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File metadata and controls

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Flagd GRPC sync provider

A simple flagd gRPC flag configuration sync source.

This implementation confirms to gPRC sync definition of flagd -

How to run ?

go run / binary

go run main.go start -f your-flags.json

and then, start flagd in local mode (for example with source):

go run main.go start -f your-flags.json --uri grpc:// --debug


Following options are available to the start command,

  -f string
       file to watch (can be specified more than once)
  -certPath string
        certificate path for tls connection
  -h string
        hostDefault of the server (default "")
  -keyPath string
        certificate key for tls connection
  -p string
        portDefault of the server (default "9090")
  -s    enable tls

For example, to start with TLS certs,

go run main.go -s=true -certPath=server.crt -keyPath=server.key

Then start your flagd with gRPC TLS sync.

Running RPCs from the command line

Test the sync from the command line with grpcurl (requires you have a copy of sync.proto at /path/to/proto/dir/):

# request all flags
grpcurl -import-path '/path/to/proto/dir' -proto sync.proto -plaintext localhost:9090 flagd.sync.v1.FlagSyncService/FetchAllFlags
# open a stream for getting flag changes
grpcurl -import-path '/path/to/proto/dir' -proto sync.proto -plaintext localhost:9090 flagd.sync.v1.FlagSyncService/SyncFlags
# get metadata
grpcurl -import-path '/path/to/proto/dir' -proto sync.proto -plaintext localhost:9090 flagd.sync.v1.FlagSyncService/GetMetadata

Generate certificates ?

Given below are some commands you can use to generate CA cert and Server cert to used with localhost

Generate CA cert

  • CA Private Key: openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ca.key
  • CA Certificate: openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key ca.key -out ca.cert

Generate Server certificate

  • Server private key: openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out server.key
  • Server signing request: openssl req -new -sha256 -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost" -key server.key -out server.csr
  • Server cert: openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.cert -CAkey ca.key -out server.crt -days 1000 -sha256 -extfile opnessl.conf

Where the file opnessl.conf contains following,

subjectAltName = DNS:localhost

Running grpc server with certificates

go run main.go -s=true -certPath=server.crt -keyPath=server.key

Running flagd with certificates

go run main.go start --sources='[{"uri":"grpcs://localhost:9090","provider":"grpc", "certPath":"ca.cert"}]'