Releases: onset/lameta
This is a PREVIEW release (an "alpha"). There are many changes here, and because of a change to how Person languages are modeled (see below), not everything you enter in this version will be retained if you go back to a previous version. For this reason we are putting this out for testing purposes before releasing for the normal "beta" testing users.
What's New
This version has a completely new system for recording the languages of people.
- A person can have an unlimited number of languages.
- You can drag to reorder languages.
- You can use the "star" button next to a language to mean whatever you want, and can star more than one language.
- You can use the "mother" / "father" buttons next to a language however you want, and can mark them on more than one language.
Opening the project file (
) will now cause lameta to open that project and automatically open it next time you run lameta. This makes it easier to re-locate your project to a different drive. Just quit lameta, move the project folder, then double-click the.sprj
file. -
This version has a completely new system for handling copying in of files.
- You should now be able to copy in very large videos without problems (previously macs had a 2Gig limit).
- You can start as many copies going at once as you like, and continue working elsewhere while the copy progresses in the background.
- lameta will show the status of each file.
- There is a new "Copying" notice to remind you that coping is not done yet.
- lameta will prevent exporting of IMDI with media files included until all copying is done.
We've done a lot of work to make it safer to use lameta in a Dropbox context.
- lameta will now retry file operations if Dropbox or some other synchronization or antivirus program is temporarily locking its files.
lameta will tell you when you try to copy in something and your hard drive becomes full.
- We've added a bunch of new helpful messages for the rare cases where things go wrong. For example if you play a video and then try to delete or rename it, often the video player is still locking the file. lameta will now tell you what happened and what to do about it.
- Previously, it was sometimes possible to get a folder (session or person) in a partially-renamed state when one of its files was locked by something (e.g. a video player, Dropbox, antivirus, etc.). Now, lameta detects the problem and avoids changing any file names until it can change all of them.
- We did some fixes to localization of contribution roles.
- The View menu now has a "PARADISEC" mode. This just adds tabs that show how fields will be mapped if you do a PARADISEC export.
- Various improvements to PARADISEC export.
- Previously, we had "Content Languages" (vs. "Working Languages"). This was confusing since some archives use "Content Language"
to mean what language you will hear/read in the record, whereas others use it to mean what record is about. This version changes the field to the less ambiguous "Subject Language". We welcome feedback about this change.
- Fixed icons that went missing.
- Improved Person Grid labels when there are no people yet.
- Improved handling of missing vernacular language info.
- Fixed some messed up country names.
- Made multi-language fields grow as necessary.
- Gave File explorer more time to run before we quit on Let me Fix This.
Known Problem With Large Files on Macs
On Macs, lameta has problems copying large files. You may find that some files copy without problems, some may give errors, and some may silently just not copy. Until we have a fix, if you experience this problem, the work-around is copy your video files into the session folder using the Mac Finder. When you restart lameta, it will appear in the session.
Windows: lameta-Setup.0.9.1.exe (note that this is not cryptographically "signed", so Windows will discourage you from installing it.)
Mac: lameta-0.9.1.dmg
This release is all about updating the localization of lameta user interface components:
- New translation in Crowdin are in lameta, including Brazilian Portuguese.
- New strings have been made translatable in Crowdin.
Windows: lameta.Setup.0.9.0.exe (note that this is not cryptographically "signed", so Windows will discourage you from installing it.)
Mac: lameta-0.9.0.dmg
- You can now duplicate Sessions and People with the Duplicate command (Ctrl+D).
- You can now control font size from View menu. You can also adjust the font size using ctrl key while moving the mouse-wheel.
- IMDI Export: output Age as "unspecified" if emtpy
- IMDI Export: mark subject as an open vocabulary
- IMDI Export: add empty ArchiveHandle to Written Resource
- IMDI Export: export topics and keywords to separate elements if separated by commas
In Progress
- A start on PARADISEC CSV export
Windows: lameta.Setup.0.8.9.exe (note that this is not cryptographically "signed", so Windows will discourage you from installing it.)
Mac: lameta-0.8.9.dmg
Give helpful messages if there is a problem reading a file.
- Migration to new person languages based on ISO 6393-3
- One IMDI export issue
Update REAP options.
Windows: lameta.Setup.0.8.8.exe (note that this is not cryptographically "signed", so Windows will discourage you from installing it.)
- View all exlif metadata embedded in images
- Language fields in Person are now sensitive to qaa--qtx languages and use the name given in Project:Content language
- Several IMDI export issues
- Number of contributors limited to size of the screen
Windows: lameta.Setup.0.8.7.exe (note that this is not cryptographically "signed", so Windows will discourage you from installing it.)
Mac: lameta-0.8.7.dmg (COMING SOON)
- Safer file IMDI filename export
- Improvements to IMDI export
- Remove "Date Available" (we decided it's not important enough to explain)
- Fixed several field labels
- Fixed showing only the 1st 26 files in a session
- Added notice about using commas in custom fields if you want multiple values
- Made file buttons bold-- we'll see if that's enough for folks to notice them
- Made the "Save" pacifier a bit more obvious... it's a fine line here. Once you know it auto-saves, you don't need that distraction.
Windows: lameta.Setup.0.8.6.exe (note that this is not cryptographically "signed", so Windows will discourage you from installing it.)
Mac: lameta-0.8.6.dmg (COMING SOON)
- output of topics in IMDI
- laMeta --> lameta
- improved analytics
- some general maintenance
Windows: lameta.Setup.0.8.5.exe (note that this is not cryptographically "signed", so Windows will discourage you from installing it.)
Mac: lameta-0.8.5.dmg
Warning for users of SayMore Classic
laMeta should be able to open your existing .sprj from SayMore. However, after opening with laMeta, the files will be saved with some small changes that SayMore 3.0 & 3.1 do not understand. You will need to SayMore 3.2 to reopen the project. So of course make a backup before testing out laMeta-beta. But also understand that if you will be wanting to have both SayMore and laMeta both work on the same project, then you need at least SayMore 3.2.
Saymore 3.2 is also in beta, so really, you need a good backup system.
Name change from Digame to laMeta. The first time you run laMeta 0.8.4, it will not know any of your old Digame, SayMoreX, or SayMore settings. But don't panic! Click "Open Project", then navigate to where you had your .sprj file.
Improved error handling
Improved export directory handling
Several IMDI export fixes
Windows: laMeta.Setup.0.8.4.exe (note that this is not cryptographically "signed", so Windows will discourage you from installing it.)
Mac: laMeta-0.8.4.dmg
- Name change from SayMoreX to Digame.
- Unlisted language codes (qaa to qtx) can now be used.
- Several IMDI export fixes
- Windows: Digame.Setup.0.8.3.exe (note that this is not cryptographically "signed", so Windows will discourage you from installing it.)
- Mac: Digame-0.8.3.dmg