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union_replace gNMI method

1. Objective

There is an operational goal to ensure a network operating system’s (NOS) complete operating configuration state is matched to the intended configuration state. A simple way to guarantee this is by generating the entire configuration for the device and replacing whatever configuration the device currently has. This declarative specification of the configuration is colloquially referred to as ‘full config replace’. Although the concept is simple enough, there are portions of the configuration which may not be modeled in OpenConfig.

2. Definitions

2.1 Network Operating System (NOS)

The operating system running on a network device which provides the management interfaces.

2.2 OpenConfig Configuration (OC)

OC is defined as a set of OpenConfig working group approved YANG models. The encoding for OC is defined in the gNMI specification. The origin for a path in gNMI is by default (empty) OC or may be explicitly stated as origin:openconfig. Vendor augmentations to the OC models should be regarded as being part of origin:openconfig.

2.3 Native YANG Configuration (NY)

NY is defined as a set of YANG models which are proprietary to a network operating system (NOS). The origin of this configuration must be origin:<nos_native>. The NOS determines the value for <nos_native>. Example values for <nos_native> might include: mynos_native or anothernos_native or any string which indicates the NOS name and the native designation.

2.4 Native CLI Configuration (CLI)

CLI configuration is defined as the NOS command line interface text used for configuration. In gNMI, this is encoded as ASCII text. The format of the ASCII text is agreed to out of band from gNMI. The origin of this configuration must be origin:<nos_cli>. Example values might include: xros_cli, junos_cli, srlinux_cli or any string which indicates the NOS name and the CLI designation.

2.5 Startup configuration

The configuration a device will load and use as the running configuration after the base operating system has booted.

2.6 Running or Active configuration

The configuration which is in effect on the device.

2.7 Boot Config

The operating system (Linux) boot configuration which provides key-value data when booting the kernel. This is not the device startup configuration. Boot config items are managed by bootz.

2.8 bootz

bootz describes structured data and API for taking a device from factory defaults to a ready for production state. bootz is intended to replace secure zero touch provisioning (sZTP) solutions.

Bootz defines partitions or namespaces for NOS configuration items and an order for applying these namespaces to the NOS. This is described briefly later in this document and in detail at the bootz repository.

2.9 gNSI

gNSI is referenced here as it allows for restricting access to OC and NY paths with it's pathz method. In addition, when bootz is enabled the namespace controlled by gNSI must also be restricted from access by gNMI.

Explicit access to gNSI restricted paths using a gNMI SetRequest, the SetRequest must be rejected with an error.

2.10 Configuration item

A configuration item is any attribute that may be assigned some value that is then stored in a NOS that affects the behavior of the NOS or its supported services.

2.11 Full Device Configuration

This term must be avoided. Because each NOS varies in which configuration items are part of its native configuration, this term must not be used to describe the intended configuration of a device. Examples of the variation in what is included in a ‘full device configuration’ include NOS specific knobs, hardware specific configuration, kernel boot information and security configuration items.

2.12 Dynamic configuration

Configuration affected by a gNMI SetRequest is defined to be Dynamic Configuration. The term ‘Dynamic’ is used because gNMI configuration is expected to be modified from time to time while the NOS is operationally in service and forwarding traffic.

2.13 Security configuration

Security configuration is a special case of dynamic configuration and is managed by gNSI.

2.14 Bootstrap configuration

This is the configuration necessary to boot and make a factory default NOS manageable by gNMI. This is inclusive of the ‘boot configuration’ defined earlier, but also adds additional configuration needed to set initial security login parameters, configure IP network connectivity for management purposes and enable services such as gNMI, gNOI and gNSI.

2.15 Factory default configuration

The configuration that is present on the device when it is powered on for the first time by the user.

3. Problem Statement

3.1 The need for mixed origin configuration

Defining the true, full configuration of network devices using OpenConfig may not be feasible at some point in time for several reasons. First, the features to be configured may not have 100% coverage in OpenConfig (OC) models. This may be due to gaps in the OC modeling or gaps in vendor implementation of the OC modeling.

Second, there are some configuration items which describe features that are vendor proprietary and are not clearly in scope for today’s charter of OpenConfig (e.g., vendor-specific hardware details). Third, there is an operational use case to do emergency overrides of various config bits until proper modeling and abstractions can be created. This configuration must be able to remove or replace other parts of the configuration and so must be applied last in the configuration. A phrase to capture this requirement is "exception configlets”.

Therefore it is necessary to have some method to perform configuration using both device native configuration and OpenConfig.

Note, there are portions of configuration that are necessary to preserve even in a “full configuration replace” scenario. Bootz defines the use cases and approach for how to preserve configuration items, even when the configuration items are expressed in different origins.

3.2 What origins are to be mixed?

There are two key use cases for mixing configuration schemas:

A network operator is transitioning from existing CLI-based configuration generation to OpenConfig, and wants to achieve this incrementally. This, by definition, requires mixing CLI text with OpenConfig modeled output. A network operator wants to produce entirely modeled configuration, but needs a schema other than OpenConfig to express some features, as discussed in the previous section.

Thus, mixed schema must handle two combinations:

  • OC and CLI
  • OC and NY

Note, it is assumed that both the native schema and CLI model the entire configuration surface area of the device. There is no requirement to support OC, CLI & NY at the same time.

Furthermore note that these origins contain contents that overlap – which is the motivation for the union_replace operation. Where origins are entirely disjoint, they can be manipulated independently (whether in the same SetRequest or different ones) since there is no interdependency between them.

4. Device behavior for single-origin SetRequests

4.1 Replace operation for Origin CLI behavior

We first define a scenario to perform a replace of configuration items with only CLI origin (not mixed origins). Origin CLI does not support addressing a path and is therefore interpreted as the empty path, / (ie: the “root” path) which implies the entire contents of the CLI origin. If bootz or gNSI are enabled then the gNMI SetRequest MUST not replace any bootz or gNSI managed configuration items. In other words, the CLI origin replace only replaces the configuration items in the dynamic config namespace.

When performing a gNMI SetRequest replace operation, the entire configuration that the CLI manages (subject to the namespace rules) should be ‘erased’ and replaced with the contents of the CLI ASCII blob value. It is acknowledged that the entire CLI configuration may contain configuration items which overlap with other origins. CLI replace should only erase configuration that is writable by CLI. For example, certificates should not be erased by a SetRequest in a scenario where installation of certificates is not managed by CLI.

This achieves a replacement of the dynamic CLI configuration without the need for knowledge of what was already configured before.

A gNMI SetRequest replace operation using origin CLI must use only one replace operation which contains the entire contents of the desired CLI configuration. One or more update operations may follow the replace operation. The contents of the update are appended to the contents of that specified in the replace operation.

Note, in a gNMI SetRequest the delete, replace and update operations are performed in order as prescribed by the gNMI specification. In origin CLI, the delete operation is unsupported.

4.2 Replace operation for path based Native Origin behavior

A replace operation for path based native origins should be performed in the same way as OpenConfig as defined in gNMI Specification section 3.4.

5 Device behavior for mixed native/CLI OC origin SetRequests

5.1 Objective

For this use case, the goal is to use OC wherever possible and a native origin only where OC support is lacking. The configuration generation software must understand the device specific impact of native origin commands and their interaction with OC, if any.

5.2 Requirements for SetRequest with 2 origins

Requirements are defined where 2 origins are present in a SetRequest. Note, in the below requirements, the use of “ SetRequest operation” refers to the type of operations used in a SetRequest message.

5.2.2 union_replace operation containing a native origin and origin OpenConfig

A new operation named union_replace is introduced to meet the “full configuration replace” goal using exactly one of NY or CLI, along with OC.

In this scenario, the target should replace the contents of its underlying configuration using the union of the contents of the union_replace operation. Union means the target must join the contents (e.g., the native and OpenConfig) together to form a single configuration change which replaces the entire configuration of the target. If the target cannot join the contents together or replace the configuration, the target MUST return an error.

An abstract set of steps a target may use to achieve union_replace behavior are:

  1. If using CLI origin, create a candidate configuration using factory defaults within the applicable namespace. For example a NOS factory default configuration may assert that all ports, except a single management port are shutdown. The NOS may also assert that a DHCP client is enabled on the single management port and that protocols like BGP and ISIS are not instantiated and therefore are also not enabled.

    When using union_replace, the user is expecting to assert all configuration items needed to ensure the device has the intended state. For example, if a device factory default configuration includes an admin account and the user wants this removed, the user must include the negation of that user in the union_replace.

    If using NY origin, create a candidate configuration using the current running configuration. Because a NY origin has a path structure, the user can control which portion of the tree should be replaced, including the entire NY tree.

  2. Union the native data with the OC paths data and apply this to the candidate configuration. The union behavior is described in 5.3 Union behavior options.

  3. If an error is experienced when performing the union, the target responds to the RPC with a canonical error code of INVALID_ARGUMENT and SHOULD populate the error details with sufficient information for the union operation’s failure to be debugged.

  4. Replace the running configuration with the candidate configuration.

  5. If an error occurs when performing the configuration replacement the existing gNMI specification 3.4.3 applies. The target rolls back all configuration changes. The target responds to the RPC with a canonical error code of INTERNAL and SHOULD populate the error details with sufficient information for the replacement operation’s failure to be debugged.

5.3 Union behavior options

This section describes how the union between native and OC should be performed. Different scenarios are described for handling CLI vs. Native origin union with OpenConfig. In addition, there are two options for handling errors in the union process. A NOS must assert which error handling option is implemented in its documentation.

5.3.1 Union behavior for CLI and OpenConfig

As the origins are joined together, the precedence specified (per origin) should be followed to determine the order in which they are applied. The concept of precedence is defined in bootz.

bootz defines CLI to be precedence 100, and origin: openconfig to be precedence 110. Configuration is merged in the reverse precedence order. For example, precedence 0 should be merged last, overriding any higher precedence value. A Set operation specifying union_replace for both CLI and OC origins should be performed as follows:

  1. Create a candidate configuration using factory defaults.
    • Factory defaults are used because CLI is expected to represent the entire configuration, subject to any partitioning rules of bootz and gNSI.
  2. Process OC paths, replacing the relevant configuration items in the candidate configuration. This includes OC default values.
  3. Process CLI items merging them to the candidate configuration. Generate an error if there is conflict between OC and CLI as defined below. Conflict and resolution is defined in 5.3.3.

5.3.2 Union behavior for Native and OpenConfig

We define a native origin to be precedence 100, and origin: openconfig to be precedence 110. A Set operation specifying union_replace operation for both native and openconfig origins MUST be performed as follows. Additional consideration is required because the native yang for a device is (by definition) modeled and hence the path in the message must be considered.

  1. Create a candidate config using the current running configuration.
    1. Running configuration is used because the NY paths may be a subtree.
  2. Process OC paths, replacing the relevant subtree(s) in the candidate configuration. This includes OC default values.
  3. Process native paths, replacing the relevant subtree(s) in the candidate configuration. Generate an error if there is conflict between OC and Native as defined below.

5.3.3 Resolving issues with union between the origins Default values

The following rules govern how default values are applied when using two origins.

  1. Defaults from OC apply using the rules defined in the RFC7950 specification.
  2. If the same configuration item is explicitly set by both origins to the same value, then that explicit value takes effect.
  3. If a configuration item is explicitly set in one origin, but default in the other origin, then the explicit value always takes effect.
  4. If a configuration item is not set and has only a default value in both origins then the OC default takes effect.
  5. If a configuration item is explicitly set by both origins to two different values then it should be handled by one of the options in 5.3.5 below.

As a user of this specification, to ensure the desired value is applied, the safest thing to do is to explicitly specify that value within the desired origin's payload. Overlapping values in CLI and OC

Overlapping values refers to configuration items which are explicitly set by CLI and OC. Two options for how to resolve this are described. Option 1 is preferred and if supported should be indicated via documentation. Option 2 is an acceptable alternative if option 1 cannot be supported.

Option 1: Resolving issues with union of CLI and OC values with error

If a configuration item is explicitly set in CLI and OC using different values, the target MUST return an INVALID_ARGUMENT error. It may be necessary to set the same values in both CLI and OC to conform to constraints, such as list keys, which will need to be specified in both models if they are both targeting configuration towards the same logical list entries. It is up to the client to provide CLI and OC which are not in conflict.

Option 2: Resolving issues with merging CLI and OC by overwriting

When applying CLI or NY data to the candidate configuration, overwrite any configuration item already present following the order of merge precedence.

5.3.4 Overlapping values in NY and OC

Where a pathed, NY origin configuration item overlaps with OC, the target MUST return an INVALID_ARGUMENT error. It is up to the client to provide the native schema and OC which are not in conflict.

5.3.5 Example of resolving default values

Here are two examples of when to use OC or CLI defaults in a SetRequest.

Scenario A

ISIS is configured in OC, but the option for ISIS flex-algorithm which at the moment does not exist in the OC schema, is configured using CLI. In this case, the OC defaults for ISIS should take effect for the OC paths used. Flex-algo should also be applied, using any relevant CLI defaults.

Scenario B

The BGP tree is configured using OC and ISIS is configured using CLI. In this case, the OC defaults should be applied to BGP and the CLI defaults for ISIS should apply.

Figure 1 - union_replace state machine

6 Examples

6.1 Examples of expected configuration work flows

  1. Feature A is supported on CLI and configured via CLI
  2. at a later time in a later s/w release, feature A becomes accessible via OC
  3. configuration push omits the configuration in CLI and includes it in OC via union_replace.
  4. The expected union_replace behavior is that the feature remains configured and no error is returned. Abstracted from the client, the 'view' containing the feature is changed from CLI to OC.

6.3 union_replace example

union_replace: {
  path: {
    origin: "acme_cli"
  val: {
    ascii_val: "
 hostname myhost"
union_replace: {
  path: {
    elem: {
      name: "network-instances"
    elem: {
      name: "network-instance"
      key: {
        key: "name"
        value: "mgmtVrf"
    elem: {
      name: "interfaces"
    elem: {
      name: "interface"
      key: {
        key: "id"
        value: "Management0"
  val: {
      "  \"openconfig-network-instance:config\": {"
      "    \"id\": \"Management0\""
      "  },"
      "  \"openconfig-network-instance:id\": \"Management0\""

7. gNSI, bootz and gNMI interoperation

Configuration affected by a gNMI SetRequest is defined to be Dynamic Configuration. The term ‘Dynamic’ is used because this configuration is expected to be modified while the NOS is running. Security configuration is a special case of dynamic configuration and is managed by gNSI. Configuration necessary to boot and make a factory default NOS manageable by gNMI is defined as bootz configuration.

bootz boot_config can be expressed as OC, NY and CLI. Bootz defines an order (or precedence) to apply the configuration name spaces to the NOS. The order is dynamic configuration, followed by boot_config configuration, followed by gNSI configuration. That is, first apply dynamic configuration, then apply the boot_config (set by bootz) which may override dynamic configuration. Finally, apply gNSI configuration which may override dynamic and boot_config.

Note that bootz may configure gNSI values. This is treated as gNSI config, using the gNSI interface. The order of config application still follows the dynamic -> boot_config -> gnsi order.

A common operational scenario is to update the bootconfig of an otherwise fully operational device that contains dynamic, boot_config and gnsi configuration. In this example, gnoi.BootConfig.SetBootConfig contains a boot_config which replaces the boot_config on the device. The preexisting dynamic and gnsi configurations are untouched. When the device reboots, the order of config application follows the dynamic -> boot_config -> gnsi order.

When enabled, gNSI and bootz each reserve exclusive write access to the configuration items they manage. gNSI pathz may also be used to restrict read access. Since bootz specifies boot_config uses native configuration, the target MUST define, out of band, which configuration items are in scope of bootz which will no longer be accessible to gNMI, regardless of origin.

When a gNMI replace or union_replace operation is performed, the gNSI and bootz configuration items MUST not be affected. If an openconfig path or cli configuration item that is in scope of gNSI or bootz is explicitly referenced in a gNMI SetRequest, the SetRequest should be rejected with an error. If this behavior is not feasible, an acceptable alternative is to apply configuration in the precedence order specified in bootz (OC -> NY -> CLI -> bootz -> gNSI).

8. References