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Rope JS


npm install @polymer-co/rope

Rope JS extends the inbuilt JavaScript string type with additional helper methods. It's focus is to be simple and to not require wrapper classes - all you need to do is require or import it, then start using! See src/rope.ts for available methods.

It includes super useful helper methods; from inserting strings, capitalizing, random sampling, and more! Rope JS also provides utilities for case conversion (ie, camel case to pascal), allowing you to convert from all the well-known casings to any other. Case conversions include:

Case Example Lossy?
camel helloWorld No
camelSnake hello_World No
flat helloworld Yes
kebab hello-world No
pascal HelloWorld No
sarcastic hElLo wOrLd No
sentence hello, world No
snake hello_world No
train Hello-World No
upperFlat HELLOWORLD Yes

'Lossy' implies that word seperation will be lost when converting to this case. For example, converting from camel to flat will result in 'camelCase' being converted to 'camelcase' - the flat case output cannot be converted back into camelCase, as word seperation has not been preseved.

TypeScript types declaration files are included by default.


npm installation

To install on npm run npm install @polymer-co/rope

Static file installation

Download the most recent rope.js from the releases section on GitHub. Include the file as usual:

    <script src='lib/path/rope.js'></script>


For full API documentation, check the declaration file src/rope.ts.

If installed with npm

Within your entry point file (eg, main.ts or main.js):

import '@polymer-co/rope'



After importing, the extension methods should be usable in all other files.

If installed with static file

There should be no other action needed if installed via a static file.


The below examples do not include all available methods, it is meant to demonstrate general usage.

Convert from camel case to train case

"thisIsCamelCase".convertCase('camel', 'train') // "This-Is-Camel-Case

See src/rope.ts's Case type for a list of available case conversions.

Uppercase all words in a sentence

"test sentence to uppercase".uppercaseAll() // "Test Sentence To Uppercase"

Insert a word at a given position

"hi, are  there?".insert(8, "you") // "hi, are you there?

Return a list of characters

"hello".chars() // ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']

Remove a portion of a string

"12345".remove(1, 3) // "15"