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YANG authoring guidelines for OpenConfig models

Contributors: Anees Shaikh, Rob Shakir, Kristian Larsson
October 26, 2015
Updated: June 2, 2019


This document describes conventions adopted in the OpenConfig operator group when writing YANG modules. YANG is a domain-specific language for describing configuration and operational state data for networking systems, protocols, and software. The official language specification is maintained by the IETF NETMOD working group. The current version of the language is 1.0, with version 1.1 expected to be ratified and released soon.

General guidelines

IETF guidelines

OpenConfig YANG modules adopt some rules from IETF modeling standards, including some of those defined in RFC 6087.

Module compilation

All YANG modules should be validated / compiled with pyang using the following flags:

pyang --strict --lint <module>*

All errors and warnings should be corrected before submitting or posting any modules. Use of the --lint flag will cause pyang to check for most of the guidelines mentioned in RFC 6087. Adding the --ietf flag will also check for conventions required to submit OpenConfig models to the IETF when appropriate.

*: The --lint flag was introduced in pyang v1.6.

Line length

Per IETF formatting guidelines, lines should be no more than 70 characters (also checked by the --ietf flag).

Module template

OpenConfig has adapted the example template from RFC 6087 as a starting point for writing new YANG modules (see the Appendix).

Modeling operational state

OpenConfig has adopted a structural convention for YANG models that emphasizes the importance of modeling operational state (i.e., monitoring and telemetry data), in addition to configuration data. At a high level, this convention uses specially named config and state containers, in every subtree to explicitly indicate configuration and operational state data. The rationale and details for this convention are described in an IETF draft.

These conventions are reflected in naming and structure of YANG groupings and containers as described in more detail in the corresponding sections of this document.

Top-level data nodes vs. groupings

In general, directly defined data nodes should be avoided in all modules. Instead, define the top-level container or other data nodes in a grouping, and then instantiate it once in the module with a uses statement.

This allows maximum reuse of data definitions across models, and also makes it easier to compose models using simple imports.

Modules should generally have a single xxx-top grouping that allows it to be instantiated in other modules. This top-level grouping should not have any self-augmentations.

Module version

Every module must have an openconfig-version statement indicating its semantic version number. This statement is a YANG extension defined in the openconfig-extensions module. The YANG revision statement should reference semantic version.

oc-ext:openconfig-version "0.4.0";

  revision "2016-05-31" {
      "Public release";
    reference "0.4.0";

Individual YANG modules are versioned independently -- the semantic version is generally incremented only when there is a change in the corresponding file. Submodules, however, must have the same semantic version as their parent modules. Further details on versioning rules are available in the definition of the openconfig-version extension in the openconfig-extensions.yang module.

YANG style conventions

Style conventions describe guidelines related to conventions used in writing YANG modules.


Module naming

YANG modules should have filenames of the form openconfig-<function>.yang. The ‘openconfig’ prefix indicates that the module is originated by the OpenConfig operator group.

Examples: openconfig-bgp.yang, openconfig-mpls.yang, openconfig-interfaces.yang

Submodule naming

Related module and submodule filenames should be named openconfig-<function>-<subfunction>.yang.

Examples: openconfig-bgp-policy.yang, openconfig-mpls-te.yang, openconfig-if-ethernet.yang

Grouping naming

Grouping names should make it easy to quickly understand the nature of the data within. A suggested convention is xxx-yyy[-config|state|top], where xxx is the top-level module name (without the openconfig prefix), yyy is a string which indicates the contents of the groupings.

For data that will be placed in a container, three groupings should be created:

  • xxx-yyy-config -- configuration (read/write) leaves or leaf-lists
  • xxx-yyy-state -- operational state (read-only) leaves or leaf-lists
  • xxx-yyy-top -- a top-level grouping that defines the container structure, with the enclosing container, and the config and state containers within.

See the example in the Appendix.

Prefix naming

Each module requires a prefix statement with a prefix that other dependent modules will use (also used in path references within the same module). Prefixes should be short and clear, with abbreviations as appropriate.

Module prefixes should be of the form oc-xxx[-yyy]

Examples: oc-types, oc-lldp, oc-if-ethernet

Path references

Intra-model paths

For leafrefs, XPaths, augments, etc. use relative paths when referencing nodes in the same module.

Inter-model paths

For references external to the module (i.e., in another namespace), absolute paths may be used.


In most cases, identifiers in YANG modules, e.g., names of leaves, lists, containers, etc. are lower case with dashes between words. Further details below.


enum values within an enumeration type should be UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES, keeping with conventions used for enumerated types in many programming languages. They MUST begin with an alphanumeric character (A-Z or 0-9), optionally followed by a "_" or "." or additional alphanumeric characters (A-Z or 0-9).


   type enumeration {
     enum ACCEPT_ROUTE {
       description "default policy to accept the route";
     enum REJECT_ROUTE {
       description "default policy to reject the route";


YANG identities allow the definition of a "base" constant and additional values that act as "derived" types -- identity values, including base identities, should be UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES.

Since identities are most often implemented as enumerations in language bindings, it is helpful to follow the same convention as with enumerations. Identities should be upper case such that where an identityref is used in preference to an enumeration, this is transparent to the entity interacting with the model.


    "Type of optical fiber connector";

identity SC_CONNECTOR {
    "SC type fiber connector";

identity LC_CONNECTOR {
    "LC type fiber connector";

YANG language usage

Language rules describe guidelines on use of specific YANG language statements, including how modules should be structured and parsed.


YANG list keys should be quoted:

list interfaces {
  key "name";

list servers {
  key "address port";

YANG requires leaf nodes that are list keys to be direct descendants of the list statement. Since key leaf nodes must also be members of the list data, they will generally reside in a config or state container (see Modeling operational state). Hence, the list key leaf nodes should be of type leafref with a path pointing to the corresponding "actual" leaf in the config or state container.

List keys must reference a direct child of the config or state container - rather than referencing descendends in the state container (structure is not allowed within the config container by other rules). That is to say a key leafref may have a path of ../state/foo but is not allowed to have a path ../state/counters/foo.

grouping interfaces-config {

  leaf name {

grouping interfaces-list-top
  list interface {
    key "name";

    leaf name {
      type leafref {
        path "../config/name";

    container config {

      uses interfaces-config;


Lists should have an enclosing container with no other data nodes inside it.

container interfaces {

  list interface {

Lists without keys must not be used unless the openconfig-extensions atomic extension is set for the list's surrounding container. Some transport protocols (e.g., gNMI) do not have a mechanism to refer to individual elements within a list with no key, and this ensures that telemetry updates for such lists include all elements, rather than partial updates being sent.


Use of presence containers should be avoided.

Presence containers express implicit configuration semantics, which is more difficult for management systems to interpret. An alternative is to use an explicit "enabled" leaf (or similar) to make activation of the corresponding configuration explicit. Presence containers are also incompatible with hierarchical models in which lower levels inherit configuration from higher levels.

Presence containers in YANG reflect CLIs which turn configuration on or off with a single feature keyword, e.g., signalling graceful-restart, rather than signalling graceful-restart enable.

feature and if-feature

Use of if-feature should be avoided.

The feature and if-feature statements are to define an optional feature and designate specific data as part of the optional feature. OpenConfig models are vendor-neutral and intended to express an operationally complete set of features. Non-compliance by implementors should be expressed by deviation files rather than if-feature.

To add extensions or additional features to a model beyond the base OpenConfig model, vendors and implementors should rather use YANG augmentations or extension modules.


Use of choice statements should be avoided where possible.

YANG offers choice statements as an analog to case/switch statements in other languages. However, choice nodes do not appear in the actual data instances, or in schema paths -- they are used primarily for validating instance data to ensure that only one of the sets of data appears.


choice bandwidth {
  case explicit {
    leaf bw-value {
      type uint32;
  case auto {
    leaf min {
      type uint32;
    leaf max {
      type uint32;

The corresponding path to the bw-value leaf in the example is .../bw-value rather than .../bandwidth/explicit/bw-value which is much clearer.

Since very few nodes in the model generally need to be made mandatory, an alternative approach is allow both options to appear in the data and rely on separate semantic validation in the management system or device to flag an invalid combination.

If a conditional set of values is really needed, a when statement could be used to validate that certain data is allowed in the data instance.


leaf bandwidth-set {
  type enumeration {
    enum AUTO;
    enum EXPLICIT;
container explicit {
  when "../bandwidth-set = EXPLICIT";
  leaf bw-value {
container auto {
  when "../bandwidth-set = AUTO";
  leaf min {
  leaf max {

In this approach all nodes appear in schema paths, and the when statement still allows the management system to validate instance data.


Avoid complex XPath expressions. The goal is to keep it simple, both for the sake of readability but also so that the OpenConfig models can be used in environments that only support a basic set of XPath functions.

The following guidelines should be followed when using XPath expressions in models:

  • tests should use simple operators, like equality - avoid complex data manipulation in the XPath rules
  • paths used in XPath should always be relative where possible
  • only use the following YANG 1.0 functions:
  • and
  • current
  • not
  • or
  • avoid using any of the new XPath types that are included in YANG 1.1

Regular expressions

Use regular expressions available in the POSIX Extended Regular Expressions standard.

The YANG language specification lists the W3C XML Schema specification as its reference for regular expressions. However, this is not a commonly used standard for implementors.


Example groupings for containers

grouping rsvp-graceful-restart-config {
    "Configuration data ";

grouping rsvp-graceful-restart-state {
    "Operational state data ";

grouping rsvp-graceful-restart-top {
    "Top-level grouping ";

  container graceful-restart {
      "Top-level container ";

    container config {
        "Configuration data ";

      uses rsvp-graceful-restart-config;

    container state {

      config false;

        "Operational state data ";

      uses rsvp-graceful-restart-config;
      uses rsvp-graceful-restart-state;

OpenConfig YANG module template

module openconfig- {

  yang-version "1";

  // namespace
  namespace "";

  prefix "";

  // import some basic types
  import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }

  // meta
  organization "OpenConfig working group";

    "OpenConfig working group";

    "This module ";

  revision "" {
      "Initial revision";
    reference "TBD";

  // extension statements

  // feature statements

  // identity statements

  // typedef statements

  // grouping statements

  // data definition statements

  // augment statements

  // rpc statements

  // notification statements
