Both are used to find the location of the file . find commmand returns the relative path whereas locate returns the absolute path
If locate command is not found or it is not found then run following commands
- rpm -qa | grep mlocate
- yum install mlocate
- locate
- updatedb
- locate
- ln for create hard link ( Hardlink works with in same partition)
- Hard links are only for files
- Deleting the source file will not impact the hardlink.
- Soft links can be for files and directories
- ln -s create soft link (ln -s source dest)
- ls -i returns the node number
- x permission allow a directory to go inside if a directory does not have the x permission then we cannot go inside it.
- chmod a+x where a indicates everyone.
- 6- rw 5 wx 3 xw 2 w 1 x
- getfacl test will return
setfacl -m u:user:rwx /path setfacl -m u:raman:rwx /tmp/test
setfacl -m g:group:rw /path setfacl -m g:ec2-user /tmp/dir
setfacl -x u:raman test
setfacl -b test Note -w option not allow to delete the directory/file but you can modify
- whatis it gives very minimal information like whatis touch
- help it gives gives descriptive information of a command ls --help
- man it gives more descriptive command