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This is a design document and is not necessarily updated with evolving APIs. For up-to-date examples of SDK configuration see the documentation.

Design for configuring the SDK

This document outlines some of the goals we have for user configuration of the SDK. It is a continuation of discussion started with #2022.

Target audiences

There are a few different target audiences that are related to our configuration story.

  • Application developers, aka end-users. Often have no knowledge of tracing but want to add OpenTelemetry to their app and see traces show up in a console. Application developers will increase in number forever, while the below are more constant.

  • Dev-ops / framework developers. Write components or frameworks to support providing tracing to their application developers. May write custom SDK extensions such as exporters, samplers, to fit with their internal infrastructure and as such have some familiarity with tracing at least as the SDK presents it.

  • Telemetry extension authors. Write custom SDK extensions, often to support a particular backend. Very familiar with telemetry.

  • OpenTelemetry maintainers. Write the SDK code.

When making decisions, especially about complexity, we always prioritize the application developers, then framework developers, then maintainers. This is because we expect those with less domain knowledge about tracing to require a simpler experience than those with more. There is also more bang-for-the-buck by making the end-user experience as streamlined as possible since we expect there to be much more of them than other audiences.

Goals and non-goals


  • Provide a single entrypoint to configuring the SDK. For end-users, less familiar with the SDK, we want to have everything together to provide discoverability and simpler end-user code. If there are several, clear use cases which benefit from different entrypoints, we could have multiple corresponding to each one.

  • Fit well with common Java idioms such as dependency injection, or common frameworks like Spring.

  • Reduce the chance of gotchas or configuration mishaps.

  • Aim for optimal performance of the configured SDK for the most common use case.


  • Provide the best possible experience for custom SDKs. Generally the burden of the experience for custom SDKs can fall on their authors, we optimize for our standard usage, the full SDK. Any reference to "the SDK" in this document refers to the full SDK with all signals.

  • Make sure everything is auto-configurable. This is out of the scope of the SDK, and instead is left to auto-configuration layers, which are also described below but not as part of the core SDK. The SDK provides an autoconfiguration extension as an option which is not internal to the main SDK components.

Configuring an instance of the SDK

The SDK exposes configuration options for all the signals it supports. Users all have different requirements for how they use the SDK; for example they may use different exporters depending on their backend. Because we cannot guess the configuration the user needs, we expect that the SDK must be configured by the user before it can be used.

Goals for configuring the SDK are

  • Discoverability of options
  • Ease of use by end users, e.g., less complicated code required
  • Avoid requiring duplicate configuration, which can lead to errors or confusion
  • Provide good defaults where possible

In Java, the builder pattern is common for configuring instances. Let's look at what that may look like. The simplest configuration will be when a user wants to get a default experience, exporting with a specific exporter to an endpoint.

The SDK builder will simply accept its components as builder parameters. It only allows setting SDK implementations and is not meant for use with partial SDKs.

class OpenTelemetrySdkBuilder {
  public OpenTelemetrySdkBuilder setTracerProvider(SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider);
  public OpenTelemetrySdkBuilder setPropagators(ContextPropagators propagators);
  public OpenTelemetrySdk buildAndRegisterGlobal();
  public OpenTelemetrySdk build();

Metrics are yet GA and must be configured separately. Eventually, metrics configuration will become part of the OpenTelemetrySdkBuilder.

A very simple configuration may look like this.

class HelloWorld {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider =

    OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetry =

    SdkMeterProvider meterProvider = SdkMeterProvider.builder().build();


  • Exports spans using OTLP to collector-service
    • Uses the BatchSpanProcessor.
  • Exports metrics using OTLP to collector-service
    • Uses the IntervalMetricReader
  • Uses ParentBased(AlwaysOn) sampler
  • Uses standard random IDs
  • Uses a default Resource which simply consists of the SDK (or any other resources we decide to) include in the core SDK, not extensions
  • Uses the default Clock, which uses Java 8 / 9+ optimized APIs for getting time
    • The only real reason a user would set this is for unit tests, not for production
  • Enforces default numeric limits related to number of attribute, etc
  • Enables single w3c propagator

Because the exporting is often the only aspect an end user needs to configure, this is the simplest possible API for configuring the SDK.

Let's look at a more complicated example

class HelloWorld {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Resource resource = Resource.getDefault().merge(CoolResource.getDefault());
    Clock clock = AtomicClock.create();
    SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider =

    OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetry =

    OpenTelemetrySdk openTelemetryForJaegerBackend =

    SdkMeterProvider meterProvider =

This configures resource, clock, exporters, span processors, propagators, sampler, trace limits, and metrics. It configures two SDKs with different propagators. We unfortunately cannot achieve our goal of only setting a property once - Resource and Clock are shared among signals but configured repeatedly. An alternative is to flatten all settings onto OpenTelemetrySdkBuilder - this has a downside that it makes it very natural to create new tracer / meter providers for each configuration of the SDK, which could result in a lot of duplication of resources like threads, workers, TCP connections. So instead, this can make it clearer that those signals themselves are full-featured, and OpenTelemetry is just a bag of signals.

Keep in mind, reconfiguring Clock is expected to be an extremely uncommon operation.

Another thing to keep in mind is that it will be less common for an application developer to go this far and we can expect it is actually framework developers that use the full configuration capabilities of the SDK, likely by tying it to a separate configuration system.

Why build instances

We have found that even at such an early stage of user adoption, users want to build instances of the SDK.

  • Integrates with dependency injection, e.g., Spring, in a similar way as many other libraries
  • Can allow having multiple instances in the same app, in multi-concern single-classloader scenarios
  • Allow managing lifecycle of SDK, e.g., shutting down and starting along with the lifecycle of a serverless runtime

Configuring the SDK in a framework

It is extremely common for Java apps to be written using a dependency injection framework like Spring, Guice, Dagger, HK, and many more. They will all follow a very similar pattern though.

public class OpenTelemetryModule {
    public Resource resource() {
        return Resource.getDefault().merge(CoolResource.getDefault());

    public Clock otelClock() {
        return AtomicClock.create();

    public TracerSdkProvider tracerProvider(Resource resource, Clock clock, MonitoringConfig config) {
        return SdkTracerProvider.builder()
                config.getSamplingRatio() != 0
                    ? Sampler.traceIdRatioBased(config.getSamplingRatio())
                    : Sampler.parentBased(Sampler.alwaysOn()))

    public MeterSdkProvider meterProvider(Resource resource, Clock clock) {
        return SdkMeterProvider.builder()

    public IntervalMetricReader metricReader(SdkMeterProvider meterProvider) {
        return IntervalMetricReader.builder()

    public OpenTelemetry openTelemetry(SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider, SdkMeterProvider meterProvider) {
        return OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()

    public OpenTelemetry openTelemetryJaeger(SdkTracerProvider tracerProvider, SdkMeterProvider meterProvider) {
        return OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()

    public AuthServiceStub authService(@ForJaeger OpenTelemetry openTelemetry, AuthConfig config) {
        return AuthServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(ManagedChannelBuilder.forEndpoint(config.getEndpoint()))

    public ServletFilter servletFilter(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {
        return TracingServletFilter.create(openTelemetry);

// Use some instrumented client
public class MyAuthInterceptor {

  private final AuthServiceStub authService;

  public MyAuthInterceptor(AuthServiceStub authService) {
    this.authService = authService;

  public void doAuth() {
    if (!authService.getToken("credential").isAuthenticated()) {
      throw new HackerException();

// Use tracer directly, not so common
public class MyService {

  private final Tracer tracer;
  private final Meter meter;

  public MyService(TracerProvider tracerProvider, MeterProvider meterProvider) {
    tracer = tracerProvider.get("my-service");
    meter = meterProvider.get("my-service");

  public void doLogic() {
    Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("logic").startSpan();
    try (Scope ignored = span.makeCurrent()) {
    } finally {

The global instance of the SDK

A built instance is convenient to use in most Java apps because of dependency injection. Because it has a easy-to-reason initialization ordering, being tied into the dependency ordering (even if dependency injection happened to be done manually through constructor invocation), we encourage application developers to only use it.

However, there are corner cases where an instance cannot be injected. The famous example is MySQL - MySQL interceptors are initialized by calling a default constructor, and there is no way to pass a built instance of a signal provider. For this case, we must store an SDK instance into a global variable. It is expected that frameworks or end-users will set the SDK as the global to support instrumentation that requires this.

Before an SDK has been set, access to the global OpenTelemetry will return a no-op DefaultOpenTelemetry. This is because it is possible library instrumentation is using the global, and it may even use it during the processing of a request (rather than only at initialization time). For this reason, we cannot throw an exception. Instead, if the SDK is detected on the classpath, we will log a SEVERE warning once-only indicating the API has been accessed before the SDK configured with directions on how a user could solve the problem. SDKs must be configured early in an application to ensure it applies to all of the logic in the app, and this will generally be ensured by the configuration framework such as Spring. For application developers, this restriction should not have any effect one way or the other in the vast majority of cases.

MySQL is the only known corner case that requires the global SDK instance. If such a corner case didn't exist, we may not even support it in the first place.

See special note about Java Agent below though.

Telemetry within SDK components

SDK components, such as exporters or remote samplers, may want to emit telemetry for their own processing. However, the SDK components must be initialized before the SDK can be fully built. We do not support partially built SDK because one cannot reason about the behavior of it. Similarly we do not support using the global instance of the SDK before it has been built. Therefore, SDK components that require OpenTelemetry must accept it lazily. This is a restriction, but given such components are rarely developed by application developers, and generally developed by either framework authors or OpenTelemetry maintainers, this restriction is deemed reasonable.

If this mechanism was built into the SDK, it may look like

interface OpenTelemetryComponent {
  default void setOpenTelemetry(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {}
interface SpanExporter extends OpenTelemetryComponent {
public class BatchExporter implements SpanExporter {

  private volatile Tracer tracer;

  public void setOpenTelemetry(OpenTelemetry openTelemetry) {
        tracer = openTelemetry.getTracerProvider().get("spanexporter");

  public void export() {
        Tracer tracer = this.tracer;
        if (tracer != null) {
public class OpenTelemetrySdkBuilder {
    public OpenTelemetrySdkBuilder addSpanExporter(SpanExporter exporter) {

    public OpenTelemetrySdkBuilder setSampler(Sampler sampler) {

    public OpenTelemetry build() {
        OpenTelemetrySdk sdk = new OpenTelemetrySdk(,;
        for (OpenTelemetryComponent component : components) {

A framework author will have an even easier time since most dependency injection frameworks natively support lazy injection.

public class MonitoringModule {

    public Tracer tracer(TracerProvider tracerProvider) {
    return tracerProvider.get("spanexporter");

public class MyExporter implements SpanExporter {

    private Lazy<Tracer> tracer;

    public MyExporter(@ForSpanExporter Lazy<Tracer> tracer) {
    this.tracer = tracer;

    public void export() {

Immutability of OpenTelemetry configuration

The above attempts to avoid allowing a built SDK to be mutated, e.g., it is shallow immutable. Allowing mutation can make code harder to reason about (any component, even deep in business logic, could update the SDK without hindrance), can reduce performance (require volatile read on most operations), and produce thread safety issues if not well implemented. In particular, compared to the current state as of writing,

  • TracerSdkManagement.addSpanProcessor is not needed. We needed a mutable SDK to allow span processors to use global APIs for telemetry, but because we instead push the complexity of handling [telemetry within SDK components](#Telemetry within SDK components) to those components, where the maintainers will have more domain knowledge. It allows this mutator method to be removed from the end-user API.

  • TracerSdkManagement.updateTraceConfig - instead of allowing replacing of the config at the top level, we should consider making TraceConfig an interface, and the SDK default implementation is a simple implementation that always returns a constant configuration. It allows the above benefits of immutability to be in place for the common case where dynamic updates are not needed. Where dynamic updates are needed, it can be replaced with a mutable implementation instead of making the SDK configuration mutable. This keeps update methods out of the end-user APIs and will generally give framework developers more control by handling dynamicism themselves without the chance of end-users to affect it negatively. For example, spring-boot may wire trace config updates to actuator, its admin interface, and does not have to worry about business logic side-stepping this mechanism by calling updateTraceConfig.

Some highly buggy code that could be enabled by mutability.

class SleuthUsingService {

  private OpenTelemetry openTelemetry;

  public void doLogic() {
    // My logic is important, so always sample it!
    OpenTelemetrySdk.getTracerManagement().updateTraceConfig(config -> config.setSampler(ALWAYS_ON));
    // This service was able to affect other services, even though Sleuth intends to
    // "manage the SDK". Unlike the javaagent, it can't block access to SDK methods we may provide.

Library instrumentation

As the configuration of observability is contained on OpenTelemetry instances, it is expected that library instrumentation accept an OpenTelemetry instance, often as a builder for their e.g., tracing interceptor, when configuring observability.


The above presents programmatic configuration for the SDK and proposes that the core SDK has no other mechanism for configuration. There is no SPI nor processing of environment variables or system properties. There are many mechanisms for configuration, for example Spring Boot. Integration with these systems becomes easier to reason about if we consider auto-configuration at a layer above the core SDK.

Java Auto-Instrumentation Agent

Java Auto-Instrumentation Agent is the primary means of automatically configuring the SDK. It contains system properties, environment variables, and SPIs for allowing a user to have a fully setup tracing configuration just by applying the agent. In fact, the agent does not even allow a user to use the SDK directly, actively blocking it. Instead of having a situation where some configuration is automatic in the core SDK and some in the agent, we can move it all to the agent. The agent already exposes exporter SPIs - it can also expose SPIs for customization of the SDK components that are manually configured above.

  • We could consider having a very similar autoconfiguration wrapper artifact as an SDK extension too. But we would assume the core SDK is always manually configured.

To allow users of the agent to apply tracing to their own code, the agent should attempt to instrument dependency injection to provide an instance of OpenTelemetry using the agent-configured SDK, for example it should add it to the Spring ApplicationContext. For cases where dependency injection is not available, though, there is no option but to provide access to the SDK through a global variable. We can expect such usage to still function correctly even if the agent is removed and a different configuration mechanism is used, such as manual configuration as above, or Spring Sleuth.

SDK Auto-Configuration Wrapper

For non-agent users, we can still provide a non-programmatic solution for configuring the SDK - it can be a different artifact which contains SPIs similar to what we have currently, supports environment variables and other auto-configuration. A single entrypoint method, initialize() could determine the configuration, initialize OpenTelemetry, and set it as the global. As this artifact is in our control, it would be reasonable for opentelemetry-api to check the classpath for the presence of the wrapper and invoke it automatically.

Spring Sleuth

Spring Sleuth (or any similar observability-aware server framework such as curio-server-framework or internal frameworks developed by devops teams at companies) is also a mechanism for automatically configuring the SDK. In general, we would expect Sleuth users to not be using the java agent.

Examples of how Sleuth could work are presented above in examples using @Bean. In particular, we expect it to have its own set of configuration properties - by making sure we don't implement configuration properties in the core SDK, only configuration layers like the agent or a possible configuration wrapper, we avoid the possibility of confusion by having duplicate variables (in practice, OpenTelemetry naming would likely be ignored and overwritten by Spring naming).

Partial SDKs

We allow implementing particular signals of the OpenTelemetry API without using our SDK. For example, a MeterProvider may be implemented with micrometer. For this reason, each signal must also present all of its options in the form of, e.g., TracerSdkProviderBuilder. We expect the vast majority of users to use OpenTelemetrySdkBuilder - while there is some duplication with the signal provider builder, it is work maintainers can do to present the simplest interface for the most common use case of using the whole SDK.

Without SPI, the way to initialize a partial SDK would be to use DefaultOpenTelemetry.

public OpenTelemetry openTelemetry() {
  return DefaultOpenTelemetry.builder()

As this should be a fairly minor use case, and commonly handled by framework developers, this seems reasonable. We can also hope that where it is important, it is the author of partial SDKs that provide a one-stop-shop entrypoint.

public OpenTelemetry openTelemetry() {
  return OpenTelemetrySdkWithMicrometer.builder()

Alternatives considered

Always allow using the global OpenTelemetry

We discuss some [advantages](#Immutability of OpenTelemetry configuration) of OpenTelemetry not being mutable. One of the main side effects of this decision is not allowing the global to be used before it is configured. An alternative approach may start with a core that is mutated when configured, and global usage would still be valid even if references are made before configuration. The lifecycle becomes difficult to reason about i.e., when is OpenTelemetry actually ready for use? Dependency injection makes it explicit, global doesn't. It also seems to have performance implications for less common end-user use cases (dynamic config) or for reasons that non-end-users can handle (telemetry within telemetry).

SPI loading of OpenTelemetry components

We could detect OpenTelemetry components using SPI, but we don't expect partial SDKs to be so common. Instead of an inside-out approach of initializing a partial SDK within our code, we can instead just encourage an outside-in approach where a partial-SDK-specific wrapper is created. This reduces the magic in configuring OpenTelemetry, it all happens through our single entry-point.