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map-data folder


This folder contains the mapping/visualization related data


movement > Files belonging to the experiments which the device was moving around

static > Files belonging to the experiments which the device was in a fixed position


map-only-waypoints > Movement: To view the RSSI, hover or click using the mouse pointer. Static: No RSSI data available on map, only pins showing gateway's & device's position

map-with-measurements > The RSSI is displayed in permanent labels

gps-coordinates > Gateway's and device's placement GPS coordinates

preview-datapoints > Images that depicts the area of the experiments

weather-raw-data > Snapshot of the data obtained from campus' weather station


To interact with the maps, download the .HTML files and open them in any web browser (Mozilla Firefox is recommended)


The maps were generated through GPS visualizer website. All the credit goes to its creator Adam Schneider.

Background images are subject to OpenStreetMaps' and/or Arcgis' copyrights.

We acknowledge the LABCAA (Laboratório de Climatologia e Análise Ambiental) from UFJF (Federal University of Juiz de Fora) and the INMET (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia) for publishing the weather data publicly.