All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fixed RUSTSEC-2020-0071 (explicit
cargo update
of chrono)
- removed module_client feature from azure-iot-sdk to be able to reconfigure this dependency e.g. as edge_client via cargo build
- fixed cargo clippy warnings
- replaced channel/thread based event dispatching by async dispatching based on azure-iot-sdk 0.10.0
- fixed RUSTSEC-2023-0044
- updated to azure-iot-sdk 0.9.5
- changed omnect git dependencies from ssh to https url's
- removed rust-toolchain.toml since component is not used on device anymore. further the toolchain version 1.62 caused a bug when building for arm64v8.
- fixed RUSTSEC-2023-0034 (explicit
cargo update
- fixed GHSA-4q83-7cq4-p6wg (explicit
cargo update
- fixed redundant locking on twin
- fixed redundant locking on iot messages
- simplified twin singleton
- prepared readme for open sourcing repository
- fixed bug when application didn't exit on Unauthenticated message
- bumped to azure-iot-sdk 0.9.0
- switched to anyhow based errors
- twin:
- refactored from functions to struct
- wrapped as singleton
- updated tokio to 1.23 in order to fix cargo audit warning
- cleaned up Readme regarding ICS-DeviceManagement to omnect
- renamed from ICS-DeviceManagement to omnect github orga
- fixed bug when async client does not terminate correctly
- improved logging for AuthenticationStatus changes
- log message with severity error on panics
- fixed report azure-sdk-version in twin
- switched from forked sd-notify to new official release 0.4.1
- changed some debug messages to log level info
- report azure-sdk-version in twin
- log info message for azure-sdk-version
- bump to azure-iot-sdk 0.8.4
- start service after time-sync target to avoid time jumps during service start
- added info message for logging the package version
- fixed panic when receiving unauthenticated message
- fixed panic when calling IotHubClient::from_identity_service
- fixed terminating on ExpiredSasToken
- bumped to latest azure-iot-sdk 0.8.3
- bump to azure-iot-sdk 0.8.2
- fix build with "edge_client" feature
- replaced std::thread by tokio
- added version reporting to twin
- bump to azure-iot-sdk 0.8.1
- fixed readme
- bump to azure-iot-sdk 0.8.0:
- extend sample to demonstrate iot edge module feature
- improved build documentation in readme
- added Cargo.audit.ignore
- update to azure-iot-sdk 0.5.5
- add device twin example
- renamed package and repo to iot-client-template-rs
- add optional systemd integration
- notify ready
- notify watchdog
- add D2C messages
- renamed package and repo to iot-module-template-rs
- updated to latest azure-iot-sdk
- added module twin example
- added direct method example
- Cargo.toml: added SPDX license expression
- add restart limit for system service file
- restart failed "ics-dm-iot-module-rs service" after 10 min
- set repository in Cargo.toml (enables cargo-bitbake to generate yocto recipe)
- use unique user account
- initial version