For older versions of Julia, see
For Julia 1.9 and higher, Package Extensions is preferable; see the Julia manual.
Requires is a Julia package that will magically make loading packages faster, maybe. It supports specifying glue code in packages which will load automatically when another package is loaded, so that explicit dependencies (and long load times) can be avoided.
Suppose you've written a package called MyPkg
. MyPkg
has core functionality that it always provides;
but suppose you want to provide additional functionality if the Gadfly
package is also loaded.
Requires.jl exports a macro, @require
, that allows you to specify that some code is conditional on having both packages available.
must be within the __init__
method for your module.
Here's an example that will create a new method of a function called myfunction
only when both packages are present:
module MyPkg
# lots of code
myfunction(::MyType) = Textual()
function __init__()
@require Gadfly="c91e804a-d5a3-530f-b6f0-dfbca275c004" myfunction(::Gadfly.Plot) = Graphical()
end # module
The string is Gadfly's UUID; this information may be obtained
by finding the package in the registry (JuliaRegistries for public packages).
Note that the Gadfly.Plot
type may not be available when you load MyPkg
, but @require
handles this situation without trouble.
For larger amounts of code you can use include
as the argument to the @require
function __init__()
@require Gadfly="c91e804a-d5a3-530f-b6f0-dfbca275c004" include("glue.jl")
and this will trigger the loading and evaluation of "glue.jl"
in MyPkg
whenever Gadfly is loaded.
You can even use
function __init__()
@require Gadfly="c91e804a-d5a3-530f-b6f0-dfbca275c004" @eval using MyGluePkg
if you wish to exploit precompilation for the new code.
In the @require
block, or any included files, you can use or import the package, but note that you must use the syntax using .Gadfly
or import .Gadfly
, rather than the usual syntax. Otherwise you will get a warning about Gadfly not being in dependencies.
d packages can be added to the test
environment of a Julia project for integration tests, or directly to the project to document compatible versions in the [compat]
section of Project.toml
For a complete demo, consider the following file named "Reqs.jl"
module Reqs
using Requires
function __init__()
@require JSON="682c06a0-de6a-54ab-a142-c8b1cf79cde6" @eval using Colors
Here's a session that shows how Colors
is only loaded after you've imported JSON
julia> include("Reqs.jl")
julia> using Main.Reqs
julia> Reqs.Colors
ERROR: UndefVarError: Colors not defined
julia> using JSON
julia> Reqs.Colors
julia> Reqs.Colors.RGB(1,0,0)
Note that if Reqs
were a registered package you could replace the first two commands with using Reqs
In the case that a feature depends on multiple packages, you can do the following trick:
module TestRequires
using Requires
function __init__()
@require Images="916415d5-f1e6-5110-898d-aaa5f9f070e0" begin
@require Revise="295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe" println("Got both!")
end # module
The code will only be loaded in the presence of both Images.jl and Revise.jl:
julia> using TestRequires
[ Info: Precompiling TestRequires [eb9e79a2-1324-11e9-3469-91075b92f61d]
julia> using Images
julia> using Revise
[ Info: Recompiling stale cache file /tmp/pkgs/compiled/v1.0/Revise/M1Qoh.ji for Revise [295af30f-e4ad-537b-8983-00126c2a3abe]
Got both!
Other packages can be informed about Requires' actions. To implement this, add a function
add_require(sourcefile, modcaller, id, modname, expr)
to your package. The arguments will have the following types:
: a string, the full path to the file that contained the@require
: the active module from which the@require
was issuedid
: a string representing the UUID of the package that triggered this@require
block (e.g., the uuid string from@require Gadfly="c91e804a-d5a3-530f-b6f0-dfbca275c004"
: a string representing the name of the package that triggered this@require
block (e.g.,"Gadfly"
in the example above)expr
: the expression in the@require
Once you've added this, append the PkgId
of your package to Requires.notified_pkgs
in a pull request to Requires.