All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- upgraded ansible to
- fixed pythonpath issue - #63
- fixed ansible-dk cli path issue - #61
- Removed ansible-toolkit - #58
- Moved omnibus project to top level
- Added verify subcommand to ansible-dk cli to verify internal tools
- ansible is now at
- python is now at 2.7.11
- ruby is now at 2.1.8
- all other built in tools have been updated to their latest available versions
- several fixes and improvements to debian build process (clintoncwolfe, jblancett)
- replaced ansible-dk cli tool with a more robust python one (mbrannigan, jblancett)
- molecule 1.0.6 (dhutty)
- bats 0.4.0 (clintoncwolfe)
- added automake dep to jq to fix build error (clintoncwolfe)
- added ~/.ansible-dk/python/bin to PATH (bborysenko)
- README fixes/updates (dhutty, clintoncwolfe, IndyMichaelB)
Initial public release
- Ubuntu 14.04
- MacOS 10.10+
- ansible 1.9.4
- ansible-lint 2.1.3
- ansible-toolkit 1.3.2
- awscli 1.9.5
- jq 1.5
- kitchen-ansible 0.0.30
- kitchen-vagrant 0.19.0
- serverspec 2.24.2
- test-kitchen 1.4.2