Need ODM SDF Syntax to Cover Thing / Interface Object / Trait Version Mappings #60
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Related to Weave and the Weave Data Language and the ability for ODM SDF to losslessly express WDL.
In Weave Data Language (WDL), interfaces are equivalent to ODM "things" and describe an abstract, contractual publish/subscribe interface for generic ecosystem interactions. Over time, the definition of the interface may evolve and its version incremented as those changes occur. To the extent that changes in the interface need to be bound to specific versions of one or more underlying traits (objects), WDL provides a construct in the form of the version_map decoration to specify those dependencies.
To be expressed in ODM SDF losslessly, a syntax construct for representing this version mapping, when present, is required.
Relevant Example Schema Input Files
Missing or Unmapped WDL-to-ODM SDF Syntax
The name of the trait on which the specific parent_version of this interface depends.
The version of the named trait on which the specific parent_version of this interface depends.
Example Input WDL
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