub("^> %- ", "")
+ table.insert(refs, vim.trim(ref))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return refs
return References
diff --git a/tests/strategies/chat/test_references.lua b/tests/strategies/chat/test_references.lua
index 8f740474..06f6b1e9 100644
--- a/tests/strategies/chat/test_references.lua
+++ b/tests/strategies/chat/test_references.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ local chat
T["References"] = new_set({
hooks = {
- pre_once = function()
+ pre_case = function()
chat, _ = h.setup_chat_buffer()
post_once = function()
@@ -36,4 +36,70 @@ T["References"]["Can be added to the UI of the chat buffer"] = function()
h.eq("> - testing again", buffer[5])
+T["References"]["Can be deleted"] = function()
+ -- Add references
+ chat.References:add({
+ source = "test",
+ name = "test",
+ id = "test.lua",
+ })
+ chat.References:add({
+ source = "test",
+ name = "test2",
+ id = "test2.lua",
+ })
+ -- Add messages with and without references
+ chat.messages = {
+ {
+ role = "user",
+ content = "Message with reference",
+ opts = {
+ reference = "test.lua",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ role = "user",
+ content = "Message with another reference",
+ opts = {
+ reference = "test2.lua",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ role = "user",
+ content = "Message without reference",
+ opts = {},
+ },
+ }
+ local initial_count = #chat.messages
+ h.eq(initial_count, 3, "Should start with 3 messages")
+ h.eq(vim.tbl_count(chat.refs), 2, "Should have 2 reference")
+ -- Mock the get_from_chat method
+ chat.References.get_from_chat = function()
+ return { "test2.lua" }
+ end
+ chat:check_references()
+ -- Verify results
+ h.eq(#chat.messages, 2, "Should have 1 messages after reference removal")
+ h.eq(chat.messages[1].content, "Message with another reference")
+ h.eq(chat.messages[2].content, "Message without reference")
+ h.eq(vim.tbl_count(chat.refs), 1, "Should have 1 reference")
+ -- Verify the message with reference was removed
+ local has_ref_message = vim.iter(chat.messages):any(function(msg)
+ return msg.opts.reference == "test.lua"
+ end)
+ h.eq(has_ref_message, false, "Message with first reference should be gone")
+ has_ref_message = vim.iter(chat.messages):any(function(msg)
+ return msg.opts.reference == "test2.lua"
+ end)
+ h.eq(has_ref_message, true, "Message with second reference should still be present")
return T