index eea0b2544f..a60cd99430 100644
@@ -1,20 +1,214 @@
## Contributing to OpenMMLab
-All kinds of contributions are welcome, including but not limited to the following.
+Welcome to the MMCV community, we are committed to building a cutting-edge computer vision foundational library and all kinds of contributions are welcomed, including but not limited to
-- Fix typo or bugs
-- Add documentation or translate the documentation into other languages
-- Add new features and components
+**Fix bug**
-### Workflow
+You can directly post a Pull Request to fix typo in code or documents
-1. fork and pull the latest OpenMMLab repository
-2. checkout a new branch (do not use master branch for PRs)
-3. commit your changes
-4. create a PR
+The steps to fix the bug of code implementation are as follows.
-If you plan to add some new features that involve large changes, it is encouraged to open an issue for discussion first.
+1. If the modification involve significant changes, you should create an issue first and describe the error information and how to trigger the bug. Other developers will discuss with you and propose an proper solution.
+2. Posting a pull request after fixing the bug and adding corresponding unit test.
+**New Feature or Enhancement**
+1. If the modification involve significant changes, you should create an issue to discuss with our developers to propose an proper design.
+2. Post a Pull Request after implementing the new feature or enhancement and add corresponding unit test.
+You can directly post a pull request to fix documents. If you want to add a document, you should first create an issue to check if it is reasonable.
+### Pull Request Workflow
+If you're not familiar with Pull Request, don't worry! The following guidance will tell you how to create a Pull Request step by step. If you want to dive into the develop mode of Pull Request, you can refer to the [official documents](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/about-pull-requests)
+#### 1. Fork and clone
+If you are posting a pull request for the first time, you should fork the OpenMMLab repositories by clicking the **Fork** button in the top right corner of the GitHub page, and the forked repositories will appear under your GitHub profile.
+Then, you can clone the repositories to local:
+git clone git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git
+After that, you should ddd official repository as the upstream repository
+git remote add upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv
+Check whether remote repository has been added successfully by `git remote -v`
+origin git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git (fetch)
+origin git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git (push)
+upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv (fetch)
+upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv (push)
+> Here's a brief introduction to origin and upstream. When we use "git clone", we create an "origin" remote by default, which points to the repository cloned from. As for "upstream", we add it ourselves to point to the target repository. Of course, if you don't like the name "upstream", you could name it as you wish. Usually, we'll push the code to "origin". If the pushed code conflicts with the latest code in official("upstream"), we should pull the latest code from upstream to resolve the conflicts, and then push to "origin" again. The posted Pull Request will be updated automatically.
+#### 2. Configure pre-commit
+You should configure [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/#intro) in the local development environment to make sure the code style matches that of OpenMMLab. **Note**: The following code should be executed under the MMCV directory.
+pip install -U pre-commit
+pre-commit install
+Check that pre-commit is configured successfully, and install the hooks defined in `.pre-commit-config.yaml`.
+pre-commit run --all-files
+If the installation process is interrupted, you can repeatedly run `pre-commit run ... ` to continue the installation.
+If the code does not conform to the code style specification, pre-commit will raise a warning and fixes some of the errors automatically.
+If we want to commit our code bypassing the pre-commit hook, we can use the `--no-verify` option(**only for temporarily commit**).
+git commit -m "xxx" --no-verify
+#### 3. Create a development branch
+After configuring the pre-commit, we should create a branch based on the master branch to develop the new feature or fix the bug. The proposed branch name is `username/pr_name`
+git checkout -b yhc/refactor_contributing_doc
+In subsequent development, if the master branch of the local repository is behind the master branch of "upstream", we need to pull the upstream for synchronization, and then execute the above command:
+git pull upstream master
+#### 4. Commit the code and pass the unit test
+- MMCV introduces mypy to do static type checking to increase the robustness of the code. Therefore, we need to add Type Hints to our code and pass the mypy check. If you are not familiar with Type Hints, you can refer to [this tutorial](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html).
+- The committed code should pass through the unit test
+ ```shell
+ # Pass all unit tests
+ pytest tests
+ # Pass the unit test of runner
+ pytest tests/test_runner/test_runner.py
+ ```
+ If the unit test fails for lack of dependencies, you can install the dependencies referring to the [guidance](#unit-test)
+- If the documents are modified/added, we should check the rendering result referring to [guidance](#document-rendering)
+#### 5. Push the code to remote
+We could push the local commits to remote after passing through the check of unit test and pre-commit. You can associate the local branch with remote branch by adding `-u` option.
+git push -u origin {branch_name}
+This will allow you to use the `git push` command to push code directly next time, without having to specify a branch or the remote repository.
+#### 6. Create a Pull Request
+(1) Create a pull request in GitHub's Pull request interface
+(2) Modify the PR description according to the guidelines so that other developers can better understand your changes
+Find more details about Pull Request description in [pull request guidelines](#pr-specs).
+(a) The Pull Request description should contain the reason for the change, the content of the change, and the impact of the change, and be associated with the relevant Issue (see [documentation](https://docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking-your-work-with-issues/linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue)
+(b) If it is your first contribution, please sign the CLA
+(c) Check whether the Pull Request pass through the CI
+MMCV will run unit test for the posted Pull Request on different platforms (Linux, Window, Mac), based on different versions of Python, PyTorch, CUDA to make sure the code is correct. We can see the specific test information by clicking `Details` in the above image so that we can modify the code.
+(3) If the Pull Request passes the CI, then you can wait for the review from other developers. You'll modify the code based on the reviewer's comments, and repeat the steps [4](#4-commit-the-code-and-pass-the-unit-test)-[5](#5-push-the-code-to-remote) until all reviewers approve it. Then, we will merge it ASAP.
+#### 7. Resolve conflicts
+If your local branch conflicts with the latest master branch of "upstream", you'll need to resolove them. There are two ways to do this:
+git fetch --all --prune
+git rebase upstream/master
+git fetch --all --prune
+git merge upstream/master
+If you are very good at handling conflicts, then you can use rebase to resolve conflicts, as this will keep your commit logs tidy. If you are not familiar with `rebase`, then you can use `merge` to resolve conflicts.
+### Guidance
+#### Unit test
+If you cannot run the unit test of some modules for lacking of some dependencies, such as [video](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/tree/master/mmcv/video) module, you can try to install the following dependencies:
+# Linux
+sudo apt-get update -y
+sudo apt-get install -y libturbojpeg
+sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
+# Windows
+conda install ffmpeg
+We should also make sure the committed code will not decrease the coverage of unit test, we could run the following command to check the coverage of unit test:
+python -m coverage run -m pytest /path/to/test_file
+python -m coverage html
+# check file in htmlcov/index.html
+#### Document rendering
+If the documents are modified/added, we should check the rendering result. We could install the dependencies and run the following command to render the documents and check the results:
+pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
+cd docs/zh_cn/
+# or docs/en
+make html
+# check file in ./docs/zh_cn/_build/html/index.html
### Code style
@@ -38,22 +232,27 @@ We use [pre-commit hook](https://pre-commit.com/) that checks and formats for `f
fixes `end-of-files`, `double-quoted-strings`, `python-encoding-pragma`, `mixed-line-ending`, sorts `requirments.txt` automatically on every commit.
The config for a pre-commit hook is stored in [.pre-commit-config](./.pre-commit-config.yaml).
-After you clone the repository, you will need to install initialize pre-commit hook.
+#### C++ and CUDA
-pip install -U pre-commit
+We follow the [Google C++ Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html).
-From the repository folder
+### PR Specs
-pre-commit install
+1. Use [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com) hook to avoid issues of code style
-After this on every commit check code linters and formatter will be enforced.
+2. One short-time branch should be matched with only one PR
-> Before you create a PR, make sure that your code lints and is formatted by yapf.
+3. Accomplish a detailed change in one PR. Avoid large PR
-#### C++ and CUDA
+ - Bad: Support Faster R-CNN
+ - Acceptable: Add a box head to Faster R-CNN
+ - Good: Add a parameter to box head to support custom conv-layer number
-We follow the [Google C++ Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html).
+4. Provide clear and significant commit message
+5. Provide clear and meaningful PR description
+ - Task name should be clarified in title. The general format is: \[Prefix\] Short description of the PR (Suffix)
+ - Prefix: add new feature \[Feature\], fix bug \[Fix\], related to documents \[Docs\], in developing \[WIP\] (which will not be reviewed temporarily)
+ - Introduce main changes, results and influences on other modules in short description
+ - Associate related issues and pull requests with a milestone
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+## 贡献代码
+欢迎加入 MMCV 社区,我们致力于打造最前沿的计算机视觉基础库,我们欢迎任何类型的贡献,包括但不限于
+1. 如果提交的代码改动较大,建议先提交 issue,并正确描述 issue 的现象、原因和复现方式,讨论后确认修复方案。
+2. 修复错误并补充相应的单元测试,提交拉取请求。
+1. 如果新功能或模块涉及较大的代码改动,建议先提交 issue,确认功能的必要性。
+2. 实现新增功能并添单元测试,提交拉取请求。
+1. 提交 issue,确认添加文档的必要性。
+2. 添加文档,提交拉取请求。
+### 拉取请求工作流
+如果你对拉取请求不了解,没关系,接下来的内容将会从零开始,一步一步地指引你如何创建一个拉取请求。如果你想深入了解拉取请求的开发模式,可以参考 github [官方文档](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/about-pull-requests)
+#### 1. 复刻仓库
+当你第一次提交拉取请求时,先复刻 OpenMMLab 原代码库,点击 GitHub 页面右上角的 **Fork** 按钮,复刻后的代码库将会出现在你的 GitHub 个人主页下。
+git clone git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git
+git remote add upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv
+检查 remote 是否添加成功,在终端输入 `git remote -v`
+origin git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git (fetch)
+origin git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git (push)
+upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv (fetch)
+upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv (push)
+> 这里对 origin 和 upstream 进行一个简单的介绍,当我们使用 git clone 来克隆代码时,会默认创建一个 origin 的 remote,它指向我们克隆的代码库地址,而 upstream 则是我们自己添加的,用来指向原始代码库地址。当然如果你不喜欢他叫 upstream,也可以自己修改,比如叫 open-mmlab。我们通常向 origin 提交代码(即 fork 下来的远程仓库),然后向 upstream 提交一个 pull request。如果提交的代码和最新的代码发生冲突,再从 upstream 拉取最新的代码,和本地分支解决冲突,再提交到 origin。
+#### 2. 配置 pre-commit
+在本地开发环境中,我们使用 [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/#intro) 来检查代码风格,以确保代码风格的统一。在提交代码,需要先安装 pre-commit(需要在 MMCV 目录下执行):
+pip install -U pre-commit
+pre-commit install
+检查 pre-commit 是否配置成功,并安装 `.pre-commit-config.yaml` 中的钩子:
+pre-commit run --all-files
+> 如果你是中国用户,由于网络原因,可能会出现安装失败的情况,这时可以使用国内源
+> pre-commit install -c .pre-commit-config-zh-cn.yaml
+> pre-commit run --all-files -c .pre-commit-config-zh-cn.yaml
+如果安装过程被中断,可以重复执行 `pre-commit run ...` 继续安装。
+如果提交的代码不符合代码风格规范,pre-commit 会发出警告,并自动修复部分错误。
+如果我们想临时绕开 pre-commit 的检查提交一次代码,可以在 `git commit` 时加上 `--no-verify`(需要保证最后推送至远程仓库的代码能够通过 pre-commit 检查)。
+git commit -m "xxx" --no-verify
+#### 3. 创建开发分支
+安装完 pre-commit 之后,我们需要基于 master 创建开发分支,建议的分支命名规则为 `username/pr_name`。
+git checkout -b yhc/refactor_contributing_doc
+在后续的开发中,如果本地仓库的 master 分支落后于 upstream 的 master 分支,我们需要先拉取 upstream 的代码进行同步,再执行上面的命令
+git pull upstream master
+#### 4. 提交代码并在本地通过单元测试
+- MMCV 引入了 mypy 来做静态类型检查,以增加代码的鲁棒性。因此我们在提交代码时,需要补充 Type Hints。具体规则可以参考[教程](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/519335398)。
+- 提交的代码同样需要通过单元测试
+ ```shell
+ # 通过全量单元测试
+ pytest tests
+ # 我们需要保证提交的代码能够通过修改模块的单元测试,以 runner 为例
+ pytest tests/test_runner/test_runner.py
+ ```
+ 如果你由于缺少依赖无法运行修改模块的单元测试,可以参考[指引-单元测试](#单元测试)
+- 如果修改/添加了文档,参考[指引](#文档渲染)确认文档渲染正常。
+#### 5. 推送代码到远程
+代码通过单元测试和 pre-commit 检查后,将代码推送到远程仓库,如果是第一次推送,可以在 `git push` 后加上 `-u` 参数以关联远程分支
+git push -u origin {branch_name}
+这样下次就可以直接使用 `git push` 命令推送代码了,而无需指定分支和远程仓库。
+#### 6. 提交拉取请求(PR)
+(1) 在 GitHub 的 Pull request 界面创建拉取请求
+(2) 根据指引修改 PR 描述,以便于其他开发者更好地理解你的修改
+(a) PR 描述应该包含修改理由、修改内容以及修改后带来的影响,并关联相关 Issue(具体方式见[文档](https://docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking-your-work-with-issues/linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue))
+(b) 如果是第一次为 OpenMMLab 做贡献,需要签署 CLA
+(c) 检查提交的 PR 是否通过 CI(集成测试)
+MMCV 会在不同的平台(Linux、Window、Mac),基于不同版本的 Python、PyTorch、CUDA 对提交的代码进行单元测试,以保证代码的正确性,如果有任何一个没有通过,我们可点击上图中的 `Details` 来查看具体的测试信息,以便于我们修改代码。
+(3) 如果 PR 通过了 CI,那么就可以等待其他开发者的 review,并根据 reviewer 的意见,修改代码,并重复 [4](#4-提交代码并本地通过单元测试)-[5](#5-推送代码到远程) 步骤,直到 reviewer 同意合入 PR。
+所有 reviewer 同意合入 PR 后,我们会尽快将 PR 合并到主分支。
+#### 7. 解决冲突
+随着时间的推移,我们的代码库会不断更新,这时候,如果你的 PR 与主分支存在冲突,你需要解决冲突,解决冲突的方式有两种:
+git fetch --all --prune
+git rebase upstream/master
+git fetch --all --prune
+git merge upstream/master
+如果你非常善于处理冲突,那么可以使用 rebase 的方式来解决冲突,因为这能够保证你的 commit log 的整洁。如果你不太熟悉 `rebase` 的使用,那么可以使用 `merge` 的方式来解决冲突。
+### 指引
+#### 单元测试
+如果你无法正常执行部分模块的单元测试,例如 [video](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/tree/master/mmcv/video) 模块,可能是你的当前环境没有安装以下依赖
+# Linux
+sudo apt-get update -y
+sudo apt-get install -y libturbojpeg
+sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
+# Windows
+conda install ffmpeg
+python -m coverage run -m pytest /path/to/test_file
+python -m coverage html
+# check file in htmlcov/index.html
+#### 文档渲染
+在提交修复代码错误或新增特性的拉取请求时,可能会需要修改/新增模块的 docstring。我们需要确认渲染后的文档样式是正确的。
+pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
+cd docs/zh_cn/
+# or docs/en
+make html
+# check file in ./docs/zh_cn/_build/html/index.html
+### 代码风格
+#### Python
+[PEP8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) 作为 OpenMMLab 算法库首选的代码规范,我们使用以下工具检查和格式化代码
+- [flake8](https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8): Python 官方发布的代码规范检查工具,是多个检查工具的封装
+- [isort](https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort): 自动调整模块导入顺序的工具
+- [yapf](https://github.com/google/yapf): Google 发布的代码规范检查工具
+- [codespell](https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell): 检查单词拼写是否有误
+- [mdformat](https://github.com/executablebooks/mdformat): 检查 markdown 文件的工具
+- [docformatter](https://github.com/myint/docformatter): 格式化 docstring 的工具
+yapf 和 isort 的配置可以在 [setup.cfg](./setup.cfg) 找到
+通过配置 [pre-commit hook](https://pre-commit.com/) ,我们可以在提交代码时自动检查和格式化 `flake8`、`yapf`、`isort`、`trailing whitespaces`、`markdown files`,
+修复 `end-of-files`、`double-quoted-strings`、`python-encoding-pragma`、`mixed-line-ending`,调整 `requirments.txt` 的包顺序。
+pre-commit 钩子的配置可以在 [.pre-commit-config](./.pre-commit-config.yaml) 找到。
+pre-commit 具体的安装使用方式见[拉取请求](#2-配置-pre-commit)。
+更具体的规范请参考 [OpenMMLab 代码规范](code_style.md)。
+#### C++ and CUDA
+C++ 和 CUDA 的代码规范遵从 [Google C++ Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html)
+### 拉取请求规范
+1. 使用 [pre-commit hook](https://pre-commit.com),尽量减少代码风格相关问题
+2. 一个`拉取请求`对应一个短期分支
+3. 粒度要细,一个`拉取请求`只做一件事情,避免超大的`拉取请求`
+ - Bad:实现 Faster R-CNN
+ - Acceptable:给 Faster R-CNN 添加一个 box head
+ - Good:给 box head 增加一个参数来支持自定义的 conv 层数
+4. 每次 Commit 时需要提供清晰且有意义 commit 信息
+5. 提供清晰且有意义的`拉取请求`描述
+ - 标题写明白任务名称,一般格式:\[Prefix\] Short description of the pull request (Suffix)
+ - prefix: 新增功能 \[Feature\], 修 bug \[Fix\], 文档相关 \[Docs\], 开发中 \[WIP\] (暂时不会被review)
+ - 描述里介绍`拉取请求`的主要修改内容,结果,以及对其他部分的影响, 参考`拉取请求`模板
+ - 关联相关的`议题` (issue) 和其他`拉取请求`
+6. 如果引入了其他三方库,或借鉴了三方库的代码,请确认他们的许可证和 mmcv 兼容,并在借鉴的代码上补充 `This code is inspired from http://`
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deleted file mode 120000
index 7272339644..0000000000
--- a/docs/en/community/contributing.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/en/community/contributing.md
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+## Contributing to OpenMMLab
+Welcome to the MMCV community, we are committed to building a cutting-edge computer vision foundational library and all kinds of contributions are welcomed, including but not limited to
+**Fix bug**
+You can directly post a Pull Request to fix typo in code or documents
+The steps to fix the bug of code implementation are as follows.
+1. If the modification involve significant changes, you should create an issue first and describe the error information and how to trigger the bug. Other developers will discuss with you and propose an proper solution.
+2. Posting a pull request after fixing the bug and adding corresponding unit test.
+**New Feature or Enhancement**
+1. If the modification involve significant changes, you should create an issue to discuss with our developers to propose an proper design.
+2. Post a Pull Request after implementing the new feature or enhancement and add corresponding unit test.
+You can directly post a pull request to fix documents. If you want to add a document, you should first create an issue to check if it is reasonable.
+### Pull Request Workflow
+If you're not familiar with Pull Request, don't worry! The following guidance will tell you how to create a Pull Request step by step. If you want to dive into the develop mode of Pull Request, you can refer to the [official documents](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/about-pull-requests)
+#### 1. Fork and clone
+If you are posting a pull request for the first time, you should fork the OpenMMLab repositories by clicking the **Fork** button in the top right corner of the GitHub page, and the forked repositories will appear under your GitHub profile.
+Then, you can clone the repositories to local:
+git clone git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git
+After that, you should ddd official repository as the upstream repository
+git remote add upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv
+Check whether remote repository has been added successfully by `git remote -v`
+origin git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git (fetch)
+origin git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git (push)
+upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv (fetch)
+upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv (push)
+Here's a brief introduction to origin and upstream. When we use "git clone", we create an "origin" remote by default, which points to the repository cloned from. As for "upstream", we add it ourselves to point to the target repository. Of course, if you don't like the name "upstream", you could name it as you wish. Usually, we'll push the code to "origin". If the pushed code conflicts with the latest code in official("upstream"), we should pull the latest code from upstream to resolve the conflicts, and then push to "origin" again. The posted Pull Request will be updated automatically.
+#### 2. Configure pre-commit
+You should configure [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/#intro) in the local development environment to make sure the code style matches that of OpenMMLab. **Note**: The following code should be executed under the MMCV directory.
+pip install -U pre-commit
+pre-commit install
+Check that pre-commit is configured successfully, and install the hooks defined in `.pre-commit-config.yaml`.
+pre-commit run --all-files
+Chinese users may fail to download the pre-commit hooks due to the network issue. In this case, you could download these hooks from gitee by setting the .pre-commit-config-zh-cn.yaml
+pre-commit install -c .pre-commit-config-zh-cn.yaml
+pre-commit run --all-files -c .pre-commit-config-zh-cn.yaml
+If the installation process is interrupted, you can repeatedly run `pre-commit run ... ` to continue the installation.
+If the code does not conform to the code style specification, pre-commit will raise a warning and fixes some of the errors automatically.
+If we want to commit our code bypassing the pre-commit hook, we can use the `--no-verify` option(**only for temporarily commit**.
+git commit -m "xxx" --no-verify
+#### 3. Create a development branch
+After configuring the pre-commit, we should create a branch based on the master branch to develop the new feature or fix the bug. The proposed branch name is `username/pr_name`
+git checkout -b yhc/refactor_contributing_doc
+In subsequent development, if the master branch of the local repository is behind the master branch of "upstream", we need to pull the upstream for synchronization, and then execute the above command:
+git pull upstream master
+#### 4. Commit the code and pass the unit test
+- MMCV introduces mypy to do static type checking to increase the robustness of the code. Therefore, we need to add Type Hints to our code and pass the mypy check. If you are not familiar with Type Hints, you can refer to [this tutorial](https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html).
+- The committed code should pass through the unit test
+ ```shell
+ # Pass all unit tests
+ pytest tests
+ # Pass the unit test of runner
+ pytest tests/test_runner/test_runner.py
+ ```
+ If the unit test fails for lack of dependencies, you can install the dependencies referring to the [guidance](#unit-test)
+- If the documents are modified/added, we should check the rendering result referring to [guidance](#document-rendering)
+#### 5. Push the code to remote
+We could push the local commits to remote after passing through the check of unit test and pre-commit. You can associate the local branch with remote branch by adding `-u` option.
+git push -u origin {branch_name}
+This will allow you to use the `git push` command to push code directly next time, without having to specify a branch or the remote repository.
+#### 6. Create a Pull Request
+(1) Create a pull request in GitHub's Pull request interface
+(2) Modify the PR description according to the guidelines so that other developers can better understand your changes
+Find more details about Pull Request description in [pull request guidelines](#pr-specs).
+(a) The Pull Request description should contain the reason for the change, the content of the change, and the impact of the change, and be associated with the relevant Issue (see [documentation](https://docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking-your-work-with-issues/linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue)
+(b) If it is your first contribution, please sign the CLA
+(c) Check whether the Pull Request pass through the CI
+MMCV will run unit test for the posted Pull Request on different platforms (Linux, Window, Mac), based on different versions of Python, PyTorch, CUDA to make sure the code is correct. We can see the specific test information by clicking `Details` in the above image so that we can modify the code.
+(3) If the Pull Request passes the CI, then you can wait for the review from other developers. You'll modify the code based on the reviewer's comments, and repeat the steps [4](#4-commit-the-code-and-pass-the-unit-test)-[5](#5-push-the-code-to-remote) until all reviewers approve it. Then, we will merge it ASAP.
+#### 7. Resolve conflicts
+If your local branch conflicts with the latest master branch of "upstream", you'll need to resolove them. There are two ways to do this:
+git fetch --all --prune
+git rebase upstream/master
+git fetch --all --prune
+git merge upstream/master
+If you are very good at handling conflicts, then you can use rebase to resolve conflicts, as this will keep your commit logs tidy. If you are not familiar with `rebase`, then you can use `merge` to resolve conflicts.
+### Guidance
+#### Unit test
+If you cannot run the unit test of some modules for lacking of some dependencies, such as [video](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/tree/master/mmcv/video) module, you can try to install the following dependencies:
+# Linux
+sudo apt-get update -y
+sudo apt-get install -y libturbojpeg
+sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
+# Windows
+conda install ffmpeg
+We should also make sure the committed code will not decrease the coverage of unit test, we could run the following command to check the coverage of unit test:
+python -m coverage run -m pytest /path/to/test_file
+python -m coverage html
+# check file in htmlcov/index.html
+#### Document rendering
+If the documents are modified/added, we should check the rendering result. We could install the dependencies and run the following command to render the documents and check the results:
+pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
+cd docs/zh_cn/
+# or docs/en
+make html
+# check file in ./docs/zh_cn/_build/html/index.html
+### Code style
+#### Python
+We adopt [PEP8](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) as the preferred code style.
+We use the following tools for linting and formatting:
+- [flake8](https://github.com/PyCQA/flake8): A wrapper around some linter tools.
+- [isort](https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort): A Python utility to sort imports.
+- [yapf](https://github.com/google/yapf): A formatter for Python files.
+- [codespell](https://github.com/codespell-project/codespell): A Python utility to fix common misspellings in text files.
+- [mdformat](https://github.com/executablebooks/mdformat): Mdformat is an opinionated Markdown formatter that can be used to enforce a consistent style in Markdown files.
+- [docformatter](https://github.com/myint/docformatter): A formatter to format docstring.
+Style configurations of yapf and isort can be found in [setup.cfg](./setup.cfg).
+We use [pre-commit hook](https://pre-commit.com/) that checks and formats for `flake8`, `yapf`, `isort`, `trailing whitespaces`, `markdown files`,
+fixes `end-of-files`, `double-quoted-strings`, `python-encoding-pragma`, `mixed-line-ending`, sorts `requirments.txt` automatically on every commit.
+The config for a pre-commit hook is stored in [.pre-commit-config](./.pre-commit-config.yaml).
+#### C++ and CUDA
+We follow the [Google C++ Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html).
+### PR Specs
+1. Use [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com) hook to avoid issues of code style
+2. One short-time branch should be matched with only one PR
+3. Accomplish a detailed change in one PR. Avoid large PR
+ - Bad: Support Faster R-CNN
+ - Acceptable: Add a box head to Faster R-CNN
+ - Good: Add a parameter to box head to support custom conv-layer number
+4. Provide clear and significant commit message
+5. Provide clear and meaningful PR description
+ - Task name should be clarified in title. The general format is: \[Prefix\] Short description of the PR (Suffix)
+ - Prefix: add new feature \[Feature\], fix bug \[Fix\], related to documents \[Docs\], in developing \[WIP\] (which will not be reviewed temporarily)
+ - Introduce main changes, results and influences on other modules in short description
+ - Associate related issues and pull requests with a milestone
diff --git a/docs/en/community/pr.md b/docs/en/community/pr.md
index 12b7535e74..1bdd90f2bc 100644
--- a/docs/en/community/pr.md
+++ b/docs/en/community/pr.md
@@ -1,114 +1,3 @@
## Pull Request (PR)
-### What is PR
-`PR` is the abbreviation of `Pull Request`. Here's the definition of `PR` in the [official document](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/about-pull-requests) of Github.
-Pull requests let you tell others about changes you have pushed to a branch in a repository on GitHub. Once a pull request is opened, you can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators and add follow-up commits before your changes are merged into the base branch.
-### Basic Workflow
-1. Get the most recent codebase
-2. Checkout a new branch from the master branch
-3. Commit your changes
-4. Push your changes and create a PR
-5. Discuss and review your code
-6. Merge your branch to the master branch
-### Procedures in detail
-#### 1. Get the most recent codebase
-- When you work on your first PR
- Fork the OpenMMLab repository: click the **fork** button at the top right corner of Github page
- 
- Clone forked repository to local
- ```bash
- git clone git@github.com:XXX/mmcv.git
- ```
- Add source repository to upstream
- ```bash
- git remote add upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv
- ```
-- After your first PR
- Checkout master branch of the local repository and pull the latest master branch of the source repository
- ```bash
- git checkout master
- git pull upstream master
- ```
-#### 2. Checkout a new branch from the master branch
-git checkout -b branchname
-To make commit history clear, we strongly recommend you checkout the master branch before create a new branch.
-#### 3. Commit your changes
-# coding
-git add [files]
-git commit -m 'messages'
-#### 4. Push your changes to the forked repository and create a PR
-- Push the branch to your forked remote repository
- ```bash
- git push origin branchname
- ```
-- Create a PR
- 
-- Revise PR message template to describe your motivation and modifications made in this PR. You can also link the related issue to the PR manually in the PR message (For more information, checkout the [official guidance](https://docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking-your-work-with-issues/linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue)).
-#### 5. Discuss and review your code
-- After creating a pull request, you can ask a specific person to review the changes you've proposed
- 
-- Modify your codes according to reviewers' suggestions and then push your changes
-#### 6. Merge your branch to the master branch and delete the branch
-git branch -d branchname # delete local branch
-git push origin --delete branchname # delete remote branch
-### PR Specs
-1. Use [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com) hook to avoid issues of code style
-2. One short-time branch should be matched with only one PR
-3. Accomplish a detailed change in one PR. Avoid large PR
- - Bad: Support Faster R-CNN
- - Acceptable: Add a box head to Faster R-CNN
- - Good: Add a parameter to box head to support custom conv-layer number
-4. Provide clear and significant commit message
-5. Provide clear and meaningful PR description
- - Task name should be clarified in title. The general format is: \[Prefix\] Short description of the PR (Suffix)
- - Prefix: add new feature \[Feature\], fix bug \[Fix\], related to documents \[Docs\], in developing \[WIP\] (which will not be reviewed temporarily)
- - Introduce main changes, results and influences on other modules in short description
- - Associate related issues and pull requests with a milestone
+Content has been migrated to [contributing guidance](contributing.md).
diff --git a/docs/zh_cn/community/contributing.md b/docs/zh_cn/community/contributing.md
index b7bc1d22d9..e3aa781a5a 100644
--- a/docs/zh_cn/community/contributing.md
+++ b/docs/zh_cn/community/contributing.md
@@ -1,22 +1,230 @@
## 贡献代码
+欢迎加入 MMCV 社区,我们致力于打造最前沿的计算机视觉基础库,我们欢迎任何类型的贡献,包括但不限于
-- 修改拼写错误或代码错误
-- 添加文档或将文档翻译成其他语言
-- 添加新功能和新组件
-### 工作流
-| 详细工作流见 [拉取请求](pr.md)
+1. 如果提交的代码改动较大,建议先提交 issue,并正确描述 issue 的现象、原因和复现方式,讨论后确认修复方案。
+2. 修复错误并补充相应的单元测试,提交拉取请求。
-1. 复刻并拉取最新的 OpenMMLab 算法库
-2. 创建新的分支(不建议使用主分支提拉取请求)
-3. 提交你的修改
-4. 创建拉取请求
+1. 如果新功能或模块涉及较大的代码改动,建议先提交 issue,确认功能的必要性。
+2. 实现新增功能并添单元测试,提交拉取请求。
+1. 提交 issue,确认添加文档的必要性。
+2. 添加文档,提交拉取请求。
+### 拉取请求工作流
+如果你对拉取请求不了解,没关系,接下来的内容将会从零开始,一步一步地指引你如何创建一个拉取请求。如果你想深入了解拉取请求的开发模式,可以参考 github [官方文档](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/about-pull-requests)
+#### 1. 复刻仓库
+当你第一次提交拉取请求时,先复刻 OpenMMLab 原代码库,点击 GitHub 页面右上角的 **Fork** 按钮,复刻后的代码库将会出现在你的 GitHub 个人主页下。
+git clone git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git
+git remote add upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv
+检查 remote 是否添加成功,在终端输入 `git remote -v`
+origin git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git (fetch)
+origin git@github.com:{username}/mmcv.git (push)
+upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv (fetch)
+upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv (push)
-如果你计划添加新功能并且该功能包含比较大的改动,建议先开 issue 讨论
+这里对 origin 和 upstream 进行一个简单的介绍,当我们使用 git clone 来克隆代码时,会默认创建一个 origin 的 remote,它指向我们克隆的代码库地址,而 upstream 则是我们自己添加的,用来指向原始代码库地址。当然如果你不喜欢他叫 upstream,也可以自己修改,比如叫 open-mmlab。我们通常向 origin 提交代码(即 fork 下来的远程仓库),然后向 upstream 提交一个 pull request。如果提交的代码和最新的代码发生冲突,再从 upstream 拉取最新的代码,和本地分支解决冲突,再提交到 origin。
+#### 2. 配置 pre-commit
+在本地开发环境中,我们使用 [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com/#intro) 来检查代码风格,以确保代码风格的统一。在提交代码,需要先安装 pre-commit(需要在 MMCV 目录下执行):
+pip install -U pre-commit
+pre-commit install
+检查 pre-commit 是否配置成功,并安装 `.pre-commit-config.yaml` 中的钩子:
+pre-commit run --all-files
+pre-commit install -c .pre-commit-config-zh-cn.yaml
+pre-commit run --all-files -c .pre-commit-config-zh-cn.yaml
+如果安装过程被中断,可以重复执行 `pre-commit run ...` 继续安装。
+如果提交的代码不符合代码风格规范,pre-commit 会发出警告,并自动修复部分错误。
+如果我们想临时绕开 pre-commit 的检查提交一次代码,可以在 `git commit` 时加上 `--no-verify`(需要保证最后推送至远程仓库的代码能够通过 pre-commit 检查)。
+git commit -m "xxx" --no-verify
+#### 3. 创建开发分支
+安装完 pre-commit 之后,我们需要基于 master 创建开发分支,建议的分支命名规则为 `username/pr_name`。
+git checkout -b yhc/refactor_contributing_doc
+在后续的开发中,如果本地仓库的 master 分支落后于 upstream 的 master 分支,我们需要先拉取 upstream 的代码进行同步,再执行上面的命令
+git pull upstream master
+#### 4. 提交代码并在本地通过单元测试
+- MMCV 引入了 mypy 来做静态类型检查,以增加代码的鲁棒性。因此我们在提交代码时,需要补充 Type Hints。具体规则可以参考[教程](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/519335398)。
+- 提交的代码同样需要通过单元测试
+ ```shell
+ # 通过全量单元测试
+ pytest tests
+ # 我们需要保证提交的代码能够通过修改模块的单元测试,以 runner 为例
+ pytest tests/test_runner/test_runner.py
+ ```
+ 如果你由于缺少依赖无法运行修改模块的单元测试,可以参考[指引-单元测试](#单元测试)
+- 如果修改/添加了文档,参考[指引](#文档渲染)确认文档渲染正常。
+#### 5. 推送代码到远程
+代码通过单元测试和 pre-commit 检查后,将代码推送到远程仓库,如果是第一次推送,可以在 `git push` 后加上 `-u` 参数以关联远程分支
+git push -u origin {branch_name}
+这样下次就可以直接使用 `git push` 命令推送代码了,而无需指定分支和远程仓库。
+#### 6. 提交拉取请求(PR)
+(1) 在 GitHub 的 Pull request 界面创建拉取请求
+(2) 根据指引修改 PR 描述,以便于其他开发者更好地理解你的修改
+(a) PR 描述应该包含修改理由、修改内容以及修改后带来的影响,并关联相关 Issue(具体方式见[文档](https://docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking-your-work-with-issues/linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue))
+(b) 如果是第一次为 OpenMMLab 做贡献,需要签署 CLA
+(c) 检查提交的 PR 是否通过 CI(集成测试)
+MMCV 会在不同的平台(Linux、Window、Mac),基于不同版本的 Python、PyTorch、CUDA 对提交的代码进行单元测试,以保证代码的正确性,如果有任何一个没有通过,我们可点击上图中的 `Details` 来查看具体的测试信息,以便于我们修改代码。
+(3) 如果 PR 通过了 CI,那么就可以等待其他开发者的 review,并根据 reviewer 的意见,修改代码,并重复 [4](#4-提交代码并本地通过单元测试)-[5](#5-推送代码到远程) 步骤,直到 reviewer 同意合入 PR。
+所有 reviewer 同意合入 PR 后,我们会尽快将 PR 合并到主分支。
+#### 7. 解决冲突
+随着时间的推移,我们的代码库会不断更新,这时候,如果你的 PR 与主分支存在冲突,你需要解决冲突,解决冲突的方式有两种:
+git fetch --all --prune
+git rebase upstream/master
+git fetch --all --prune
+git merge upstream/master
+如果你非常善于处理冲突,那么可以使用 rebase 的方式来解决冲突,因为这能够保证你的 commit log 的整洁。如果你不太熟悉 `rebase` 的使用,那么可以使用 `merge` 的方式来解决冲突。
+### 指引
+#### 单元测试
+如果你无法正常执行部分模块的单元测试,例如 [video](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmcv/tree/master/mmcv/video) 模块,可能是你的当前环境没有安装以下依赖
+# Linux
+sudo apt-get update -y
+sudo apt-get install -y libturbojpeg
+sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
+# Windows
+conda install ffmpeg
+python -m coverage run -m pytest /path/to/test_file
+python -m coverage html
+# check file in htmlcov/index.html
+#### 文档渲染
+在提交修复代码错误或新增特性的拉取请求时,可能会需要修改/新增模块的 docstring。我们需要确认渲染后的文档样式是正确的。
+pip install -r requirements/docs.txt
+cd docs/zh_cn/
+# or docs/en
+make html
+# check file in ./docs/zh_cn/_build/html/index.html
### 代码风格
@@ -38,20 +246,33 @@ yapf 和 isort 的配置可以在 [setup.cfg](./setup.cfg) 找到
修复 `end-of-files`、`double-quoted-strings`、`python-encoding-pragma`、`mixed-line-ending`,调整 `requirments.txt` 的包顺序。
pre-commit 钩子的配置可以在 [.pre-commit-config](./.pre-commit-config.yaml) 找到。
-在克隆算法库后,你需要安装并初始化 pre-commit 钩子
+pre-commit 具体的安装使用方式见[拉取请求](#2-配置-pre-commit)。
-pip install -U pre-commit
+更具体的规范请参考 [OpenMMLab 代码规范](code_style.md)。
+#### C++ and CUDA
-pre-commit install
+C++ 和 CUDA 的代码规范遵从 [Google C++ Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html)
-> 提交拉取请求前,请确保你的代码符合 yapf 的格式
+### 拉取请求规范
-#### C++ and CUDA
+1. 使用 [pre-commit hook](https://pre-commit.com),尽量减少代码风格相关问题
-C++ 和 CUDA 的代码规范遵从 [Google C++ Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html)
+2. 一个`拉取请求`对应一个短期分支
+3. 粒度要细,一个`拉取请求`只做一件事情,避免超大的`拉取请求`
+ - Bad:实现 Faster R-CNN
+ - Acceptable:给 Faster R-CNN 添加一个 box head
+ - Good:给 box head 增加一个参数来支持自定义的 conv 层数
+4. 每次 Commit 时需要提供清晰且有意义 commit 信息
+5. 提供清晰且有意义的`拉取请求`描述
+ - 标题写明白任务名称,一般格式:\[Prefix\] Short description of the pull request (Suffix)
+ - prefix: 新增功能 \[Feature\], 修 bug \[Fix\], 文档相关 \[Docs\], 开发中 \[WIP\] (暂时不会被review)
+ - 描述里介绍`拉取请求`的主要修改内容,结果,以及对其他部分的影响, 参考`拉取请求`模板
+ - 关联相关的`议题` (issue) 和其他`拉取请求`
+6. 如果引入了其他三方库,或借鉴了三方库的代码,请确认他们的许可证和 mmcv 兼容,并在借鉴的代码上补充 `This code is inspired from http://`
diff --git a/docs/zh_cn/community/pr.md b/docs/zh_cn/community/pr.md
index 720f389863..427fdf9e49 100644
--- a/docs/zh_cn/community/pr.md
+++ b/docs/zh_cn/community/pr.md
@@ -1,114 +1,3 @@
## 拉取请求
-### 什么是拉取请求?
-`拉取请求` (Pull Request), [GitHub 官方文档](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/about-pull-requests)定义如下。
-### 基本的工作流:
-1. 获取最新的代码库
-2. 从主分支创建最新的分支进行开发
-3. 提交修改
-4. 推送你的修改并创建一个 `拉取请求`
-5. 讨论、审核代码
-6. 将开发分支合并到主分支
-### 具体步骤
-#### 1. 获取最新的代码库
-- 当你第一次提 PR 时
- 复刻 OpenMMLab 原代码库,点击 GitHub 页面右上角的 **Fork** 按钮即可
- 
- 克隆复刻的代码库到本地
- ```bash
- git clone git@github.com:XXX/mmcv.git
- ```
- 添加原代码库为上游代码库
- ```bash
- git remote add upstream git@github.com:open-mmlab/mmcv
- ```
-- 从第二个 PR 起
- 检出本地代码库的主分支,然后从最新的原代码库的主分支拉取更新
- ```bash
- git checkout master
- git pull upstream master
- ```
-#### 2. 从主分支创建一个新的开发分支
-git checkout -b branchname
-为了保证提交历史清晰可读,我们强烈推荐您先检出主分支 (master),再创建新的分支。
-#### 3. 提交你的修改
-# coding
-git add [files]
-git commit -m 'messages'
-#### 4. 推送你的修改到复刻的代码库,并创建一个`拉取请求`
-- 推送当前分支到远端复刻的代码库
- ```bash
- git push origin branchname
- ```
-- 创建一个`拉取请求`
- 
-- 修改`拉取请求`信息模板,描述修改原因和修改内容。还可以在 PR 描述中,手动关联到相关的`议题` (issue),(更多细节,请参考[官方文档](https://docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking-your-work-with-issues/linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue))。
-#### 5. 讨论并评审你的代码
-- 创建`拉取请求`时,可以关联给相关人员进行评审
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-- 根据评审人员的意见修改代码,并推送修改
-#### 6. `拉取请求`合并之后删除该分支
-git branch -d branchname # delete local branch
-git push origin --delete branchname # delete remote branch
-### PR 规范
-1. 使用 [pre-commit hook](https://pre-commit.com),尽量减少代码风格相关问题
-2. 一个 PR 对应一个短期分支
-3. 粒度要细,一个PR只做一件事情,避免超大的PR
- - Bad:实现 Faster R-CNN
- - Acceptable:给 Faster R-CNN 添加一个 box head
- - Good:给 box head 增加一个参数来支持自定义的 conv 层数
-4. 每次 Commit 时需要提供清晰且有意义 commit 信息
-5. 提供清晰且有意义的`拉取请求`描述
- - 标题写明白任务名称,一般格式:\[Prefix\] Short description of the pull request (Suffix)
- - prefix: 新增功能 \[Feature\], 修 bug \[Fix\], 文档相关 \[Docs\], 开发中 \[WIP\] (暂时不会被review)
- - 描述里介绍`拉取请求`的主要修改内容,结果,以及对其他部分的影响, 参考`拉取请求`模板
- - 关联相关的`议题` (issue) 和其他`拉取请求`